is the expulsion of a living fetus from the mother’s womb before it is viable.
deliberately induced expulsion of a living fetus in order to save the mother from the danger of death brought on by pregnancy.
Therapeutic abortion
the expulsion of the fetus through natural or accidental causes.
Natural abortion
is defined as deliberately putting to death, in an easy, painless way, of an individual suffering from an incurable condition or disease.
is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family life (Executive Order No.209, Family Code of the Philippines)
means slow and painful death without quality of life.
is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings
Human sexulity
is sexual activity between two people who are not married to each other.Usually, both parties are unmarried
Premarital sex
is sex occurring outside marriage, usually referring to when a married person engages in sexual activity with someone other than their marriage partner
Extramarital sex
child’s capability to live independently of its mother after it has left the womb.
defined as the voluntary prevention of conception by the positive use of artificial means which hinder the generative cells from uniting during the sexual act.
consists of depositing a man’s semen in the vagina, cervical canal, or uterus, through the use of instruments (syringes) to bring about conception unattained or unattainable by sexual intercourse.
Artificial Insemination
Two types of Artificial Insemination
Homologous insemination(AIH)
Heterologous (AID)
in which the semen is obtained from the husband himself.
Homologous insemination(AIH)
Homologous artificial insemination
Homologous IVF and ET(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer)
a technique used to facilitate human conception through the transfer into a woman’s vagina of the sperm previously extracted from her husband (with an AI specialist’s instruction, a woman can artificially inseminate herself by using a medical syringe; hence, this is sometimes called “do- it-yourself AI)
Homologous artificial insemination
the technique used to facilitate a human conception through in Vitro fertilization of the generative cells (sperm & ovum)of the couple – the newly conceived embryo is transferred into a wife’s uterus for gestation(hence the method is also known as embryo transfer (Shannon1987;603)
Homologous IVF and ET(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer)
a technique in which the semen is Acquired from a donor other than the husband.
Heterologous (AID)
the technique used to obtain a human conception through the transfer into the genital tracts of the wife of the sperm previously extracted from a donor other than the husband
Heterologous artificial insemination
the technique used to obtain a human conception through invitro fertilization of the generative cells (sperm and egg)taken from at least one donor other than the two spouses in marriage (Shannon;603) That is , if the husband is the one who has a defect, the donor (or third party) is another man; if it is the wife who has a defect, the donor is another woman. If the wife’s oocytes are defective, the process to be employed is medically known as“ovum donor treatment.”
Heterologous IVF and ET,
is a biomedical technique whereby a fertilized ovum is implanted into the uterus of another who will carry the baby to term either as a favor or for a fee
Surrogate Motherhood/Surrogacy
Types of Abortion:
- Natural abortion/ Spontaneous/ Miscarriage
- Direct /intentional abortion
- Therapeutic abortion
- Eugenic abortion
- Indirect abortion
this type of abortion is unintentional and involuntary, and hence devoid of moral significance.
Natural abortion/ Spontaneous/ Miscarriage
this is recommended in case where certain defects are discovered in the developing fetus
Eugenic abortion
in this case, the removal of the fetus occurs as a secondary effect of legitimate or licit action, which is the direct and primary object of intention.
Indirect abortion
is the disapproving view of abortion
The Prolife position
Justifications for the expulsion of the fetus may be classified into:
- Personal
- Social reasons
- Fetal reasons
a. It underscores freedom of choice, giving centrality to the sovereignty of the individual’s conscience, especially in grey areas of morality
b. It liberates decisions from the control of the church, a woman will bear the consequences of her own moral decisions
c. It safeguards the mother from a pregnancy that would threaten her life possibly resulting in a cancerous uterus, therapeutic abortion, or ectopic pregnancy.
d. It protects the reputation of the woman in cases of pregnancy due to rape and incest
a. preventing the births of malformed or defective children
b. Child deformity will cause the family to incur staggering financial and psychological costs
c. Postnatal method of eliminating a couple’s offspring if its sex is found to be undesirable
Fetal reasons
means worthiness and nobility.
Physiological definition. A person is dead when the heart has stopped beating.
Religious or philosophical definition. Means the separation of body and soul.
refer to a condition in which the brain is completely destroyed, and in which the cessation of function of all other organs are imminent and inevitable
Brain death
“easy death” (from the Greek eu-easy Thanatos- “death
Painless, peaceful death
Euthanasia (Mercy killing)
refer to deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life, in order to relieve persistent suffering
euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
terminally ill patient will deliberately, directly terminate his life by employing painless methods- it is an act of commission insofar as it is voluntary and deliberate
Active (Positive) Euthanasia
in w/c one allows oneself to die without taking any medicine or by refusing medical treatment- it is act of omission insofar as one simply refuses to take anything to sustain life.
Is when life-sustaining treatment are withheld.
Passive (Negative)Euthanasia
is where the sick person wishes to terminate their own life but needs help to carry out this act.
Assisted suicide
also known as bitterness or aggressive therapy, as it takes into account the suffering of the dying. it is a practice that aims to extended the life of terminal patients, but subjects them to much suffering.
A normal or natural manner of death and dying, sometimes used to denote the deliberate stopping of artificial or heroic means of maintaining life
Are legal documents that allow you to spell out your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time
Advance Directives
- The living will* Durable power of attorney for health care/Medical power of attorney
- POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment)
- Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders
- Organ and tissue donation
Advance Directives
A do-not-resuscitate order, or DNR order, is a medical order written by a doctor. It instructs health care providers not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a the patient’s breathing stops or if the patient’s heart stops beating
DNR or End of Life Care Plan
The steps of the ethical decision-making process:
- Problem Definition
- Data Collection
- Data Analysis.
- The Identification, Exploration and Generation of Possible Solutions to the Problem and the Implications of Each
- Selecting the Best Possible Solution.
- Performing the Selected Desired Course of Action to Resolve the Ethical Dilemma
- Evaluating the Results of the Action.