BIOL211z Boden Flashcards
growth and kinetics lecture 1:
microbal morphology and structure
3 domains of life
thus a common ancestor of all the eukarya was a member of the archaea.
-eukarya= endosymbiotic engulfment of rickettsiaceae to form mitocondria
-rhodophyla (red algae)= endosymbiotic engulfment of a red member of the cynobacteria to form rhodoplasts
-chloroplasts (plants)= endosymbiotic enguflment of a green member of the cyanobacteria to form chloroplasts leading to the different plant lineages.
taxonic ranks:
domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, strain
growing a lineage in a lab:
strain:KT MG1655- flat strain, doesnt grow very much, no plasmids or viruses.
comparative features of the archea, bacteria and eukarya:
defining species
cell structures: all
bacteria and archaea
-cell membrane
-cell walls (glycocax=sugar coat can be a structured capsule or layer of slim thats not uniform)
-cytoplasm/cytsol (within the membrane.
periplasm- gung on outside if talking about this say cytoplasm.
-respiratory chain (inner membrane if gram neg, proton motive force.
would be on only membrane there is in archaea- invaginatied space)
-ribosomes (making proteins,
-circular genome
plasmids, chromids etc
cell structures:
some bacteria and archaea on the outside
-pili (sex- used in replicon transfer plasmids between cells. Hold on and membranes touch each other transferring)
type 4- gliding use to rub against another surface creating movement
-fimbriae- attachment pili special type of structure that is used to stick to the surface or to other cells
-flagella-provide movement fueled by protein motive force/sodium motive force. Long whip like projection.
*rapid movement in liquid
monotrichous (1) lohotrichous (many at one end)
can have movement without:
holdfast: sticky foot allows adhering to surfaces in hyphomicrobium spp
cell structure
organelle if it has a membrane
inside of the cell:
true organelles in planktomycetia
proteinaous cell compartments: also in cylobacteria
can be seen in thiobacillus thioparus. Used to compartment dioxide
not an organelle
storage granuals (cytoplasm)
sulfur granuals only in chemolithoautorough when theres a lot of sulfate about.
PHA and PHB.
used for long term storage, days or weeks.
glycogan granuals:
produced in heterotrophic bacteria
not used for storage. can use all the glucose atm so keep it and use it ASAP.
polyphospahte granuals: inorganic phosphate turned into a polymer.
insecticide crystals:
internal membranes: common in methanoxidsing bacteria
subcellular granules
-corynebacterium stained to show volutin granuals
-escherichia coli from gammaproteobacteria
sudan black 3.
what does it do?
cell walls and membranes
glycocalyx is present then a negative stain used
gram stain
1 membrane or 2 membrane level of staining
triiodide- helps it stick
counter stain with bismark brown or safranin o
two wall types: negative
positive:thick layer of peptidog;lycan colapses keeping theh colour in the cell
cell walls in the archaea
growth and kinetics 2
microbial cultivation
cell morphologies
pleomoprhic organism:
curved rod (vibrioid)
cocci (balls)
cell divison
not mitosis or meiosis
binary fission occurs in
thermithiobacillus tepidarius
measure where the growth is coming from:
unicellularity is very common
thiothrix fructosivorans
cell cultivation : types of media
agar or liquid
liquid: get a uniform growth
-defined media, can chemically define everything in it
-complex media,
section b
need an isolation stratergy
kinetics 5
continous culture
the chemostat
batch culture problems:
fed batch culture
cant mimic enviornmental flux
continous cultures; all end instat
auxostat, pHauxostats, cytostats, turbiodstats
book boden r and hutt lp 2018
theory and technical site
chemostats are done in bioreactors (or fermentors)
*can be oxygenated by forcing air through it, or stir it with a motorised stirer. (can measure the dissolved oxygen)
*bottles on side
*temperature prob
switch between heating and cooling
*usually has a heating jacket
*can measure out flowing gas vs in flowing gas
*can be used as a growing culture for batch cultures or contionous culture
reactor set up for continuous culture
the chemostat:
invented by monod, followed up by pirt.
chemically static system
(could be limitation through oxygen nitrogen source, carbon/energy source)
acetate- carbon source
at any point it will have 0m the vessel holds vml in volume.
set up the reactor, steralise then pump medium in and create a normal batch culture. once react a peak something should start to run out
start dripping medium in ehich are in late exponential fase (acetate)
*reach a physiological steady state
where cells are stable
steady state
one of 3 situations if pump turned on
-biomass and growth will increase until growth rate equalling the dilution rate
dilution rate will be faster then biomass rate
never keep up with rate of dilution
*turn the pump down
growth rate and dilution rate becomes the same this is physiological steady state.
5 culture volumes need to go through the reactor to get first steady state
set growth rate by setting a dilution rate
0.1 reciprocal hours
d.crit (max growth rate) if you go above mew max then it will just wash out
karagouni and slater (1978)
specific molar growth yield
compare organisms in a fair way
get yield per mole of carbon and then compare how equally it is being made
can work out how much substatre diseapers in the resivour
maintenance- in pert sense doesnt work for all organisms
ms-maintneance for substrate (s changes)
measure of how much of the substance is needed to main for one hour
metabolism 1
autotrophs and heterotrophs
exam material
example organisms
autotroghs use co2 or DIC dissolved in organic carbon
some energy source
some reducing power/electron donor to grow
uses organo-c compounds as thier source of C- and E-
general respiration
same periplsmic space of paracoccus vertsutus
(can grow auto or hetero)
autotrophs have energetic issues
no kreb cycle or glycolyic pathway
NADH is required to make NADPH
used electron donors directly instead of making a pool then degrading it
make NADH running backwards
couple forward electron transport translocates protons into periplasmic space
paying money into one bank account and paying it out of another
lu-kelly cycle
all genes are on the sox operon, protein made is called SoxAX. capital letter is protein.