Bilogy week2 pt 2. Lecture 4 Flashcards
A MATING SYSTEM-One sex mate with multiple others-if the offspring need little parental support
A Form of Polygamous
One male with multiple females
A Form of Polygamous
- PolyANDERous
One female with multiple males
A Form of Polygamous
Both sex’s mate with multiple others
A Form of Polygamous
- Monagamous
ONE male with ONE female-when an offspring needs sufficient parental care
Male Mating Strategies 1) 2) 3) 4)
1) Female defense
2) Resource defense
3) Self-Advertisement
4) Sneaking
Male Mating Strategies
*Female Defense
A male gets the female by defending a group of females
Male mating Strategies
*Resource Defense
A male defends territory that would be useful for the female-food, nest sight.
Male Mating strategies
- Self-Advertisement
Self advertisement is displaying the males self in an area with lots of females
Male Mating strategies
- Sneaking
Males that have little chance of mating sneak into court females to fertilize the eggs.
Female Mating Strategies
1) Direct Benefits
2) Good genes
3) Male choice copying
Female Mating Strategies
- Direct benefits
Direct benefits is when the male provides resources like parental care or food
Female Mating Strategies
*Good Genes
Good genes is when a male is based on his quality such as disease resistance.
Female mating Strategies
*Male choice copying
Male choice copying is when the girl wants what the other girl wants
What helps the mate realize the other is not genetically fit?
Why not cheat?
Sexually-Selected characteristics are honest indicators of quality.
ex: The blue feet of the blue footed booby.
What is a extra-pair copulation?
Where two individuals mate for life but occasionally fool around with others.
Define Direct Fitness
Direct fitness includes the individuals own offspring
Define Indirect Fitness
Indirect Fitness is the offspring of closely related individuals, such as parents and siblings.
Inclusive fitness
Inclusive fitness is fitness of both the offspring and relatives
Kin-Selected Behavior
Kin Selected Behavior is behavior that spreads as result of increasing inclusive fitness.
Kin-Selected Behavior
Kin Selected Behavior is behavior that spreads as result of increasing inclusive fitness.
Helpers of the nest
Individuals help raise siblings.
Females care for each others offspring
Altruism is when a individual risks its own life in order to protect those better suited for reproduction
What is Hamiltons Rule?
You risk your life to save the more benefitial relative
- Eusocial Behavior
Individuals foregoing in their own reproduction in favor of serving the colony.
Reciprocal Alturism
Tin or Tat
Animals help unrelated individuals.
-treat individuals the way they treated you last time
Costs to living in groups 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Competition for food, competition for mates, more predators, harder to find habitat, diseases spread quickely
Benefits to living in groups 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
more diversity more mating options increase alturism dilution effect- predators less likely to affect you more territory holding capability more shared parental care.
Behavioral ecology
ways animals use behavior to solve life problems
Niko Tinbergen’s 2 types of questions for behavioral ecology
1) How questions (Proximate Causation)
2) Why questions (Ultimate causation)
How questions (Proximate Causation)
What causes Behavior?
How does behavior develope?
Why Questions (Ultimate Causation)
How does behavior enhance fitness?
How did behavior evolve?
Sign stimulus
External cue that triggers behavior in mates. often leads to fixed action pattern
Fixed action pattern
sequence of unlearned actions
Super-normal stimulus
exaggerated signal which leads to more intense responses
Innate behavior
developmentally fixed, nearly all individuals have the same behavior with little variation
Learned behavior
learned as grow up from others
a form of learned behavior-formation during early life stage of long-lasting behavioral responses to people or objects-necessary for adult-male recognition.