Beliefs in Society Flashcards
What is a belief system?
A belief system is any integrated set of ideas which influences the way that people see the world. Types: Religious, political and scientific.
What does monotheistic mean?
Belief in a single God. Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Polytheistic mean?
Belief in several gods. Hinduism and the religions of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
What do Marxists argue about society?
Capitalist and other class based societies are dominated by a ruling class ideology.
What do Marxists believe capitalist societies are divided into?
- Bourgeoisie (dominant ruling class) - owns the means of production
- Subject Class - has to work to ruling class in order to survive
Marxists structure of society?
- Economic base - means of production controlled by ruling class
- Superstructure - non economic parts of society including the state, the mass media, education and religion
Functionalist view on religion?
Society has certain basic needs
Social order for cooperation and social solidarity.
What did Durkheim say religious institutions play in society?
Play a central part in creating and maintaining the value consensus, order and solidarity of a society.
What was Durkheim interested in?
And what are they?
The fundamental distinction between the sacred and profane.
Sacred - things set apart that inspire feelings of awe, fear and wonder.
Profane - things of no special significance, ordinary or mundane.
Durkheim and totemism?
Totem used to symbolise what the Arunta considered sacred. Which represented the values… in society. To bring a collective conscience. People working towards a goal. E.g. Hajj
What does religion provide you with? (Durkheim)
Cognitive function - provides you with the rules, stories. Leading to a sense of identity. Leading you to conform. A collective.
Durkheim on ‘primitive man comes to view society as something scared he is utterly dependent on it’ mean?
Man needs society. Needs a sense of belonging, identity and cohesion. God = society.
What’s a conservative force?
A force that keeps things stable. Stability and social order. (Durkheim - cohesion, sacred, norms and values, unity…)
( Marxism - accept place)
What does Malinowski agree with?
Through what times?
Malinowski agrees that religion reinforces norms and values and promotes solidarity.
Time of life crisis - religion can provide a source of comfort, explanation and meaning.
What are the two factors Parsons believes in? (1965)
- Provides and underpins core values - norms which regulates behaviour
- Gives meanings and explanations to life crisis. Religion provides a mechanism of adjustment - way to return to a sense of normality.
Marxism views of religion?
- Religion supports ruling class ideology.
- Religion is part of the ideological state apparatus.
- Religion is part of the superstructure of society - all things not directly correlated with production.
Religion and ideology (Marxism). Leads to a…
False direction and offers hope and solutions illusions.
Distorts and obscures the true nature of reality (opiate).
Religion helps to keep the proletariat is a state of false consciousness.
Marx on religion?
“Opium of the people” - poverty seen as fine - rewarded in afterlife. Compensation… hierarchy.
A drug that soothes pain and distorts reality.
Preventing revolution.
Lenin on religion (Marxism)?
“Religion is a kind of spiritual gin”
- seen to be good even if you are poor. Rewarded later on. Socialise people into accepting their role. Proletariat don’t rebel. Don’t question it.
Where does religion arise? Marxism
Arises where people lack economic security
Poor countries with life threatening risks tend to be more religious.
Gramsci ( is not a conservative force ) and hegemony - persuading the masses.
Ruling class have to persuade the masses everything fine is fine and good. However, religion can develop to support challenges to ruling class as church isn’t directly under control of ruling class. Which means they could challenge oppression and status quo.
Maduro (not conservative) and Catholicism in South America. (liberation theory - expressed from poor - take example of Jesus - to bring a just society)
Catholic priests criticise + act against ruling class / bourgeoise (put pressure) however never done.
Criticisms of Marxism?
• functionalist - ignores positive benefits
• feminist - acts to preserve male patriarchal power
• secularisation - religion is declining, with ruling class still in power
• too negative - comfort Malinowski
- can open eyes of the oppressed (maduro)
Feminism and patriarchy?
Maintains patriarchal ideology which legitimises the oppression of women. Places of worship - Islam - segregated in worship. Religious texts - no female gods. Laws- divorce and Saudi Arabia.
El Saadawi (1980) feminism?
The male dominance in religion is the problem. Monotheistic - male gods. Dominated
Simone de Beauvoir (1953)? Feminism
Religion is oppressive to women. Used by men to control women. Religion compensates women for their second class status. They get a false belief rewarded in heaven and gain equality there.
Parsons (functionalism) - mechanism of adjustment?
Gives meanings and explanations to life crisis. Religion provides a sense of adjustment - a means of emotional adjustment and a way to return to a sense of normality. Dealing with this helps to avoid feelings of anomie (normlessness)
What did Daly say about religion? (1978) feminism
Christianity is a ‘patriarchal myth’. It eliminates other ‘Goddess religions’. Christanity is rooted in male ‘sad-rituals’ with its ‘torture cross’ symbol. It embodies women hating.
What did Helen and Watson say about the Veil and Hijab?
Way of protecting women from sexual harassment (not a sign of oppression)