Beginnings of Life Flashcards
What is the cell theory?
- All things are composed of cells
- All cells come from pre-existing cells
- Cells are the smallest unit of life
What were early Earth’s conditions?
- Atmosphere was ‘reducing’
- Gases included H2, N2, CO, CO2
- Lacked O2
- Crust was very hot; cooled and solidified
- Rain stripped mineral salts from rocks
- Early seas formed in depressions in the crust
What is spontaneous generation?
- Living creatures could arise from non-living matter, and such pressures were commonplace and regular
- Hypothesis: certain forms could arise from inanimate matter (maggots from dust)
What was the Louis Pasteur experiment?
Hypothesis: if cells could arise from non-living substances then they should appear spontaneously in broth.
1. Two experiments were set up
2. Added nutrient broth to both flasks with a swan neck in one
3. Broth was boiled to kill any existing microbes
4. Left to observe
1. Swan neck flask had no microbe growth
2. Control flask contained microbe growth
Conclusion: cells are not generated spontaneously, but come from contamination of the air
What is biogenesis?
- Living things only arise from other living things by reproduction and not spontaneous generation
- Chemical process that contributed to initial formation of biological life required specific conditions to proceed (high temps, electrical discharge, chemical reactions)
- Cells can only be formed by the division of pre-existing cells
What is abiogenesis?
Living things arise from non-living matter in 4 key stages:
- Form simple organic molecules from inorganic molecules
- Simple molecules assembled into more complete molecules
- Complete molecules can self-replicate
- Molecules packaged into membranes which identify as primitive cell
What are the proposed origins for life on Earth?
Volcanoes: Gas composition contains high levels of fixed nitrogen (primitive metabolism)
Outer space comets: Derived from other planets. Contain organic matter
Shore: Alternation of wet and dry conditions
Hydrothermal vents: Superheated water released from Earth’s crust. Hydrogen rich fluids
What was the Miller and Urey experiment?
Tried to recreate early Earth conditions in the laboratory in 1953.
Simulated: the atmosphere, lightening, volcanic activity
Recreated the postulated conditions of pre-biotic Earth using a closed system of flasks and tubes.
What is an extinctinction vs a mass extinction?
Extinction: permanent loss of a species
Mass extinction: sudden widespread extinction
What can cause mass extinctions?
- Habitat degradation
- Predation
- Disease
- Large natural disasters
What are the 5 major extinction events?
- Ordovican-Silurian: 450 mya, 60-70% loss
- Late Devonian: 370 mya, over 75% loss
- Permian: 250 mya, 96% loss
- Triassic: 200 mya, 50% loss
- Cretaceous: 65 mya, 80% loss
What is the endosymbiotic theory?
- A cell which lives within another cell.
- The engulfed cell remains undigested as it provides benefit.
- Prokaryote grows in size and develops folds in its membrane to maintain an efficient SA:Vol ratio
What is evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?
- Both have double membrane
- Both have own DNA
- DNA is naked and circular
- Both replicate by binary fision
What are the three domains of life?
- Bacteria
- Archea
- Eukaryote
What are the taxa?
Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
What are cladistics?
- Method of classifying organisms into groups of species called clades.
- Group of organisms related to a common ancestor.
- Shows the probable sequence of divergence.
What is a molecular clock?
- Differences in base sequences of DNA, therefore in amino acid sequences of protein are the result of mutation.
- Used to deduce how long ago species split from their common ancestor.