Biodiversity Flashcards
What is biodiversity?
The range and variety of genes, species and habitats in a particular region
(Species diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity)
What is species diversity?
The number of different species and individuals within each species in a community
What is genetic diversity?
The variety of genes amongst all the individuals in a population of one species
What is ecosystem diversity?
The range of different habitats
What’s a hybrid?
A sterile offspring produced by the mating of two different species (offspring infertile)
eg. Zonkey, liger, mule, wholphin
What is species richness?
The number of different species in a given area at a time
What is specie evenness?
The number of organisms of each species in a given area at a given time
How do you calculate the index of diversity?
d = N(N - 1) / the sum of n(n - 1)
N = total number of organisms of all species
n = total number of organisms of each species
What impact does agriculture have on species diversity?
Continuous pop growth leads to pressure on food production :
Reduces species richness and diversity
- farmland typically generates a monoculture
- use of pesticides and herbicides
What impact does farming have on genetic diversity?
Farming reduces genetic diversity
- Select species with specific qualities/characteristics which reduces alleles in the population
How is creating a monoculture a problem for biodiversity?
Replacing natural meadows with a single species of crop reduce species richness
Boosts profit for the farmer as they only need nutrients for one species
What are the solutions for greater biodiversity once a monoculture has been created?
Cut verge/field edges after flowering
Create natural meadows and use hay not grass for silage
Plant native trees on land with low species diversity
What’s a solution to overgrazing of land to help increase biodiversity ?
Rotation with a field left fallow
What’s a solution for removal of hedgerows (and replace,ent with fences as field boundaries)?
Maintain existing hedgerows in A shape
Plant hedges rather than erect fences
What are the advantages of planting hedgerows?
Increase biodiversity so increase predators
Increase predators = more yield and less damage to crops
Increase pollinators increases yield and income
Attract tourists/subsidiaries (income for diversification)