BIOL220Z Molecular Biology Flashcards
Make sure to recap:
Life domains
Main similarities/differences between genomes
What are the characteristics of life?
- maintain integrity (boundaries)
- information: store, replicate, transform it into “action”
- perform and regulate metabolism (energy)
- interact/signal (with environment, other cells)
- replicate (divide)
Life: C-based and DNA-based
Describe the genome in bacterial cells
-one single circular chromosome
-extra chromosomal elements outside of the circular chromosomes
Describe the genome in eukaryotic cells
-mt genome and chloroplasts
Describe the origin of the present-day mitochondria
Endosymbiosis: bacterial cell engulfed by eukaryotic cell and evolve together.
Name 3 types of staining
-binding a molecule to a specific organelle structure
-binding an antibody
-GFP staining (green fluoresent)
Draw the DNA nucleic acid structure
What is a nucleoside?
Nitrogenous base and 5 carbon sugar
DNA VS RNA similarities
-bases: A,G,C
DNA vs RNA differences
-base T
-relatively stable
-information storage
-usually one
-deoxyribose sugar
-base U
-many functions eg transport, enzymatic etc
What are Okazaki fragments?
Okazaki fragments are the short lengths of DNA that are produced by the discontinuous replication of the lagging strand.
What is ori c in e.coli?
This is the replication origin, where DNA sequences are recognised by initiator proteins
What occurs in a reverse transcriptase reaction?
Reverse transcription involves the synthesis of DNA from RNA by using an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase.
The DNA strand is not identical to the og
Name 3 important milestones in molecular biology
-“jumping genes”
-lac operon
What was Barbara McClintock’s work about?
the discovery of transposons “the jumping genes” and the disruption caused by them on chromosome 9
What is the Lac Operon?
A classic example of an inducible operon for gene expression and control in bacteria
Who came up with PCR?
Kary Mullis et al
What is synthetic biology?
A multidisciplinary field of science that focuses on living systems and organisms, and it applies engineering principles to develop new biological parts, devices, and systems or to redesign existing systems found in nature.
How can lac Z be used as a cell reporter?
Lac Z codes for B-galactosidase and its activity serves as a marker for gene expression patterns during development eg in whole mouse embryos
Alpha helix info
3.6 amino acyl residues per turn; 2.3 Å helix radius
Perutz (1951)
Most common helix in proteins.
Usually about 10 aa residues
contains MALEK
Methionine, alanine, leucine, glutamate, and lysine uncharged
example of where found-myosin
310 helix
3.0 amino acyl residues per turn; 1.9 Å helix radius
Bragg et al. (1950)
Very strained structure.
Found in e.g. myoglobin and hemoglobin.
Usually very short - <4 aa residues.
example of where found - blue whale myoglobin
pi helix
4.4 amino acyl residues per turn; 4.4 Å helix radius.
Low and Baybutt (1952)
Energetically unfavourable – selected against unless functionally critical, so found near active-sites.
Usually seen as a bulge on a long alpha helix.
Usually short – 7-10 aa residues
beta helix (sheet)
Perutz (1951)
Can be parallel or antiparallel and complex structures can form.
Each strand is usually 3-10 aa in length.
Usually contains: Valine, threonine, histidine, tyrosine and isoleucine
Name an example of a protein with 310 helices
Blue whale myoglobin
First genome synthesised?
sum of chromosomal DNA
mRNA of specfic condition/time
sum of protein content
all chromosome DNA, all organsisms, All domains
(blend a person)
all mRNA
all chromosomes DNA all strains vs
Beta meander?
2 or more anti-parallell strands linked by hairpin loops
What is a Greek Key Motif?
Four anti-parallel strands and linking-loops.
What occurs at the OriC site in bacteria?
Opening of the strands to allow replication to begin
-one region binds single stranded dna the other double stranded
DUE- dna unbinding site full of a’s and t’s seperates from each other creating a ‘bubble’ and 2 single strands briefly.
