Biology Quiz 2 Flashcards
The part of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body; resets body; returns system to normalcy
Parasympathetic Nervous System
The sensory and motor neurons that connect the CNS to the rest of the body; motor commands from the CNS to the muscles and glands; nerves that carry sensory messages to the CNS
Peripheral Nervous System
Endocrine glands attached to the hypothalamus; most important gland in the system; anterior (secretes hormones), posterior (secretes oxytocin + ADH)
Pituitary Gland
Membrane with a positive electrical charge on one surface and a negative charge on the other surface
Polarized Membrane
Membrane that receives a signal from the presynaptic cell; responds with depolarization or hyperpolarization
Postsynaptic Membrane
Membrane channel that allows the flow of potassium ions across the cell membrane
Potassium gate
Membrane of an axon that sends a signal across a synapse to the postsynaptic cell
Presynaptic membrane
Cytoskeletal feature comprised of proteins which display secondary structure; when these proteins associate with specific chemical substances, their shape changes + they elongate thus move organelles within cytoplasm
Contractile (protractile) protein
Protein in cell membrane that has a bonding site for a substance that can be in its environment (exists on most cells)
Simplest complete neutral pathway, involving a sensory neuron, interneuron + motor neuron; advantage is its immediacy of response
Reflex arc
The time in which a nerve cell is unable to fire an action potential (nerve impulse)
Refractory period
Process that allows a neuron’s membrane to regain the polarized condition it has during resting potential; opening of potassium gates permits outflow of potassium ions reducing positive nature, thus regaining resting potential
Polarity across a membrane of a resting neuron due to unequal distribution of ions
Resting potential
Impulses moving from node to node; faster because less places to travel along; fast response in case of danger/damage
Saltatory transmission
Fatty cell considered to be specialized types of glial cell, support nerve cells + its function; make up myelin sheath + result in saltatory transmission
Schwann Cell