Becoming in Spanish Flashcards
to acquire position through study
to become a doctor
hacerse médico
To become old, difficult, stronger
To get old
Hacerse viejo
To become a professional of some sort
For states resulting from deliberate effort or from a gradual, cumulative process:
They became very famous
(Hacerse) Se hicieron muy famosos
The pain became unbearable
(Hacerse) El dolor se hizo insoportable
For career goals and religious or political persuasions:
He became a lawyer
(Hacerse) Se hizo abogado
I became a Catholic in 1990
(Hacerse) Me hice católico en 1990
He became a member of the Green Party
(Hacerse) Se hizo miembro del Partido Verde
later this lady became his wife
esta dama llegó a ser su esposa más tarde
He admits that he became a writer out of desperation.
Admite que se hizo escritor por desesperación.
How can I become a member of Mensa?
¿Cómo me hago miembro de Mensa?
We’re going to become millionaires.
Vamos a hacernos millonarios.
My father was never very religious, but I know that he became an atheist on that dreadful day.
Mi padre nunca fue muy religioso, pero sé que se hizo ateo aquel día trágico.
He became rich.
Se hizo rico.
María put a video on You Tube because she wanted to become famous.
Maria puso un video en YouTube porque se quiere hacer famosa.
We became friends when she started to work in my office.
Nos hicimos amigas cuando ella empezó a trabajar en mi oficina.
Paul has become a lawyer.
Pablo se ha hecho abogado.
My cousin became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Mi prima se hizo testigo de Jehová.
He became a memberof the Surf Club.
Se hizo socio (miembro) del club de surfear.
Squash became an obsession for her.
El squash llegó a ser una obsesión para ella.
Se hizo miembro del Partido Verde.
He became a member of the Green Party.
To talk about temporary but normal changes
I got quite ill
Me puse muy malo
He went pale
Se puso blanco
You’ve got very brown
Te has puesto muy moreno
He got very angry
Se puso furioso
To become happy, sad, thin
to become sad
Ponerse triste
to become ill
Ponerse enfermo
change in emotion or mood, especially when the change is sudden or temporary. It can also be used to refer to changes in physical appearance
When Antonio arrived, his mother became very happy to have him at home.
Cuando llegó Antonio, su madre se puso feliz de tenerlo en casa.
On that day I became sick.
En aquel día me puse enfermo.
When the sky becomes dark the butterflies quit flying.
Cuando el cielo se pone oscuro las mariposas dejan de volar.
Let’s not become sad. He’s going away to a better place.
No nos pongamos tristes. Se va a un lugar mejor.
- often used with triste (sad), serio/a (serious), enfermo/a (sick), pálido/a (pale), colorado/a (to blush), feliz (happy), nervioso/a (nervous
Ponerse + adjective
When they laugh at me I (become) go red.
Cuando se ríen de mi, me pongo rojo.
Kieran gets frustrated when he is trying to speak Spanish.
Kieran se pone frustrado cuando intenta hablar español.
The babies become quiet whenever their grandma sings.
Los bebes se ponen quietos siempre que canta su abuelita.
Then he became very serious and told us the truth.
Entonces se puso muy serio y nos contó la verdad.
His mother became very happy to have him at home.
Su madre se puso feliz de tenerlo en casa.
After eating I became sick.
Después de comer me puse enfermo.
When the sky becomes dark the butterflies stop flying.
Cuando el cielo se pone oscuro las mariposas dejan de volar.
If we see someone crying we become (get) sad too.
Si observamos a alguien que llora nosotros nos ponemos tristes también.
She’s becoming a nuisance.
Se está poniendo muy fastidiosa.
To turn into
convertirse en;transformarse en
the building has become a cinema
el edificio se ha convertidoortransformado en cine
the gas becomes liquid
el gas se convierte en líquido
For long-lasting changes in character, substance and kind which take place gradually
Convertirse en
Those youngsters went on to become delinquents
Aquellos jóvenes se convirtieron después en delincuentes
Over the years I have become a more tolerant person
Con los años me he convertido en una persona más tolerante
Water turns into steam
El agua se convierte en vapor
to become king
convertirse en rey
to become a father
convertirse en padre
It is the day I became a woman.
Es el día que me convertí en mujer.
We become what we think.
Nos convertimos en lo que pensamos.
I turned into a much happier person.
Me convertí en una persona mucho más feliz.
We turn ourselves into what we want to be.
Nos transformamos en lo que queremos ser.
In the metaphor, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly
En la metáfora, la oruga se transforma en mariposa.
The condition turned into a medical emergency.
La condición se convirtió en una emergencia médica.
Have you seen how a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?
¿Has visto como se convierte una oruga en mariposa?