BGM1004/L22 Vertebrate Development Flashcards
When does patterning occur?
Initiated on day 12
What is morphogenesis?
Process by which an organism or structure begins to develop 3-dimensional form
Give the 3 fundamental processes of developmental biology.
Cell differentiation
Define axis formation.
Establishment of body plan
What is body plan?
Map of an organism developed by three axis
Give and define the 3 axis.
Antero-posterior axis - head to tail
Dorso-ventral axis - back to belly
Left-right axis - as stated
Give another name for the anterior end of the embryo.
Give another name for the posterior end of the embryo.
What is body axis formation dependent on?
Different parts of the embryo becoming distinct
Name the 4 components to cell signalling.
Release and transmission of signal by source cell
Reception by target cell
Cellular response
Give 2 example of cellular responses to cell signalling.
Cell shape change
What signalling molecules pattern the embryo?
Growth factors/ morphogens
How do morphogens control positioning of specialised cell types?
Form gradients which activate/repress different genes at different concentrations
What is the role of the protein bicoid in flies?
First step in establishing A-P polarity
Give 2 ways that morphogens achieve long range signalling in cellularised tissues.
Diffusion over long distances
Relay from cell to cell
Cellular extensions
Describe the role of the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) protein.
Crucial vertebrate morphogen