Beyond the Sky and the Earth Flashcards
‘Bhutan is all and only mountains’
short sentence emphasises the key feature of Bhutan
‘on the other side of mountains are mountains, more mountains and more mountains again’
use of listing and repetition of mountains creates imagery of the endless terrain. She feels isolated or in awe (overwhelmed by terrain)
‘It is easier to picture a giant child’
-Analogy - it’s easier for the reader to imagine and it reflects her excitement at seeing the country
‘I watch mountains rise to meet the moon’
-personification/alliteration- sense of childlike wonder, beautiful imagery
‘I used to wonder’ vs ‘I found out’
shows past wonder and her realization, and possible loss of wonder for she realizes behind mountains are just more mountains.
‘the winter air is thin and dry and very cold’
syndetic listing exaggerates conditions and can build tension
‘instant coffee, powdered milk, plasticky white bread and flavourless red jam’
-the adjectives used show a poorer quality food as she compares it to western food
‘(the girls) traveled extensively’
-their experience makes her feel more comfortable
‘I stay close to them, hoping to pick up some of their enthusiasm’
-Has mixed feelings and shows uncertainty/vulnerability/exhaustion/anxiety
‘20,000, it seems even smaller.’
-Feels claustrophobic as she is unsure of her surroundings
‘plastic buckets and metal plates’
-shows signs of poverty
‘It doesn’t even have traffic lights’
Shows Bhutan as an isolated, small population that is not even touched by technology
‘Incomprehensible but graceful hand gestures’
Juxtaposition between adjectives, implies due to Bhutan’s small community, where everyone is so connected hand gestures can get across a message
‘hideously coloured Orange Cream Biscuits’
Humorous for readers, use of asyndetic listing where the description of western influences is portrayed negatively
‘high cheekbones and gentle smiles’
Use of long sentences and descriptive language provide positive imagery to show that there aren’t enough words or space to describe how beautiful they are
‘varying hue, but similar cry’
-Modifies idiom ‘hue and cry’
-Makes satirical point about European colonialism and its effects on the rest of the world