Handbook and field trip notes in the Azores
What are the hazards involved with the activity being undertaken?
- Altercations or vocal exchanges with members of the public due to groups of participants
-Walking on roads to access sites – driving to sites
-Slips and falls due to uneven, wet floors/uneven ground
-Cold/hot/bad weather
-Medical issues involving participants
-Hazards associated with volcanic and geothermal activity
-Hazards associated with water
-Hazards associated with biological material
-Hazards associated with lab work
What is the risk at the University Halls (Laranjeiras)
Verbal abuse and altercations with the public.
What is the risk at Furnas Town?
-Be aware that some of the water is beyond boiling point and very acidic/alkaline so be careful where you tread.
-Stay away from boiling pits and mud pots as well as obvious steam/gas emissions (which could suffocate/intoxicate).
-Listen to instructions from staff. In the event of an incident such as a phreatic explosion (sudden release of pressure/steam from a boiler with accompanying rocks), move quickly away from the geothermal area towards the town or the river – staff will decide which is the shortest and safest route and inform you.
-Remain on pavements
What is the risk at the Botanic Gardens?
The paths especially around the bathing pool become very very slippery when they get wet. Use extreme caution especially if you are trying to enter the pool and have no shoes on.
What is the risk at Pico do Carvao?
Not entirely sure of the location of the work here yet.
What is the risk at Furnas Pasture (Pico do Ferro)?
Take care walking on the tracks and there are some quite deep ravines not to be fallen into.
What is the risk at Furnas Lake?
-Follow the same care as described for Furnas town geothermal areas.
-When sampling water, be aware that the lake is likely to have an algal bloom with associated toxins/irritation. Wash hands before eating/smoking. In Pomar, when we are cleaning seeds, be aware of the geothermal activity and the slipperiness of the paths in wet weather.
What is the risk at Sete Cidades?
Beware of traffic on the road. Otherwise relatively risk free.
What is the risk at the tea plantation?
Keep away from the machinery and engines.
What should you do on the boat trip?
Follow all safety instructions from the boat company.
Describe the Azores
São Miguel is of volcanic origin (Morton et al. 1998). It lies at the junction of two tectonic plates, the Açores microplate and the Eurasian plate The Açores have a temperate, maritime climate (Morton et al., 1998) and a small tidal range because they are situated near a node in the oscillation of water in the Atlantic
Name 5 plant species of the Azores
Ilex perado
Morella faya
Erica azorica
Calluna vulgaris
Picconia azorica
What are the main invasive species organisms threatening the native vegetation?
-Incenso tree
-Yellow Ginger Lily
-Hottentot fig
-Gunnera tinctoria
-Clethra arborea
About how many species of higher plants are endemic to Azores?
What factors does the spread of invaders depend on?
Agriculture and industry
Distance from continental land masses
Why has the number of invaders been increasing lately?
Due to escaped ornamental plants and increasing areas of disturbed habitats where they can spread easily.