BIO FINAL EXAM PART 4:CH 36:-3-6 Plant Bulk transport (xylem and phloem) Flashcards
Bulk flow via Xylem transport:
What is Xylem sap?
Carries dissolved minerals from roots the the leaves via bulk flow.
The water transport puzzle
Trees are tall and water moves fast
Capillary action
water sticks to the side of thin tubes and pulls up.
height of water
exudation of water droplets
During the day the xylem is under neg or pos pressure?
Negative pressure during the day
Cohesion= water is polar & is sticky due to H-bonding
Transpiration= water evaporates from leaves
Tension= transpiring molecules pull up the next one
formation of water vapor pockets
Transpiration- cohesion-tension mechanism
driven by the movement of xylem sap against gravity
Bulk flow is driven by
water potential differences at opposites ends of xylem tissues.
and by transpiration that does not require energy
Transpiration rates increase by
sunny, warm, dry and windy conditions
The plant will wilt if
uptake and transport are not sufficient to replace the lost water
Transpiration also protects leaves from
overheating by lowering internal temps through evaporative cooling (sweating)
Sunny vs. Shaded leaves stomate density
Sunny leaves have a lot of stomates. Shaded leaves have fewer stomates
Guard cells and how they open and close based on changes in turgor pressure
Turgid (stiff)= guard cells bow outwards and the pore opens
Flaccid= guard cells become less bowed and the pore closes.
Phloem =
source to sink
Phloem sap flows
from sources where pressure is HIGH to sinks that are LOW
Phloem sap via bulk flow is driven by
postive pressure calles pressure flow
What is translocation?
living cells that transport sugars transported through the phloem.
Pressure flow hypothesis predicts
Sap near sugar sources should have HIGHER sugar content than phloem sap near sinks.
Symplasts is responsible for
dynamic changes in plant transport via phloem
Plasmodesmata can open or close in response to
turgor pressure, cytosolic Ca2+ levels or pH
Plasmadesmata can close when transitioning from