Biological - Blakemore and Cooper Flashcards
What was the background of the study?
Hirsch and Spinelli worked at Stanford University. They were interested in neurones in the visual cortex of the brain - they found they could change the way the neurones in the visual cortex aligns themselves by controlling what kittens could see as they grew up.
What is brain plasticity?
Your brain adapts and changed according to what you do in your life
What is the aim?
To investigate how being raised in a visually restrictive environment would affect the visual brain development of cats - compare the behavioural consequences of raising kittens seeing only horizontal or vertical stripes and investigate the neurophysiological effect on neurones in kittens’ visual cortex (brain plasticity)
What was the research methods and why?
Lab experiment because it was in a controlled environment
What was the experimental design?
Independent measures
What was the sample?
Kittens from birth to approximately 1 years old
What was the environment for the first two weeks of the cats’ lives?
Complete darkness
What was the environment from two weeks old until five months?
Places inside cylinder either horizontal stripes or vertical stripes for 5 hours a day - kittens wore a large black collar so they couldn’t see their own bodies
What happened to the kittens when they were 5 months old?
They were put in a well lit room with furniture (including tables and chairs) - behaviour was observed here
What was the IV in this study?
The direction of stripes (either vertical or horizontal) in the cylinder
What were the controls?
The timing process, the conditions they were kept in, time spent in darkness, cycling size, black collar, cat age, well-lit room, time in cylinder
What were the behaviour results initial reactions?
Initially cats showed visual deficits when first released into a normal room, they would navigate their way around using touch, although they had normal pupillary reflexes, the majority of these deficits disappeared after 10 hours within the room and no startle reflex
What were the behaviour results after 10 hours of exposure to a well-lit room?
Visual placing came back, startle reflects came back, still very clumsy
How did the horizontally and vertically raised cats differ?
2 cats were presented with a perspex sheet of black and white lines either horizontally or vertically and would only startle if in the same orientation as earlier exposed to - the same cats were tested when a rod was shaken in front of them. Similarly, they only responded by chasing the rods if is was the correct orientation - this was permanent
How did neurones align themselves?
Neurones aligned themselves based on visual conditions upbringing eg vertical cylinder had lots of vertical neurones
What was the type of data collected for the behavioural findings?
What was the type of data collected for the neurophysiological findings?
What were the conclusions?
The difference between the kittens suggests that neurones can change their preferred orientation according to the stimulation they receive, matching the ability of the brain to respond to the features in its visual input - the study lends evidence to the nature side of the debate
In what ways can B&C be defended in relation to ethics?
Only 2 cats were used (1 horizontal and 1 vertical) so this can be seen as reducing the harm to the animals by using the minimum number required - attempts to refine procedure by only putting them in the cylinder for a certain number of hours a day etc.
In what ways can B&C be criticised in relation to ethics?
Is this research? Humans grow up in a visually enriched environment and therefore these is no real use for this research for humans (or even other animals)
Internal reliability points
procedure very standardised and controlled (eg first 2 weeks in darkness, 5/24 hours a day in the cylinder, tests conducted)
External reliability points
Only 2 kittens were used so cannot establish a consistent effect HOWEVER biology is universal so perhaps a larger sample wasn’t needed
Internal (construct) validity points
Seemed to be a good test of brain plasticity as the only difference in the procedure for the kittens was the direction of the stripes. Multiple tests confirm the deficits
Internal (concurrent) validity points
Predictions can be made about the behaviour of the kittens as a result of the tests identifying their deficits
External (ecological) validity points
Not a realistic scenario due to the rich visual environment animals and human grow up in usually
External (population) validity points
Can we generalise from kittens to humans? Essentially brain plasticity should be the same in all animals
Ethnocentrism points
Does this really matter with animals? Especially due to the environment is which they were raised not being relevant to any relevant cultures
How does this link to the nat/nur debate?
Nurture as brains can change in response to the visual environment
How does this link to the psychology as a science debate?
Replicable, objective and falsifiable as very controlled, used quantitative measures and can be replicated to see if it is false
How does this link to the ind/sit debate?
Behaviour dependent on situation of cylinder orientation
How does this link to usefulness?
Not really useful at all