- (2 replication forks)
- DNAa (enzyme) intitator protein, binds to the box site (double stranded) and binds to DUE (creating helix turn helix motif) and a second part of the enzyme which is an ATPase domain binds acrose DUE this winds itself up and seperates the 2 DUE strands.
- strands need to be seperated so copies can be made creating 2 genomes
Why is space between DUE and box site important?
genome structures: bacteria and archaea.
What occurs at the OriC site in archaea?
-Contains a series of origin of replication sites (OriC) 3-4
-2 flavours of boxes full size and mini Orbs
- initiator protein (orc 1/ cdc6) comes and binds to an ORIc site.
orc1 will bind well to OriC1 and slightly to all the others- this does same job as dnaA and unwinds
Prophage (viral sequencing)
a bacteriophage genome that is integrated into the circular bacterial chromosome incorporated into the host cell.
HGT (hor gene trans)
transfer of dna from species to species or gene to gene- sideways
ways this can occur:
-phage (the act of prophase intergrating,taking bits of DNA with it)
- plasmids
- intergrons
important in antibiotics
Synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA-transcript of the genes protein-building instructions (mRNA)
Synthesis of a polypeptide under the direction of mRNA.
Site of translation are the ribosomes
Bacteria Transcription/Transalation
Coupled event, as they lack nuclei.
ribosomes attach to leading strand of mRNA colecule whilst transcription is still happening
eukaryotic transcr/Transla
transcription occur in the nucleus, mRNA are sent to the cytoplasm where transalation occurs
Synthesis and processing of RNA
RNA polymerase (enzyme) pries to strands of DNA apart and hooks together the RNA nucleotides as they base-pair slong the template
overview of transcription
Rna and sigma factor come together- high ifinity for DNA sequence.
Locate the promotor (strong association) forms closed promotor.
DNA strands start opening up, transcription starts for RNA.
Signals tell polymerase to stop
How does RNA polymerase recognise where to start? (bacteria)
promotors: they are recongisable by 2 main sequences
one at -10 & -35 upstream from start of transcription
+1 start of transcription (purine normally)
-10 consesus often TATAAT
-35 consensus often TTGACA
distance most important
Top strand is coding strand
other is template strand therefore the outcome RNA will be the compliment of the top strand
synthesis always happens 5’- 3’
Where is start of translation? (bacteria)
(ATG) look downstream
usually at -6 to -8 is shine dalgamo (ribosomal binding site)
Differnces in transcription bacteria and eukarotic
e- 3 types of RNA polymerase
1- rRNA transcribe
2-mRNA transcribe
3-tRNA transcribe
more complex promotors
taata box -30-40
more sequences where pole binds and has enhancers upstream and downstream
b- 1 RNA polymerase
Transcription in eukaryotes
(Other proteins invovled not just RNA polymerase)
enhancer sequence which activator proteins can bind. adaptor proteins- all activate and dna folds.
What does TF stand for?
transcription factors
part of transcriptor proteind that help activation
How is gene expression regulated? (after)
Post Transcription modifications
3’ poly (a) tail- signal degradation
How is gene expression regulated?
(eukaryotic) post transcription
3’ poly (A) tail- to stabilise the mRNA
Splicing- removing on introns
capping structure added to mRNA:
addition of 7-methylguaosine (binds 5’-5’ phosphate at start)
added to mRNA to stop degradation (DONT DESTROY) polyo virus targets this
spliceisome- multi protein complex, help bind RNA around the introns recognise consenus sequence.
cuts out the introns at either end and binds the 2 exons (ligase binds 2 nucleotides)
(Bacteria) Polycystronic?
one mRNA makes more then one proteins, because they’re all needed at the same time
help recognise nucleotide sequences from exon/introns boundaries
Alternative splicing
the same gene can produce slightly or different proteins depending on the introns or extrons used.
Drosphilla gene- grey always present, r/g/b only retain in certain transcripts (38) can be made by one gene therefore lots of different proteins
What are the UTR’s?
Untranslated region