Biology- 1st final Flashcards
Chapter 3- Who is Robert Hooke?
Founder of cells.
Chapter 3- What is the cell theory?
- ) All organisms are made out of one or more cells.
- ) All the life functions of organisms occur within cells.
- ) All cells come from already existing cells.
Ch. 3- Size and shapes of cells?
Shapes: Cells have all kinds of shapes. Flat, round, ect.
Size: Surface area to volume; efficiency.
Smaller the size; more efficient. : page 59
Ch. 3- What are organelles?
Organelles are made of molecules.
Cells are composed of organelles.
Ch. 3- What are eukaryotes?
Cells that contain a nucleus.
Larger than prokaryote.
Found mainly in multicellular organisms
Chapter 3- What are membrane proteins?
Carry nutrients across the membrane, receiving chemical signals from outside of the cell, translating chemical signals into intercellular action and sometimes anchoring the cell into a particular location. Provide many functions for the plasma membrane.
Chapter 3- Fluid-mosaic model?
The cell membraneis the biological membrane that seperates the interior of the cellsrom the outside environment.
Chapter 3- What is the nucleus?
The control center of the eukaryotic cell. And it contains most of the cells DNA.
Chapter 3- What is the cell wall?
Is a rigid layer that surrounds the plasma membrane plant cell. supports and protects the cell.
Chapter 3- What are the types of plastids?
- ) Chloroplasts: plastids that contain green pigment chlorophyll.
- ) Chromoplasts are plastids that make and store other pigments.3.) Leucoplasts are plastids hat store substances such as starch or make molecules such as amino acids.
Chapter 3- Recognize cell parts.
.. answer this AT HOME
Chapter 3- What is the mitochondria?
Organelle that makes energy available to the cell. referred to power plants of a cell.
Chapter 3- What are ribosomes?
Small organelles where proteins are made.
Chapter 3- What are the ERs? (Rough and smooth)
Looks rough because it is studded with ribosomes. It provides framework for the ribosomes, which make ribosomes.
Smooth; is smooth cause it has no ribosomes. Bit“of its membrane pinch off to form tiny sacs calledvesicles, which carry proteins away from the ER. SER also makes lipids, stores substances, and plays other roles.
Ch. 3- What is a cytoskeleton?
Structure that criscrosses the cytoplasm .
Consists of thread-like filaments and tubules in the cells.
Chapter 3- What is a prokaryote?
Organisms with prokaryotic cells; cells without a nucleus
The DNA in prokaryotic cells is in the cytoplasm rather than enclosed within a nucleur membrane.
Ch. 3- What is cilia/flagella ?
flagella: whip-like structures that help eukaryotic cells move. (also found in pro)
Cilia: identical to flagella.
Ch . 3- What is the Golgi apparatus ?
Large organelle that processes proteins and prepares them for use inside and outside of the cell.
Chapter 3- What is the differences between animal and plant cells?
Plant cells use chloroplasts which converts the energy of the sun into sugar.
Animal cells centriolese help chromosomes move during cell division.
Plant cells : have chloroplasts, chlorophyll, central vacuole, plastids, and a cell wall.
Animal cells: centrioles
Chapter 3- What a vacuoles?
Sac-like organelles that stored transport materials to the cell.
Chapter 3- Cell organization….
Cells can exist as individual cells or as groups of cells. Cells in groups can be organized at several levels.
“A multicellular organism consists of many cells and has different types of cells that are specialized for various functions. All the cells work together ”
“A single-celled organism floats freely and lives independently”
“A biofilm is a thin layer of bacteria that sticks to a surface”
“Some single-celled organisms, such as algae, live in colonies. A colony is an organized structure composed of many cells, ”
Chapter 3- Surface area to volume ?
Different shapes- just know how to do area Ect. But if surface area is growing, volume will speed up and will grow faster than the surface area
Volume - lwh
Ch. 3- What is the cell membrane?
Thin coat of lipids that surround a cell.
Chapter 3- What is a chloroplast?
Plastids that contain green pigment chlorophyll.
Ch. 3- What does selectively permeable mean?
Ability to allow only certain molecules in or out of a cell.
Ch. 3- Know the parts if cells and their functions
Pg.62&63 for some diagrams
Ch. 2- what’s a proton?
Positive charge
Ch.2- what’s a neutron?
Neutral charge.
Ch.2- what’s an electron?
Negative charge
Ch.2- What is polarity?
