BIOLOGICAL- Stress management Flashcards
What effect does a neurotransmitter which makes positive ions rush into dendrites have?
Excitatory effect
How do benzodiazapines (BZs) work?
They act by making the activity of GABA easier. This is done by enhances the effectiveness of GABA.
Give 2 examples of BZs
What is GABA?
An important chemical transmitter in the brain
In which part of the nervous system do BZs operate?
Central Nervous SystemBrain
Which receptor sites do BZs bind to?
GABA receptors
What effect do BZs binding to GABA receptors have on ion channels?
Opens chanels allowing negitivly charged chloride ions to pass to the inside of the neuron.
How does having negitivly charged ions inside of the neuron help with stress?
Enhances the amound of inhibitry neuro transmitters released. This reduces the brain activity & stress impulses therefore calming the person.
Give an example of an excitatory neurotransmitter
Give 2 side effects caused by using BZs
DrowsinessBeing less alert
Give an example of a beta blocker
In which part of the nervous system do beta blockers operate?
The pathways of the sympathetic nervous system which is part of the autonomic branch of the peripheral nervous system
Which neuro transmitters/hormones are beta adrenic receptors responsive to?
What do beta blockers do?
Reduce the activity of adrenaline & noradrenaline. The result of this being adrenergic receptors are blocked which are on the wall of the heart.
What effect does the blockage of adrenergic receptors have?
Slows the heart beat, lessenign the force that heart and blood vessels contract with.
What is the purpose of Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)?
To help patients gradually master stressful situations psychologically.
What are the 3 stages of SIT?
Conceptualisation Skills training & practiceReal life application
Describe the stage Conceptualisation
Enabling the patient to identify why certain situations are stressful
Describe the stage Skills training & practice
Developing cognitive coping strategies with the therapist.
Describe the stage Real life application
Gradually introducing the patient to applying the coping strategies to increasingly stressful real life situations.
Give 3 advantes of using drug therapy to cope with stress
Quick & effective - provide a quick release by reducing harmful symptoms of stress quickly. Universal - work on everyone (don’t require dedication like SIT does)Availability - Can be immediatly perscribed and are readily available.
Give 2 disadvantages of using drug therapy to cope with stress
Side effects - BZs can reslt in drowsiness and affect memory. Can cause breathing problems for those who suffer from astchma. Dependancy - People become dependant on drugs to relieve them from stress rather than learning to cope on their own.
Give 2 advantes of using psychological methods to cope with stress
Long term solution - People can use the techniques in the future therefore providing a long term solutionTarget symptoms & causes - Patients understand their stress and learn to cope with/ avoid stress. No dependancy - People do not become dependant on drugs, putting them in full control of situations.
Give 2 disadvantages of using psychological methods to cope with stress
Difficult - demands a high level of dedication & commitment, not everyone has thisPracticality - Very time consuming and not gaurenteed to be effective.
What is an excitatory neurotransmitter?
Encourage action potential, therefore encouraging brain activity.
What is an inhibitory neurotransmitter?
prevent action potential, therfore inhibiting brain activity.