Biology Flashcards
Ex situ
conservation measures outside the natural habitat,
eg: captive breeding programs
In Situ
conservation methods to protect and preservation of habitats and ecosystem
Eg: Ban on trading Endangered species
Domain Sub categories
Eukaryotes: Contains DNA in nucleus
Prokaryotes: No DNA in nucleus (Archaea and Bacteria)
Kingdom SubCategories
Animalia: Mammals, insects
Plantae: Mosses ferns, etc
Protista: amoebae
Fungi: Yeast
Archaea: Single cell org living in ext conditions
Bacteria: Single cell organism
Permanent removal of standing forests leading to major increase in CO2 emission levels
Fossil Fuels
Formed from fossilised living thing usually sedimentary rock and produces CO when burnt
Dichloro Diphenyl trichloroethene
Examples Of Invasive Species
Cane Toad, Rainbow Lorikeet, Feral Donkey
Genetic Conservation Strategies
Seed Banks is a reservoir for plant genetic material, used to reintroduce and repopulate a species thats extinct or at risk of it
Environmental Conservation
Regeneration of land and bush corridors in isolated habitats can help restore and return habitats to populations
Management Conservation
Protection of areas and new rules/restrictions to control the environment
Example: Fish species that is harvested unsustainable way would cause a introduction of rule of only being fished seasonally
Difference between Management and Environmental
Environment is the restoration and regeneration of the environment WHEREAS Management is controlling human impacts on environment
Distribution patterns
Random: Randomly spread out (Trees).
Clumped; Organisms Grouped together (Fishes)
Uniform: evenly spaced apart ( Spruce trees)
World Heritage sites
United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organisation supporting the identification, protection and preservation of a natural heritage
EG: Ningaloo Coast & Great Barrier Reef
Impact Of Pollutants
Large amounts of Plastic rubbish end up in waterways = aquatic animals ingesting them getting harmed
Managed by recycling the waste or disposal of the rubbish appropriately
Impacts of Invasive species
can over-run and take over an ecosystem as they have no natural predator/counter to control their population
Impact of habitat destruction
Carnaby black cockatoo loses it habitat
Environmental: Bush heritage buys and manages protected land
Management: Cockatoo conservation centre rescue help rehabilitate and release cockatoos
Keystone Species
Species which are relatively in low abundance yet have a high influential and disproportional effect on other species of a ecosystem
KEystone Species ROles
Nutrient cycling, Seed Dispersal Predation, Important food source, Vital Mutualistic relationship (pollination)
Example Of Keystone Species
Blue crab
- Often an important prey/food source for many
Plateu Pika/Elephants
- Often creates burrows required by many to live in, seed dispersal
- Vital Mutualistic relationship with flowers for pollination
Descrbies how chemical elements are transformed and stored both biologically and geological components of earths biosphere
Site of Photosynthesis
Site of Cellular Respiration
Golgi Apparatus
Packages and finalises proteins
protein synthesis
Endoplasmic reticulum (rough)
Protein Transport
Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth)
Lipid Transport
Examples Of endangered species
Numbats, Red Pandas and BlueFin Tuna
the separation of some parts of the habitat of an ecosystem. resulting in isolated groups of organisms that were once part of a larger population.
factors Affecting Soil degradation
Overgrazing, Hard hooves farm animals, Shallow rooted plants, Reduced tree cover, Overuse of fertilisers
The process of increasing the salt concentration
Introduced species
species that humans have intentionally or unintentionally moved from their native location to a new ecological region
describes the great variety of life that exists in our biosphere. Defined at 3 levels
1)Level of species (morphologically similar organisms that are capable of interbreeding to produce fertile offspring).
2)Ecosystems: organisms living in complex communities and a range of different physical environments
3)Genetic diversity: number of genes, which code for all inherited traits
Biodiversity Hotspots
numerous native species and a large number of endangered and threatened species.
To qualify as a biodiversity hotspot an area must
1) Contain at least 1500 species of native vascular plants
2) Have lost at least 70% of primary vegetation
Biological Species Concepts
Group of Organisms that share the same gene pool this gives them the capacity to interbreed and produce fertile and viable offsprings aslong their are not prevented by physical barriers
Characterises a species by its form (morphology) Eg. Bone Structure
Identifies a species as the smallest group of organisms who can trace back to their common ancestors
Organism able to inhabit a particular ecosystem are able to survive due to their biotic & abiotic factors.
Growth Rate equation
Pop growth rate = (birth rate + immigration rate) - (death rate + emigration rate)
= (br + ir) - (dr + er)
gross primary productivity (GPP)
total amount of energy that flows through the producers
Net primary productivity
amount of energy available to consumers
Photosynthesis equation
CO2 + H2O —> (sunlight) C6H12O6 Glucose + O2
Cellular Respiration
Glucose + O2 —> CO2 + H2O +energy ATP