Bearla - Gaeilge Flashcards
unrealistic , unattainable
míréadúil , = unrealistic
Tá scála ama míréadúil curtha i bhfeidhm ar an atheagrú, agus tá eagla orm nach chun leas na Gaeilge é. ►
attribute, property, symptom
attribute, property, symptom
airí, 3 f. (gs. ~). 1. Desert. An rud is ~ air, what he deserves. Is maith an ~ air é, he deserves it well. Ní hé is ~ air, it is not what he deserves. Más ~ air é, if he deserves it. ~ an mhagaidh, laughing-stock. Is ~ sheachanta é, he is one to be avoided. 2. Deserving person.airí1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~onna).
Symptom; attribute, characteristic, property.
airí , 2 f. (gs. ~). (In phrases) Airgead, prátaí, etc., na h~, plenty of money, of potatoes, etc.
tax evasion
Imgabháil canach
tax avoidance = seachaint bain3 cánach
nausea, s. 1 a Samhnas m, masmas m, iompú m goile. b Tinneas m farraige. 2 Déistin f, gráin f.
highlands ( of Scotland )
garbhc hríoch »
~garbhcríocha na hAlban, the Highlands of Scotland.
To show cause, reason
»To show cause, reason, = fáth a thabhairt, = cúis a shuíomh
priacal, m. (gs. & npl. -ail, gpl. ~). Peril, risk. 1. Bhí sé i b~ a anama, he was in peril of his life. Ar do phriacal féin, at your own risk. 2. (In phrase) Bean i b~, woman in childbirth. (Var: priacail f)
don chineál sin priacail.= for that kind of risk.
Tá a fhios ag an saol gurb í an Nua-Shéalainn (mar aon leis an Astráil) an áit is fearr don chineál sin priacail. ►
measúnú priacail. =. risk assessment
Scríobh mé measúnú priacail sa choláiste agus chuir mé cóip chuig an mhaor slí sa chomhairle contae, John Street.
. ►measúnú priacail. =. risk assessment
Bhí tuairisc uimhir 5 ar an chlár fógraí an mhí seo agus measúnú priacail Al Capone scríofa air: “If nobody moves, nobody gets hurt”. ►
risk assessment
measúnú priacail. =. risk assessment
on all sides, in every direction.
deiseal agus treiseal. = on all sides, in every direction.
deiseal1, m. (gs. -sil), treiseal, s. (In phrase)
Deiseal agus ~,
- Righthand direction, direction of sun. (a) (As adv.) Dul ~, to follow direction of sun, to go clockwise. Casadh, iompú, ~, ar ~, to turn right. Fad is a bheas grian ag dul ~, whilst the sun follows its course, to the end of time. S.a. LÚB1 4,
TREISEAL. (b) (As int.) ~! (to person with obstruction in throat, or sneezing) Bless you! (c) (gs. as attrib.a.) An taobh deisil, the right-hand side; the right side (de rud, of sth.). 2 = DEISIÚR.
Deiseal , 2 m = DEISE1 1.
a stitch in time saves nine
Ní hé lá an chatha lá chnuasaithe = a stitch in time saves nine.
gathering ill will
ag cnuasach drochaigne, gathering ill will.
fix yourself up properly.
Cuir crot is críoch ort féin, ==»>fix yourself up properly.
Cuir crot is críoch ……
interrogate, Ceistím, cuirim ceastóireacht ar (dhuine).
iarracht casadh dearfach a chur ar an scéal = SPIN
Speaking in media interviews this week, Foras na Gaeilge spokespersons alluded to a case of lead organisations providing employment for the staff of the unsuccessful organisations, however this has been dispelled as ‘spin-doctoring’ by some participants in the process. In just one of the remits, “Awareness Raising, Language Protection and Representation” three organisations will have their funding discontinued from the end of June which will leave fourteen staff members unemployed:
Dar le roinnt tráchtairí nach bhfuil anseo ach iarracht casadh dearfach a chur ar an scéal. I gceann amháin de na catagóirí mar shampla, ‘Ardú Feasachta, Cosaint Teanga, agus Ionadaíocht’ cuirfear deireadh le maoiniú do thrí eagraíocht, rud a fhágfaidh 14 fostaí dífhostaithe:
Proportional representation
representation, s. Proportional representation, ionadaíocht chion mhar.
