Biology of Brain (Chapter 1) Flashcards
Important role in movement and posture, high concentrations in basal ganglia
Excitatory neurotransmitter
Vital Functions (breathing, digestion)
Medulla Oblongata
Hindbrain consists of:
Cerebellum, Medualla Omblongata, Reticular Formation, Pons
Primary pleasure centers, associated with addictive behavior
Septal Nuclei
Stabilizing neutral activity in brain, causing hyper polarization
Movement, coordinate muscle movement as receive info from cortex, helps with smooth movement and posture
Basal Ganglia
Regulates cardiac rhythms and secretes melatonin, coordination with sunlight from retina
Pineal Gland
outer covering of cerebral hemispheres, associated with everything from language processing, problem solving, impulse control, cognitive, behavioral processes, divided into 4 sections
Cerebral Cortex
Plays vital role in learning and memory processes, long term memory, redistribute remote memories to cerebral cortex
Emotion and memory, interconnected structures looping around central portions of brain, includes the amyglada, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia
Limbic System
Not being able to establish new long-term memories
Anetrograde Amnesia
Sensorimotor reflexes
Inferior and Superior Colliculi
Plays roles in regulating mood, eating, sleeping, and dreaming
Midbrain consists of:
Inferior and Superior Colliculi