Bias (UW) Flashcards
Selection bias?
It results from selection of study subjects that are not representative of the study population
It results from selection of study subjects that are not representative of the study population?
Selection bias
Referral bias?
It results when patients are sampled from specialized medical centers and therefore, they do not represent the general population
It results when patients are sampled from specialized medical centers and therefore, they do not represent the general population?
Referral bias
Non-response bias?
It results when study design allows subjects to decide whether or not to participate in the study
It results when study design allows subjects to decide whether or not to participate in the study
Non-response bias
Prevalence bias (Neyman bias)?
It results when incidence of a disease is estimated based on prevalence, and data become skewed selective survival
It results when incidence of a disease is estimated based on prevalence, and data become skewed selective survival
Prevalence bias (Neyman bias)
measurement bias?
it results from inaccurate estimation of exposure and/or outcome
it results from inaccurate estimation of exposure and/or outcome
measurement bias
recall bias?
it results mainly in case-control studies where effect of exposure may be overestimated
it results mainly in case-control studies where effect of exposure may be overestimated
recall bias
observer bias (ascertanment bias, detection bias, assessment bias)?
It results when the investigator’s decision is adversely affected by knowledge of the exposure status
It results when the investigator’s decision is adversely affected by knowledge of the exposure status
observer bias (ascertanment bias, detection bias, assessment bias)
attrition bias?
it is a type of selection bias in which there is a loss to follow-up which occurs DISPROPORTIONATELY between exposed and non-exposed subjects
it is a type of selection bias in which there is a loss to follow-up which occurs DISPROPORTIONATELY between exposed and non-exposed subjects
attrition bias
surveillance bias?
it occurs when the exposed group undergoes increased monitoring relative to the general population. This tends to increase disease diagnoses compared to the general population
it occurs when the exposed group undergoes increased monitoring relative to the general population. This tends to increase disease diagnoses compared to the general population
surveillance bias
ecologic fallacy?
this is a bias which occurs when population-level information is applied to an individual level
this is a bias which occurs when population-level information is applied to an individual level
ecologic fallacy
volunteer bias?
this is a bias which occurs when a sample of volunteers misrepresents its target population and threatens generalizability (ie external validity)
this is a bias which occurs when a sample of volunteers misrepresents its target population and threatens generalizability (ie external validity)
volunteer bias