biology - human biology Flashcards
what are the 5 types of bone?
- long bone
- short bone
- flat bone
- irregular bone
- sessamoid bone
long bone
- includes having a longer body greater than how wide it is
- found in the femur, humerus, etc
flat bone
- strong, flat plates of bone with the main function of providing protection to the body’s vital organs
- e.g, the scapula and sternum
irregular bone
- bones in the body that do not fall into any other categories (non uniform shape)
- e.g, vertabrales
short bone
- bones approximately as wide as they are long
- e.g, carpels and tarsels
sesamoid bone
- types of short or irregular bones embedded in a tendon
- e.g, patella
what 3 bones protect the body?
- cranium = protects the brain
- ribs = protect the lungs
- sternum == protects the heart
what 3 bones support the bone?
- scapula
- vertabres
- pelvis
what are the 8 different types of joints?
- wrist (ulna radius carpels)
- 2x elbow (humerus ulna radius)
- hip (pelvis and femur)
- shoulder (scapula and humerus)
- knee (femur and tibia)
- vertabrales ???
- ankle ????
what are the 3 types of joints
- fibrous joint
- cartilaginous joints
- synovial joints
fibrous joints
fixed joints where collagenous fibrous connective tissues unites two bones
cartillaginous joints
joints that have bones attached by hyaline or fiibrous cartilage
synovial joints
bone surfaces covered with cartillage operated by fluid filled cavlitty (synovial fluid) making them slippery and lubricating
what’s the difference between the role of a tendon and a ligament
tendons connect muscle to bone, whereas ligaments connect bone to bone
plane joint
- joint trthat occurs when flat surfaces glide accross one another
- e.g, found in the scapula