Difference in electrical charge between two electrons
Ch.2- what is a compound?
Substance which contains two+ elements
Ch.2- what is matter?
Anything. That takes up space and has mass
What is the periodic table?
The arrangement of elements according to properties
What is hydrogen bonding?
Bonding that happens between molecules
Properties of water?
Tasteless, odorless, and transparent
What is an organic compound?
Makes up cells and other organism structures and carries out life processes
What is a molecule?
Group of 2+ atoms held together by chemical bonds.
What is a monosaccharide?
Simple sugar
Complex carb that forms when simple sugars bind in a chain
Disaccharides ?
2 simple sugars
Simple sugar- cell energy
Simple sugar- found in fruits
What is a protein?
Organic compound made of small molecules (amino acid)
Chain of amino acids- such chains produce proteins
Peptide bond?
Holds the chain together ?
What is a lipid? Saturated fat? Non saturated fat?
Organic compound -fat
Saturated fat- carbon atoms are bonded with as many hydrogen bonds possible.
Unsaturated fatty acids- some carbons are not bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible. They are bonded with groups of atoms- bends chains. Not tightly compacted
Nucleic acids?
Organic compounds such as DNA and RNA- built of small units- nucleotides
What is a nucleotide?
Small molecule containing a sugar, phosphate group, and base that is a building block of nucleic acids.
What is DNA?
Double stranded nucleic acid that makes us genes and chromosomes.
Macromolecule ?
Nutrient such as carbs, proteins, lipids, or water that is needed by the body in large amounts.
Cell parts and functions- COME BACK FOR FUNCTIONS
Cytoplasm; Ribosomes; Rough er; Smooth er; Golgi apparatus; Nucleus; Mitochondria; Chloroplast; Vacuole; Cell wall; \_\_\_\_\_; Cytoskeleton;
What is diffusion.
Due to the difference of concentration - substances are moved across the membrane.
What is passive transport?
Movement across the plasma membrane without the input of energy. DOES NOT REQUIRE ENERGY
Active transport?
Movement across the plasma membrane that requires the input of energy. REQUIRES ENERGY
Process of maintaining a stable environment inside a cell or an entire organism.
What is endocytosis?
Type of vesical transport that moves substances into a cell using a process called phagocytosis.
What is the sodium-potassium pump?
Type of active transport. When this pump is in operation, sodium ions are pumped out of the cell and potassium ions are pumped into the cell.
Concentration gradient?
Refers to the number of particles of a substance per unit of volume.
The more particles of a substance in a given volume, the higher the concentration.
What is osmosis?
Special type of diffusion - the diffusion of water molecules across a membrane. Water moves from an area of high concentration, to an area of lower concentration. Water moves in and out of a cell until the concentration is equal on either side of the plasma membrane.
Ion channels?
Space where ions are pumped in and out of the cell
Holds water together. It attracts to itself- keep water together
Water is attracted to other substances
Hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions?
- Hypertonic: solution around the cell has higher concentration of solutes and lower concentration of water than the inside of the cell. The cell loses water and shrinks.
- hypotonic: solutions around the cell has lower concentration of solutes and higher concentration of water than the outside of the cell. Cell gains water and swells.
- isotonic: inside and outside of the cell have the same concentration of solutes and water- cell stays the same.
Facilitated diffusion?
Diffusion with the help of transport proteins
What are the types of transport proteins?
- Channel proteins: form pores in membrane. Allows water molecules and small ions to pass through without contact with hydrophobic tails of lipid molecules.
- Carrier proteins: bind with specific ions or molecules - change shape while carrying ions or molecules across the membrane.
Type of vesical transport moves substances out of cell. Moves through the cytoplasm to the cell membrane. Vesicles membrane fuses with the cell membrane and the substance is released out of the cell.
The dissolution/ disruption of cells. Occurs when a cell is placed in a hypotonic environment.
Turgor pressure?
When a plant cell stores ions, sugars, and other solutes in its vacuole - causes and influx of water. This results in large turgor pressure exerted on the plant cell wall. Makes the plant turgid- helps the plant stand up right and not wilt
Contraction of the protoplast of a plant cell as a result of loss of water from the cell. If the cell is left in a hypertonic environment.
General equation of photosynthesis
6CO2+6H2O+ light energy + energy —> C2H12O2+6O2
AKA- consumers
Can’t make their own food
Autotrophs ?
