Big Daddy (4) Flashcards
*Various systems & technology used to record, monitor, & deliver pt care, as well as perform managerial & organizational functions. HIT is used to support systems that collect data needed for pt care, population health management, & for the sharing of this information within a secure system. Large datasets resulting from Meaningful Use (MU) & other incentives will provide increased evidence to support HIT policy decisions that weigh national, as well as global implications.
Health Information Technology (HIT)
manage health information for specific areas of healthcare. Health information systems are categorized as clinical information systems or administrative information systems.
Health information systems (HIS)
is what is involved in the design, development, implementation, integration, creation, use, and maintenance of health information systems. HIT also refers to the area of healthcare that uses computer hardware, software, or infrastructure to record, retrieve, analyze, archive, secure, and share clinical administrative, and financial information. HIT is the backbone and foundational structure of many advancements in healthcare such as clinical decision support, computerized disease registries, computerized provider order entry, consumer health IT applications, electronic medical record systems (EMRs, EHRs, and PHRs), electronic prescribing, and telehealth.
Health information technology (HIT)
*Sets the national Standard of Personal Health Information. Legal Protection for PHI. Electronic transactions need to have HIPAA compliant codes. Signing into devices should require authentication encryption & should never be left unattended. Email & instant messaging may carry PHI that can be intercepted. Fines prior to 2/18/09 are $100/violation w/ a max of $25000 yearly. If after 2009, fine can be $100-50000+/violation, w/ a max of $1.5 million yearly. Criminal penalty fines can be up to $50000 & 1-year in jail.
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)
What legislation provides more rigorous enforcement of HIPPA & requires notification of breaches & allow pt access to their electronic records?
HIPPA Breach notification Rule, US dept of health & human services (HHS) & Office for Civil rights (OCR) is responsible for enforcing HIPPA
What are 3 common reasons for HIPPA violation citations?
Lost or stolen unencrypted devices, social media postings, taking a patient photo with a personal phone.
Lab results qualify as this because they can give an indication of a patient’s underlying condition.
Which area is an example of where information and data privacy issues may arise?
Informed consent records because it records detail specific information such as tests, procedures, laboratory results, etc. and may compromise privacy if improperly handled.
Best practices for HIPAA
require password
Employee falls & gets hurt at work
Do not provide the info because HIPAA
HIPAA protection?
Name and DOB
Hiker information given to newspaper?
Hospital violates HIPAA because they did not follow their guidelines
Input pt data into journal?
How to protect pt data
Maintaining HIPPA protocols, encrypted EHR storage, training employees on a need-to-know basis.
is to advocate, uphold, and defend the consumer’s right to privacy and the doctrine of confidentiality in the use and disclosure of information. While this guiding principle is focused on the health information management professional, it also applies to the nursing profession.
AHIMA Code of Ethics
The use of standardized data sets is critical for EHR. Which 2 standards support the interoperability of healthcare data?
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) & HL7 standards.
*A standard/framework for the exchange of data (PHI) between information systems w/ extensive set of rules that applies to all data that is exchanged, shared, integrated, or retrieved. Refers to both organization & its standards to exchange data. Specifies how the data is coded.
*Health Level 7 (HL7)
*Is the international standard diagnostic classification for health-management purposes and clinical use. The ICD diagnoses are used to classify mortality & morbidity data from input & output records. Also used for reimbursement.
International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision (ICD-10)
What are the ICD10 international classification of diseases?