Bible Content: D - OT Key Passages Flashcards
Exodus 12-13
10 Commandments
Exodus 20; Deut. 5
Institution of ceremonial offerings
Leviticus 1-7
* Burnt - expression of worship and dedication
* Grain - gift to God, thanks for His provision
* Fellowship - expression of devotino to God and fellowship with Him and one another
* Sin and guilt - atonement for sin
Day of Atonement
Leviticus 16
Annual sacrifice on the tenth day of the seventh month.
Unlawful sexual relations and their punishment
Leviticus 18; 20
What were the main feasts of Israel?
Leviticus 23-25
* Passover - Redemption from Egypt
* Unleavend bread
* First Fruits - dedicate and consecrate harvest
* Pentecost - giving of the law
* Trumpets - usher in and consecrate the seventh month as the sabbatical month
* Atonements - annual atonement for the sins of the priests and the people
* Tabernacles - tent dwelling in wilderness
Year of Jubilee
Leviticus 25:8
The 50th year when all debts were canceled
The test for an unfaithful wife
Numbers 5:11
Nazirite vow
Numbers 6
A vow not to cut one’s hair during the appointed time of service.
Cities of refuge
Numbers 35
Six cities designated to which a person who had killed someone could gain a fair trial.
Deut. 6
Blessings and cursings from Moses
Deuteronomy 28
Curses from Mt. Ebal
Blessings from Mt. Gerazim
Hannah’s song
1 Samuel 2
Ezekiel 33
New Covenant
Jeremiah 31
Messianic Psalms
Ps 2, 22, 110
Psalms of Repentance
Psalm 51, 102
Psalms of Korah
Psalm 42-49
Psalms of Asaph
Psalm 73-83
Hallel of Egypt Psalms
Psalm 113-118
Songs of Ascent
Psalm 120-134
Agur’s sayings
Proverbs 30
Lemuel’s sayings
Proverbs 31:1-9
A time for everything
Eccl. 3
Solomon’s warnings concerning vows
Eccl. 5
What book is devoted to marriage?
Song of Song
Suffering Servant
Isaiah 53
A linen belt (sign of what?)
Jeremiah 13
A sign of a broken covenant
The righteous branch
Jeremiah 23
Two baskets of figs
Jeremiah 24
Cup of God’s wrath
Jeremiah 25
Where would you find Jeremiah sorrow and mourning over the situation of Judah?
Cooking pot
Ezekiel 24
Ezekiel’s prophecy against the shepherds
Ezekiel 34
“I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove your heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 36:26
New covenant
Valley of dry bones
Ezekiel 37
Specifications for the new temple
Ezekiel 40-42
Daniel 7, 9
Son of Man
Daniel 7:13
Vison of a man dressed in linen
Daniel 10
“I will pour out my spirit”
Joel 2
How does Amos’ prophecy encircle Israel?
Amos 1-2
Amos begins with Israel’s neighbors and progresses closer and closer until he finally indicts Israel.
Locust, plumb line, and a basket of ripe fruit
Amos 7-8
Restoration of David’s fallen tent?
Amos 9:11
What is the shortest prophetic book and how many verses does it contain?
21 verses
Where would you find the “golden rule”?
Obadiah 15
What attribute of God does Nahum highlight in chapter 1?
Nahum 1:2
God’s vengeful wrath
What does Zephaniah deal with in chapter 1?
Zephaniah 1:7
The Day of the Lord’s judgment against Judah
“The just shall live by faith”
Habakkuk 2:4
To whom did God say, “I will make you My signet ring, for I have chosen you?”
Haggai 2:3
Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel
“Behold, your king is coming to you…”
Zechariah 9
HOLY TO THE LORD will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, etc.
Zechariah 14
“I am going to send my messenger”
Malachi 3