- Make their own food
- Usually use photosynthesis
- Plants algae and bacteria
Red flower: it’s red because it has a red pigment molecule in the central vacuole in the cell. Bright colors attract pollinators
What is the electron transport chain?
Step three of photosynthesis : light reactions. The electron transport chain carries high energy electrons. Two electrons get passed from molecule to molecule down the chain - energy is captured and used to pump more hydrogen ions into the thylakoid interior space.“Their energy has been captured and used, and they need more energy. They get energy from light, which is absorbed by chlorophyll in photosystem I. Then, the two re-energized electrons pass down another electron transport chain”
What us stroma?
Space outside the thylakoid membranes. Where reactions of the Calvin cycle takes place
1st stage if light reactions
- Units of sunlight, photons, strike a molecule of chlorophyll in photosystem 2 of the thylakoid membrane.
- Light energy is absorbed by 2 electrons in the chlorophyll molecule, giving them enough energy to leave the molecule.
Step 2 of light reactions
At some time, enzymes in the thylakoid membrane use light energy to split apart the water molecule.
1.) two electrons replace the 2 electrons that were lost from the chlorophyll molecule
In step 1.
2.). Oxygen combines with another oxygen to produce oxygen gas which is released as a waste product.
3.) 2 positive hydrogens are released inside the thylakoid membrane.
Step 3 of light reactions
Electron transport chain process
Step 4 of light reactions
When two electrons reach photosystem 1, they are no longer excited
- energy has been captured and used.
- they get new energy from light, which is absorbed by chlorophyll in photosystem 1.
- then the two re-energized electrons get passed into another cycle of the electron transport chain.
Step 5 of light reactions
Enzymes in the thylakoid membrane transfer the newly re energized electrons to a compound called NADP+
- along with the hydrogen ion
- this produces the energy carrying molecule NADPH.
- this molecule is needed to make glucose in the Calvin cycle.
Step 6 of light reactions
- by now, higher concentration of positive hydrogen ions charge in the thylakoid interior space.
- difference in concentration and charge create chemiosmotic gradient.
- it causes hydrogen ions to flow back across the thylakoid membrane to the stroma, where concentration is lower.
- hydrogen ions have energy as they flow down the chemiosmotic gradient.
- the enzyme ATP synthase acts as a Channel protein and helps ions cross the membrane.
- ATP synthase also uses their energy to add a phosphate group (R) to a molecule of ADP producing ATP needed for Calvin Cycle
What happen after all the steps of light reactions?
When step 6 is finished , energy from sunlight has been stored in chemical bonds of NADPH and ATP- light energy then changes to chemical energy. The first stage of photosynthesis is complete.
Step 1 in the Calvin cycle
Carbon fixation.
- carbon dioxide from atmosphere combines w a 5 carbon compound called RuBP.
- this reaction occurs w simple help of an enzyme named RuBisC. And produces 3PG(3 carbon compound)
Second step of the Calvin cycle
- molecules of 3PG gain energy from ATP &NADPH (from light reactions) and re-arrange themselves to form G3P
- this molecule also has 3 carbon atoms and has more energy than 3PG.
- one of the G3P molecules has more energy than 3PG.
- one of the G3P molecules goes on to form glucose, while the rest of G3P molecule goes to step 3
Step 3 of Calvin cycle
- remaining G3P molecule uses energy from ATP to form RuBP, the 5 carbon molecule that started the cycle. Repeats
Structure & function of the chloroplast
-contains neat stacks called grana.
- grana consists of sac-like membranes: thylakoid membrane.
-the thylakoid membrane consists of photosystems , a group of molecules
- that include chlorophyll a green pigment,
- stroma is space outside the thylakoid membrane.
Thylakoid membrane is where light reactions takes place.
What is glycolysis?
1st stage of cellular respiration.
- “glucose splitting”= enzymes split a molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvatel
- energy is needed to split the glucose
- the energy is provided by 2 molecules of ATP.
- as it proceeds energy is released, and the energy is used to make 4 molecules of ATP.
- result: net gain of 2 molecules of ATP during glycolysis.
- high-energy electron are transferred to molecule of NAD+ to produce 2 molecules of NADH (energy-carrying molecule) -used in stage 3 to make more ATP.
What is the Krebs Cycle?
- two molecules of pyruvate enter the matrix in the mitochondria.-where the process starts
- Acetyl-CoA combines with a four carbon molecule = OAA which produces citric acid (6 carbon atoms)
- series of reactions that release energy
- energy is captured in molecules of NADH, ATP, & FADH2 (energy carrying compound)
- carbon dioxide is released as a waste product.
