billary system Flashcards
narrowing of bile ducts
Biliary stenosis
acute or chronic inflammation of the GB
presence of gallstones
- general term for radiographic study of the biliary system
- radiographic investigation of the GB
- radiographic investigation of the biliary ducts
radiography of both the gallbladder & biliary ducts
Cholecystangiography or cholecystocholangiography
relationship with bile
bag or sac
common bile duct
bile ducts
hormone that stimulates the contraction of gallbladder
IR: 18x24cm
Ppx: prone; erect
- right side of abdomen centered
- rest head on left cheek – to rotate the vertebrae slightly toward to the left
- center gallbladder
- used to demonstrate the mobility of the gallbladder
- detect the presence of stones that are too small to cast individual shadows
- differentiate papilloma or other tumor shadows from cholesterol calculi shadows
CR: perpendicular
PA PProjection
IR: 18x24cm lengthwise
Ppx: recumbent for oblique & lateral projections
Pp: LAO position
- prone
- elevated right side (15-40°)
CR: perpendicular
Instruction – end of exhalation
PA Oblique LAO
- used to differentiate gallstones from renal stones or calcified mesenteric lymph nodes
- used to separate the superimposition of the gallbladder & the vertebrae
IR: 18x24cm lengthwise
Ppx: recumbent for oblique & lateral projections
Pp: Lying on the right side
Right Lateral Position
- used to demonstrate:
o stone that are heavier than bile & that are too small to visible other
than when accumulated in the dependent portion of the gallbladder
o stone that are lighter than bile & that are visualized only by stratification - used for patient who cannot stand for an erect position
IR: 18x24cm
Ppx : lateral recumbent
Pp: body elevated 2 to 3 inches on a suitable support
CR: horizontally
AP Projection
R lateral decubitus
- used primarily to draw the gallbladder superiorly, where it will not superimpose
by the intestinal contents
Ppx: upright
Pp: - right side of abdomen centered to VGCH
- patient to grasp the sides of the stand or table
- brace abdomen against grid or table
- lean thorax posteriorly in a forced lordotic position
Location of gallbladder: - 8th rib or L2 & L3 – right side
o place film 1-2” away from the vertebral column - obese – 2-3” higher than the normal
- thin – 2-3” lower than the normaltion
Inspiration – downward medially
Expiration - upward laterally
PA Lordotic Projection
- investigate biliary ducts & gallbladder of noncholecystectomized patients
- when the structures are not visualized by OCG
- patient cannot take orally the CM due to vomiting or diarrhea
- investigate biliary ducts of cholecystectomized patients
- preoperative exploration of biliary tract
- used for patients w/ jaundice when the ductal system has been shown dilated by CT or ultrasonography but cause of obstruction is unclear
- patient right side surgically prepared & appropriately drapped – CM inserted through a Chiba needle into the right lateral intercostal space &
advance toward the liver hilum - patient under local anesthesia
- procedure done under fluoroscopy – serial or spot AP projections
- carried during biliary tract surgery
- following drainage of the bile, & in the absence of obstruction, CM is introduced into the major intrahepatic ducts as well as the extrahepatic ducts.
examination performed by way of the T-shaped tube left in the common bile duct (CBD) for postoperative drainage
(delayed or T-tube cholangiography)
- Surgicoradiologic procedure wherein a water-soluble, iodinated CM is introduced into the main pancreatic duct (duct of Wirsung) for investigation of the pancreas
- Done by:
o efflux filling from an injection made into the CBD when these two passages share a common channel before emptying into the duodenum
o direct injection through the transduodenal catheterization of the duct - MSP centered to grid at level of xiphoid process
- use to diagnose the biliary & pancreatic pathologic conditions
- useful diagnostic method when the biliary ducts are not dilated & when no obstruction exists at the ampulla
- performed by passing a fiber-optic endoscope through the mouth onto the duodenum under fluoroscopic control
o to ease passage of endoscope – patients throat sprayed w/ local anesthesia - causes temporary pharyngeal paresis
o food & drink usually prohibited for at least 1hr after the procedure - food w/held for up to 10 hrs after procedure
o minimize irritation to the stomach & small bowel - Endoscopist locates the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater)
o small cannula is passed through the endoscope & directed into the ampulla
o CM injected into the CBD - Oblique radiographs taken to prevent overlap of the CBD & pancreatic duct