Biology- 1st final Flashcards
Chapter 3- Who is Robert Hooke?
Founder of cells.
Chapter 3- What is the cell theory?
- ) All organisms are made out of one or more cells.
- ) All the life functions of organisms occur within cells.
- ) All cells come from already existing cells.
Ch. 3- Size and shapes of cells?
Shapes: Cells have all kinds of shapes. Flat, round, ect.
Size: Surface area to volume; efficiency.
Smaller the size; more efficient. : page 59
Ch. 3- What are organelles?
Organelles are made of molecules.
Cells are composed of organelles.
Ch. 3- What are eukaryotes?
Cells that contain a nucleus.
Larger than prokaryote.
Found mainly in multicellular organisms
Chapter 3- What are membrane proteins?
Carry nutrients across the membrane, receiving chemical signals from outside of the cell, translating chemical signals into intercellular action and sometimes anchoring the cell into a particular location. Provide many functions for the plasma membrane.
Chapter 3- Fluid-mosaic model?
The cell membraneis the biological membrane that seperates the interior of the cellsrom the outside environment.
Chapter 3- What is the nucleus?
The control center of the eukaryotic cell. And it contains most of the cells DNA.
Chapter 3- What is the cell wall?
Is a rigid layer that surrounds the plasma membrane plant cell. supports and protects the cell.
Chapter 3- What are the types of plastids?
- ) Chloroplasts: plastids that contain green pigment chlorophyll.
- ) Chromoplasts are plastids that make and store other pigments.3.) Leucoplasts are plastids hat store substances such as starch or make molecules such as amino acids.
Chapter 3- Recognize cell parts.
.. answer this AT HOME
Chapter 3- What is the mitochondria?
Organelle that makes energy available to the cell. referred to power plants of a cell.
Chapter 3- What are ribosomes?
Small organelles where proteins are made.
Chapter 3- What are the ERs? (Rough and smooth)
Looks rough because it is studded with ribosomes. It provides framework for the ribosomes, which make ribosomes.
Smooth; is smooth cause it has no ribosomes. Bit“of its membrane pinch off to form tiny sacs calledvesicles, which carry proteins away from the ER. SER also makes lipids, stores substances, and plays other roles.
Ch. 3- What is a cytoskeleton?
Structure that criscrosses the cytoplasm .
Consists of thread-like filaments and tubules in the cells.
Chapter 3- What is a prokaryote?
Organisms with prokaryotic cells; cells without a nucleus
The DNA in prokaryotic cells is in the cytoplasm rather than enclosed within a nucleur membrane.
Ch. 3- What is cilia/flagella ?
flagella: whip-like structures that help eukaryotic cells move. (also found in pro)
Cilia: identical to flagella.
Ch . 3- What is the Golgi apparatus ?
Large organelle that processes proteins and prepares them for use inside and outside of the cell.
Chapter 3- What is the differences between animal and plant cells?
Plant cells use chloroplasts which converts the energy of the sun into sugar.
Animal cells centriolese help chromosomes move during cell division.
Plant cells : have chloroplasts, chlorophyll, central vacuole, plastids, and a cell wall.
Animal cells: centrioles
Chapter 3- What a vacuoles?
Sac-like organelles that stored transport materials to the cell.
Chapter 3- Cell organization….
Cells can exist as individual cells or as groups of cells. Cells in groups can be organized at several levels.
“A multicellular organism consists of many cells and has different types of cells that are specialized for various functions. All the cells work together ”
“A single-celled organism floats freely and lives independently”
“A biofilm is a thin layer of bacteria that sticks to a surface”
“Some single-celled organisms, such as algae, live in colonies. A colony is an organized structure composed of many cells, ”
Chapter 3- Surface area to volume ?
Different shapes- just know how to do area Ect. But if surface area is growing, volume will speed up and will grow faster than the surface area
Volume - lwh
Ch. 3- What is the cell membrane?
Thin coat of lipids that surround a cell.
Chapter 3- What is a chloroplast?
Plastids that contain green pigment chlorophyll.
Ch. 3- What does selectively permeable mean?
Ability to allow only certain molecules in or out of a cell.
Ch. 3- Know the parts if cells and their functions
Pg.62&63 for some diagrams
Ch. 2- what’s a proton?
Positive charge
Ch.2- what’s a neutron?
Neutral charge.
Ch.2- what’s an electron?
Negative charge
Ch.2- What is polarity?
Difference in electrical charge between two electrons
Ch.2- what is a compound?
Substance which contains two+ elements
Ch.2- what is matter?
Anything. That takes up space and has mass
What is the periodic table?
The arrangement of elements according to properties
What is hydrogen bonding?
Bonding that happens between molecules
Properties of water?
Tasteless, odorless, and transparent
What is an organic compound?
Makes up cells and other organism structures and carries out life processes
What is a molecule?
Group of 2+ atoms held together by chemical bonds.
What is a monosaccharide?
Simple sugar
Complex carb that forms when simple sugars bind in a chain
Disaccharides ?
2 simple sugars
Simple sugar- cell energy
Simple sugar- found in fruits
What is a protein?
Organic compound made of small molecules (amino acid)