"Between the Wars" Flashcards
What reforms were introduced in Turkey?
- Islamic law: New law code based on European models
- Islamic calendar: Christian (Holy day moved to Sunday instead of Friday)
- Adopted Western clothes
- Religious schools: State schools
- Women had new rights (no more veils, voting, banned polygamy, obtain jobs)
- Industrial expansion
What reforms were introduced in Iran?
- Modernization
- Industrialization
- Strengthened army
- Western alphabet
- Western clothing
- Modern, secular schools
- Encouraged women to be more involved in public life
- Gained more control over the oil industry from Britain
Why were many Arabs angered by the decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference after World War I?
- Borders made by Europeans
- Hated they were dominated by foreigners (mandates)
What is the Balfour Declaration?
A declaration by the British promising a national home for the Jews in Palestine
Why did Palestine become a central conflict between the wars?
The Balfour Declaration forbade Arabs from Palestine.
- Embraced Hindu traditions
- Preached ahimsa (nonviolence)
- Believed world opinion would eventually side with him.
Amritsar Massacre
A large peaceful crowd of Indians gathered in the heart of the city. British soldiers opened fire in the crowd killing hundreds.
How did Indians protest?
Peacefully with nonviolence.
-Salt March
Why did Gandhi organize the Salt March?
To protest the British taking Indian salt
Passive disobedience
Resistance by nonviolent methods to a government, an occupying power, or specific laws, as refusing to comply, demonstrating in protest, or fasting.
Civil disobedience
The refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest.
Sun Yat-sen
First and founding president of the Republic of China
Chinese political group founded by Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang Kai-sek
Founder of the Guomindang
Mao Zedong
- Young revolutionist of peasant origins
- Chinese communist
- Believed communism should seek the support of the the peasants (not small urban working class)
Why did the Chinese republic fall into chaos after 1912?
The new Republic of China fell into chaos after 1912 because of the mistakes of Yuan Shikai. In 1912, after Sun Yixian(AKA Sun Yat-Sen) stepped down as president in favor for him, Yuan Shikai tried to foolishly create another dynasty. However, the military didn’t back him and opposition divided the nation.
May 4th Movement
- Student protests erupted across china, claiming China can’t be conquered by Japan.
- Boycotted Japanese goods
Twenty-One Demands
An ultimatum to China from Japan saying they must give control over territory to Japan or else go to war.