1 a Samhlú m, léiriú m. b Th: Léiriú (dráma, páirte). 2 a Pol: Proportional representation, ionadaíocht chionmhar. b Coll: Teachtaí mpl. 3 To make false representations to s.o., faisnéis bhréagach a chur ina luí ar dhuine. 4 a Ráiteas m. b Gearán foirmiúil. 5 Phil: Athláithriú m. = proportional » Proportional representation, ionadaíocht chionmhar.
he got sunstroke
~ fuair sé goin ghréine, he got sunstroke,
goin teasa, = heat-stroke. . ~ goin ocrais, = pang of hunger.
chléibh, chroí, body-, heart-, wound; piercing sorrow. ~
Bhí goin air chun a dhinnéir, = he was hungry for his dinner.
Goin choinsiasa, twinge of conscience
let sleeping dogs lie
Ná hoscail doras na hiaróige, = let sleeping dogs lie
Lucht iaróige, trouble-makers
2. After-effect, complication; mark (of blow). ~ shlaghdáin, = after-effect of cold. An iaróg a bhaint as rud, to remove the bad effect of, take the sting out of, sth.
in full compensation for the loss.
íoc1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~tha; pl. ~aí).
mar íoc iomlán sa chaill,
íoc1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~tha; pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of ÍOC3.
2. Payment. ~ fiach, deachúna, payment of debts, of tithes.
In íoc a shaothair, = in recompense for his work. Déanadh a rogha duine an t-~, no matter who bears the expense. Is maith an t-ól go dtaga an t-~, one must pay for one’s whistle. 3. Charge, rate, tax. Cíos is ~, rent and rates. Gan chíos gan ~, free of charges. Fear ~a, tax-, debt-, collector. 4. Requital, atonement. In ~ ár bpeacaí, in atonement for our sins. Mar ~ ina oilc, in requital for his evil doings. In ~ a athar, in revenge for his father. Lit: ~ an Chrainn, the atonement on the Cross. (Var: f)
in full compensation for the loss
mar íoc iomlán sa chaill, = in full compensation for the loss.
this is ruinous weather.
caill1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna)
Tá caill ar an aimsir seo,
1. Loss. = Is mór an chaill air é, = it is a great loss to him.
Is beag an chaill é, he, it, =. is no great loss. Bhain ~ dóibh, they sustained a loss. Rinneadh ~ ar na barra, the crops were badly damaged. Ní dhearnadh ~ air, no great harm was done to him, to it. Tá caill ar an aimsir seo, this is ruinous weather.
Tá ~ ar an oíche anocht, =. it is a fearful night; tonight will bring death to someone.
Prov,» misfortunes never come singly; Prov
Prov: Nuair a thagann an chaill tagann an fhaill
= misfortunes never come singly.
(In phrases) Níl caill air (mar oibrí, ag an léann), he is not bad (as a worker, at learning).
when the opportunity occurred.
faill » Breith ar an bhfaill,; an fhaill a fhreastal, to seize an opportunity.
caill » Nuair a thagann an chaill tagann an fhaill, misfortunes never come singly.
coimhéad » = An fhaill a choimhéad, to watch for an opportunity.
faill »= Fuarthas a fhaill, he was caught unawares.
faill ». An fhaill a ligean thart, to let an opportunity pass.
faill » Tá an fhaill agus an acmhainn aige, he has the time and the wherewithal.
scaoil ». Ná ~ an fhaill uait, don’t let the chance go by.
tapaigh » Níor thapaigh tú an fhaill, you weren’t quick enough to take your chance.
he was friendly with them on account of his wife.
On account of…
Ba chara dóibh é as los a mhná, = he was friendly with them on account of his wife. As los a nirt, by reason of his strength.
I los croiche Críost, in virtue of the cross of Christ.
As a los sin, =. on that account.
Lit: Ar aon los, = on purpose. = D’aon gnó
separation; dismantlement.
cur » cur ó chéile, separation; dismantlement.
feothan, m. (gs. & npl. -ain, gpl. ~).
feothan, m. (gs. & npl. -ain, gpl. ~).
- Gust. ~ gaoithe, gust of wind. ~ geimhridh, wintry gust.
- Breeze. ~ farraige, sea-breeze. ~ seoltóireachta, sailing breeze.
- Puff (of pipe); sip (of drink). S.a. MADRA. (Var: feothán m)