Bible Content: E - OT Key Events Flashcards
Genesis 1-2
Genesis 3
Genesis 6
Genesis 11
Promise to Abraham*
Genesis 12
Sign of Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 17
Jacob wrestling with the angle
Genesis 32
10 Plagues
Exodus 7-11
Water turns to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locust, darkness, death of firstborn
The Exodus*
Exodus 12-14
1,446 BC
Dividing of the Red Sea
Exodus 14
Moses’ Song
Exodus 15
Manna and quail from heaven
Exodus 16
First incident of water coming from the rock
Exodus 17
Golden calf
Exodus 32
New stone tablets
Exodus 34; Deut. 10
First and second census
Numbers 1; 26
What tribe was exempted from military duty?
Numbers 1:47
Levi. Because of their service for the Tabernacle.
Who opposed Moses after the camp left Mt. Sinai?
Numbers 12
Miriam and Aaron
Second incident of water coming from the rock
Numbers 20:12
Moses doubted God and struck the rock in frustration.
Covenant renewal in the land of Moab
Deuteronomy 29
Circumcision at Gilgal
Joshua 5
All the Israelites born in the desert had not been circumcised. The circumcision took place prior to the fall of Jericho.
Fall of Jericho
Joshua 6
Achan’s sin
Joshua 7:10
Achan kept back a porition of the forbidden spoil and consequently lost his life.
Gibeonite deception
Joshua 9
They dressed in tattered clothes to make it appear they had traveled a long distance to make a treaty with Israel.
Sun stands still
Joshua 10
The sun stood still to give Israel more time to route the Amorites in battle.
What tribe did Israel turn against during the period of the Judges?
Judges 19-20
Tribe of Benjamin, because of immorality and homosexuality.
Anointing of David*
1 Samuel 16
1,050 BC
David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17
David and Jonathan
1 Samuel 18
City of Nob
1 Samuel 21
City of priests near Saul’s capital of Gibeah to which the tabernacle came to be transferred after the destruction of Shiloh. David eats the bread of the presence there.
1 Samuel 27:6
David used it as a base for raids against various groups.
1 Samuel 28
The medium/necromancer whom Saul consulted.
Davidic Covenant
2 Samuel 7; 1 Chron. 17
Absalom’s conspiracy and death
2 Samuel 15
Solomon asks for wisdom
1 Kings 3
Dedication of the temple*
2 Chron. 5-7; 1 Kings 8
966 BC
Division of the Kingdom*
1 Kings 12
930 BC
Elijah fed by ravens
1 Kings 17:6
Miracle with flour and a jar of oil
1 Kings 17:14
The widow and her son were miracously provided for because they fed Elijah
Elijah on Mt. Caramel
1 Kings 18:20-21
Elijah faced 400 prophets of Baal
Elijah taken up to heaven
2 Kings 2:1-14
Floating axe head
2 Kings 6
What army was blinded by God as they pursued Elisha?
2 Kings 6:17-18
Syrians (Arameans)
2 Kings 17
Northern - 722 BC
2 Kings 24-25
Southern - 586 BC
Return from Exile*
Ezra 1-2
531 BC
Mass divorce
Ezra 10
God commanded a divorce because the people married followers of other gods.
How long did it take to rebuild the wall?
Nehemiah 6
52 days
Ezra reads the law
Nehemiah 8
Jeremiah at the potter’s house
Jeremiah 18
Where did Jeremiah flee?
Jeremiah 41
Fiery furnance
Daniel 3
Daniel’s three friends thrown into the fiery furnance because they refused to bow down to the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar.
What was the writing on the wall?
Daniel 5
Who wanted the writing on the wall interpreted and what was the reward?
Daniel 5
Belshazzar, “son” of Nebuchadnezzar promised that the interpreter would become the third highest offical in babylon.
Lion’s den
Daniel 6
Daniel’s dream of 4 beasts
Daniel 7
Lion, bear, leopard, beast with iron teeth and ten horns.
What did Joel prophecy against Judah?
Joel 1
Swarming locusts
Where was Jonah called to God and where did he flee?
Jonah 1
Jonah was called to Ninevah, but fled to Tarshish via Joppa.
How many days did God give Ninevah to repent?
Jonah 3
40 days
What did Jonah do after Ninevah repented?
Jonah 4
Sulked under a vine