Bio 121 Lab 3,4 Flashcards
Kingdom fungi
Phylum’s: chitridiomycota, zygomycota, ascomycota, basidiomycota
- non-motile reproductive cells
- multicellular, heterotrophic
- cell walls = chitin
- Saprobes
- can degrade cellulose and lignin
Tubular branched filaments
Group of hyphae
Use extracellular digestion to break down dead/decaying organic material
Live in association with other organisms (both benefit)
-waterproof and can remain dormant for years
Asexual reproduction (fungi)
Fragmentation if mycelium or asexual spores
Sexual reproduction (fungi)
Fusion of gametes produced in gametangia
Cross walls in hyphae
Aseptate/ multinucleate
Hyphae without septa, one cell multiple nuclei
- chitridiomycota
- zygomycota
Septate/ uninucleate
Hyphae containing septa, each cell only one nucleus
- Ascomycota
- basidiomycota
RO: allomyces
Phylum: chitridiomycota FLAGELLATED GAMETES -saprotroph -Freshwater -Branching hyphae -rhizoids (specialized hyphae) -alternation if generations
Not motile sexual reproduction (3 fungi phylums)
Zygomycota, ascomycota, basidiomycota
-hyphae grow together and fuse
Zygomycota reproductive structure
Ascomycota reproductive structure
Ascocarp (houses asci)
Basidiomycota reproductive structure
Basidiocarp (mushroom)
Phylum chitridiomycota
- aquatic
- microscopic, multinucleate, aseptate
- motile gametes
- Attach (allomyces) to food structure
- secrete digestive enzymes
Male gametangium (allomyces)
- Light orange
- below female gametangium
Female gametangium (allomyces)
Discharge papillae
Openings on gametangia where gametes are released
Allomyces friends
- Neocallimastix
- batrachochytrium
Phylum zygomycota
- terrestrial fungi
- Saprotrophs, parasites, insect pathogens
- no motile stage
- multinucleate/ aseptate
- sexual reproduction fusion gametangia
RO: rhizopus
Phylum: zygomycota
- Bread mold
- 3 Hyphae: stolons, rhizoids, sporangiophores
- extracellular digestion
- amylase
Form horizontal branching network, spread fungus over food, produce rhizoids
- Short branched hyphae
- penetrate food,
- anchor rhizopus into food source
- secrete amylase
- Digestive enzyme secreted by rhizoids
- converts sugar to starch
Rhizopus asexual reproduction
- Upright (expose to air currents) hyphae produced by stolons during asexual reproduction
- each bearing sporangium
- spores within sporangium
Rhizopus sexual reproduction
- times of stress
- zygosporangium structure
- forms zygospore
- produced by sexual reproduction
- Contains diploid nucleus
- thick wall protects from dessication
Rhizopus friends
- Phycomyces
- entomophthora
Phylum ascomycota
- cup fungi, powdery mildews, yeasts, morels, truffles
- terrestrial saprotrophs
- plant pathogens
- septate, uninucleate
- asexual reproduction (spores)
- ascus