Biological Theories Of Crime Flashcards
What did Lombroso say about criminals being ‘throwbacks’ ?
He argued that criminals were ‘throwbacks’ in time and their atavistic (primitive features) were biological characteristics from and earlier stage of human development manifesting and a tendency to commit crime
What did Lombroso suggest about the stigmata of a criminal, show ?
Lombroso suggested that stigmata of an individual could indicate their biological inferiority
What does stigmata mean ?
Physical Characteristics
How did Lombroso discover the “distinguishing features of criminality” ?
He compared male Italian prisoners to soldiers in a study where he found a number of ‘physical defects’ he thought to be the distinguishing features of criminality
Give three distinguishing features of criminality
A Large Jaw, Hard Shifty Eyes, Fleshy lips, An Insensitivity to Pain, Long Arms
Lombroso used autopsies as evidence to his idea that criminals were ‘throwbacks’ to forms of early man. What did he find ?
He found indentations within the back of his subjects skulls, which resembled those of apes (allowing him to conclude that criminals were throwbacks to form of early man)
Name a problem with Lombroso’s theory
He had no ethnic or gender diversity, so it is unknown if the results would be different for females or people who were not Italian
What did Sheldon argue that criminality was linked to ?
Body types and their partner Personalities
How many Somatotypes did Sheldon suggests there were, and what are they ?
Three. Mesomorph, Ectomorph, Endomorph
What did Sheldon say a Mesomorph was ?
Muscular and Hard, Aggressive and Adventurous
What did Sheldon say an Ectomorph was ?
Thin and Fragile, introverted and restrained
What did Sheldon say an Endomorph was ?
Fat and Soft, sociable and Relaxed
What did Sheldon find about about Mesomorphs, Ectomorphs and Criminality ?
Sheldon found that Mesomorphs were most likely to be criminal and Ectomorphs to be the least
What study did Sheldon use to also find a relationship between Endomorph and Delinquency ?
His study on 400 boys in a residential rehabilitation home for 8 years, where he monitored their growth and made extensive notes on their family background and criminal history
The Gluecks extensively studied Shelton’s topology. How did they support his findings ?
They did a study of their own and found that 60% of the delinquent population were Mesomorphs, and 30% were Endomorphs
What did Family Studies do ?
Compare the family trees of criminals and non-criminals, trying to find a link between criminality and heredity
What is heredity ?
The passing of traits to offspring
What can we conclude of there is a pattern between family members and crime ?
There is a strong likelihood that crime is related to the families and heredity
Give an example of a family study - Osborne and West
Osborne and West (1982) Criminal Fathers Study - They compare sons of criminals and non-criminals fathers, finding that 13% of sons with non-criminal fathers were criminals, and that 40% of sons with criminal fathers had a conviction
What do twin studies look into ?
Twin studies look into the idea that there is an inheritable trait to increase the likelihood of criminal behaviour
What is a Monozygotic Twin and what do they share ?
An identical twin. They share 100% of the genes and 100% of the environment
What is a dizygotic twin and what do they share ?
A non identical twin. They share 50% of the genes and 100% of the environment
What did Christiansen (1977) find in his twin study on 3586 Danish Twins ?
If an identical twin was criminals 52% of the time, their twin was also criminal. He found that this id only true 22% of the cases with non-identical twins
What do researchers compare in adoption studies ?
The similarity of behaviour between adoptees and biological offspring
What do adoption studies suggest about their parents ?
If a child is more similar to their adoptive parent environment is more important. If a child is more similar to their biological parent, genetics is more important
What did Medici et al (1975) find on their study of 14,000 adopted children ?
They found that a high proportion of boys with criminal convictions had biological parents with criminal convictions too, suggesting a strong link between criminality and genetics
What did Jacobs argue in his XYY study ?
That some males have the disorder thats adds an extra Y chromosome to the normal XY Sex chromosome, causing increased aggression
What did Jacobs find in his study of Scottish inmates ?
Jacobs found that the incidence of XYY disorder XYY disorder was 20 times higher than in general Scottish population
What did Jacobs believe the XYY chromosome could cause ?
Increased aggression, slower than average learning rate and a strong compulsion to commit crime
How did Theilgard (1984) try to critique the XYY study ?
He used 30,000 men born in the 1940s and took blood samples from each, before analysing their chromosomes. He found only 12 to have the XYY disorder, where they were interviewed by a social worker,and given both identity and personality tests
What did the results of Theilgard’s critique show ?
The results showed that XYY males had slightly lower levels of intelligence than average and tended to be more aggressive than normal. However, it showed more similarities between XY and XYY males
Give a weakness of Theilgards critique
He only used a small sample of XYY Males, Making it hard to generalise his results to the wider population. Or Not all criminals have the XYY genes and not all XYY males are criminals
What dis Raine (1977) investigate while using P.E.T Scans ?
That criminality could be related to brain abnormalities
How did Raine study the idea that criminality could be related to brain abnormalities ?
He studied 41 violent American offenders and compared them to 41 ‘normal’ Americans
What did Raine conclude from his study ?
He concluded that brain structure influences behaviour, following his results showing that the brain of the offenders had less activity in their frontal lobes (responsible for self-control) along with several issues
What happened to Phineas Gage ?
He survived an accident where a metal rod impaled his skull in an explosion. This destroyed his frontal lobe and caused personality changes, making him more aggressive and profane