Ben-marpod/23//24//apr15, Flashcards
I would like to point out I am doing the best that I can.
doing everything I can/everything possible
all/everything that I can
more common:
*Me gustaría indicar/señalar que estoy haciendo lo mejor que puedo.
- que estoy haciendo todo lo posible
- que estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo.
puntualizar - think punctual
todo lo posible = everything possible
You can speak to me using tú.
Me puedes tutear.
to point out/to specify
to point out
(think punt is to point)
Dan is the father-in-law of Judy´s son-in-law.
Dan es el suegro del yerno de Judit.
to leave a tip
dejar una propina
(NOT propinar - which is to give)
to beat someone up
dar una paliza (pal Liza) used in México, or dar una golpiza (gold pizza)
propinar una paliza
propinar - to give (but not like a tip - that is dejar una propina)
una paliza - a beating
la paliza - beating, see a woman beating someone who is not a pal like Lisa
She is very argumentative.
Ella es muy peleona (adj) Not sure it really means fiesty. like a leona
asking Pepe who says it is not really fiesty, but has a somewhat bad connotation, argumentative, aggressive la peleona means the brawl/the fight
el peleón, la peleona
aggressive, argumentative, rough, cheap
peleón, peleona - adj
(see someone peeing on the lion)
the beating
la golpiza (gold pizza - not)
la paliza
(think beating someone who is not a pal like Lisa)
the client
el cliente, la clienta
the rascal/scoundrel/rogue - noun
crafty, naughty - adj
el picaro, la picara (like Figaro, Figaro who was a bit of a rascal-scoundrel, etc.)
See the naughty boy peeing on the flowers
Es un picaro. He´s a rogue.
(think rougue, naughty-pickey pickey enough to pick a row )
Perhaps someday I will speak Spanish beautifully.
A lo mejor algún día hablaré español bellamente.
A lo mejor - always takes indicative!
tal vez, quizá, can take either indic o subj depending on what you want to say
Tal vez algún día hablé español bellamente
the after-dinner, after-lunch conversation
la sobremesa
(think of everyone sitting on top of the table naked having a conversation!)
the working day
la jornada
Do you have any tricks or hints for learning Spanish?
¿Tienes algún truco o pista para aprender español?
pista - road, track, trail, clue, hint
el truco - trick, knack, hang of
Judy and I usually have a long after-lunch conversation.
Judy y yo solemos hacer una larga sobremesa después del almuerzo.
hacer sobremesa NOT tener sobremesa
The beating left the man unconscious.
La golpiza/la paliza dejó al hombre inconsciente.