- FINAL- regenerates OAA molecule that begins cycle. -two turns needed because glycolysis produces 2 pyruvic acid molecules when glucose is split.
What are the results of the Krebs cycle
Second turn- original glucose molecule has been broken down completely.
- all six of its carbon atoms combined with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.
- energy from its chemical bond is stored in a total of the energy carriers molecules = 4 ATP , 10 NADH, and 2 FADH2.
What has to happen before the Krebs cycle can begin?
- two molecules of pyruvate enter the matrix in the mitochondria.
- pyruvic acid (3 carbon atoms) split apart and combine with an enzyme, CoA =coenzyme A =Acetyl-CoA.
- the third carbon from pyruvic acid combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide is released as a waste product
- high energy electrons =released and captured in NADH.
What is NADPH?
Hydrogen carrier - being transported to another location.
What is ATP
Useful energy 4 life forms produces through cells respiration and some through light reactions .
Lactic acid fermentation?
Type of anaerobic respiration that includes glycolysis followed by the conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid and the formation of NAD+ *when you work hard- muscles use lactic acid fermentation for energy- build up- tired and sore!
Alcoholic fermentation?
Pyruvic acid changes to alcohol and carbon dioxide. NAD+ also forms from NADH, allowing glycolysis to continue making ATP.
used to make bread wine and biofuels.
What is fermentation?
Make ATP without oxygen.
- involves glycolysis but not the other two stages of aerobic respiration.
- Occurs when the muscle cells cannot get oxygen fast enough to meet their energy needs through aerobic respiration?
What is the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
Photosynthesis: takes the energy from sunlight and uses it to put together large sugar molecules from the raw ingredients of carbon dioxide and water.
Cellular respiration: occurs when organisms break down large sugar molecules to use the energy to do work and release the waste products carbon dioxide and water
What is a diploid cell?
Has twice the # of a chromosomes as a gamete.
Contains half the # of chromosomes found in other cells of the organisms.
Coenzymes in all living things.
Energy carrying molecules
Meiosis 1?
- Prophase 1: chromosomes condense. Centrioles start moving to opposite poles of the cell, and spindle begins to form. Homoglolous chromosomes pair up.
- metaphase 1: spindle fibers attach to the paired Homoglolous chromosomes. Paired chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell. Only occurs in metaphase 1.
- Anaphase 1: spindle fibers shorten and the chromosomes of each homologous pair start to seperate from each other, 1 chromosome pair move toward on pole of the cell others opposite poles.
- telophase and cytokinesis 1: spindle breaks down, and new nuclear membranes form. The cytoplasm of the cell divides and 2 haploid daughter cells =random assortment of chromosomes with one from each homologous cells go onto meiosis 2
Meiosis 2?
- ) prophase 2: nuclear envelope breaks down and spindle begins to form in each haploid daughter cell from meiosis 1.
- ) metaphase : spindle fibers line up the sister chromatids of each chromosome along the equator of the cell.
- ) anaphase: sister chromatids seperate and move to opposite poles.
- telophase 2 and cytokinesis: spindle breaks down new nuclear membranes form. Cytoplasm- cell divides & 2 haploid daughter cells result
What is mitosis?
1st step: cell division
- the nuclear membrane breaks down and later reforms. The chromosomes are also sorted and separated to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes.
- Growth Phase 1(G1) : cell grows rapidly while performing routine metabolic processes. Makes proteins needed for DNA replication and copies some of its organelles in preparation for cell division. Most of a cells life in this process.
- Synthesis phase (S): cells DNA is copied in the process of DNA replication.
- Growth phase 2 (G2) - cell makes final preparations to divide. For example, it makes additional proteins and organelles.
What is cancer?
Disease that occurs when the cell cycle is not regulated. DNA is damaged
What is a tumor ?
Mass of abnormal cells. Rapidly cells taking up nutrients. Damage tissues and organs
Properties of light?- what is a wavelength?
Sunlight, while light, all wavelengths mad colors can be seperated with a prism.
Each color= seperate wall.
Wavelength : distance between 2 crests of a wave
Mono hybrid?
Following one specific trait, trying to figure out what the result is.
Chemiosmosis ?
Movement of ions across a selectively permeable membranes down their electrochemical gradient. Relates to the generation of ATP of the movement of hydrogen ions across a membrane during cellular respiration. ATP is synthesized