BDC- Thermal, Moisture et al Flashcards
what are the major CSI divisions?
Division 01 — General Requirements Facility Construction Subgroup Division 02 — Existing Conditions Division 03 — Concrete Division 04 — Masonry Division 05 — Metals Division 06 — Wood, Plastics, and Composites Division 07 — Thermal and Moisture Protection Division 08 — Openings Division 09 — Finishes Division 10 — Specialties Division 11 — Equipment Division 12 — Furnishings Division 13 — Special Construction Division 14 — Conveying Equipment
Division 21 — Fire Suppression
Division 22 — Plumbing
Division 23 — Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
Division 25 — Integrated Automation
Division 26 — Electrical
Division 27 — Communications
Division 28 — Electronic Safety and Security
what is dampproofing?
its the control of moisture that is not under hydrostatic pressure. They typically describe the protection of slabs and foundations below grade that are subject to continuous exposure to water.
what is admixture dampproofing?
various types of admixtures can be added to concrete to make it water repellent. These include materials such as salts & fatty acids, mineral oil and powder iron. They may reduce the strength of concrtee.
what is bituminous coating? (damproofing)
Asphalt base or coal-tar pitch materials applied to the exterior side of the foundation wall. They may be brushed or sprayed on, can be applied either hot or cold. They do not seal cracks that may develop after application.
what are cementitious coatings?
one or two coats of portland cement mortar can be troweled over the surface of masonry or concrete foundation walls. M
what are membranes (dampproofing)?
These methods include built-up layers of hot or cold applied asphalt felts or membranes of butyl, polyvinyl chloride, or other synthetic materials. However, membranes are usually used for waterproofing walls subject to hydrostatic pressure, and their cost & difficulty of application is usually not warranted for simple dampproofing.
what are plastics (dampproofing)?
Silicon & polyurethane coatings are available, but they are usually reserve for above-grade damp proofing.
what is waterproofing?
Waterproofing is the control of moisture & water that is subject to hydrostatic pressure. This may include protecting below the water table.
what is loose fill insulation?
its produced as shreds, granules or nodules and can be poured or blown into spaces to be insulated. Its used in places where insulation of other types is challenging and in tight spaces. eg cells of CMU, attics, plumbing chases etc
what is rock wool insulation?
its a fibrous material formed by blowing molten basalt rock under pressure. S
What is cellulose insulation?
typically shredded wastepaper or wood fibers. TYP Contains 75% recycled content, and requires less energy to produce.
What is fiberglass loose fill insulation?
its made by spinning molten glass into fibers, typ contains ~20 to 30% recycled content.
what is perlite insulation?
volcanic rock expanded by heating
what is vermicultie insulation?
hydrated laminar magnesium-aluminum-ironsilicate.
what type of CFCs were phased out as part of the clean air act?
what is Polyisocyanurate (or Polyiso)?
its a closed cell foam insulation that contains low-conductivity gas in the cells. Most Polyiso’s made today are actually a mix of rigid polyurethane and polyisocyanurate.
What is Polyurethane insulation?
a closed cell foam made to a density of 2 lbs/ ft. Most are made without the use of HCFCs They cost more but have a higher r value / inch.
What is XEPS insulation (Extruded expanded polystyrene)
a closed cell insulation manufactured by mixing polystyrene beads containing liquid pentane & a blowing agent. The mix is heated to expand the beads, which are inected into a form.
what is molded expanded polystyrene (MEPS)?
also closed cell and manufactured by mixing unexpanded polystyrene beads containing liquid pentane and a blowing agent.
what is sprayed foam insulation?
typically uses polyurethane or polyicynene as the base material. The components of the foam are mixed at the spray head, at which time they react immediately & expand to produce low density foam that adhears to the surfaced sprayed onto. it has a good R value
what side of insulation is the radiate barrier applied?
it has to face the heated side of the insulation.
what is emissivity?
a measure of how much energy is emitted.
what is a vapor retarder or barrier?
its a material used to slow the transmission of water vapor between spaces. they are palced on the warm side of the wall
in roofing estimating what is a square?
100 sq ft.
what is the min slope for a metal roof?
what is a built up roof?
consists of several layers of overlapping layers of bituminous saturated roofing felts cemented together with roofing cement. the bituminous material can be either asphalt or coal tar pitch.
what is an example of a thermoplastic material roof?
single ply, EPDM or Ethylene Propylene diene monomer. manufactured at a thickness of .045 to .06.
what is PVC roofing?
a thermoplastic roofing manufactured in thicknesses of .048in to .06 in. PVC membranes have excellent resistance to weathering
what is a Thermoplastic Polyelfin (TPO) roof?
a singly ply base with a blend of polypropylene and ethyene propylene. It can be installed loose & covered w/ ballast. This roof is mechanically attached and used in areas with high wind uplift is a concern.
what is a liquid applied roof?
including butyl, neoprene, hypalon and other products. They are applied in liquid form in one or two coats by brushing or spraying & are air-cured to form an elastic, waterproof surface. Liquid applied membranes are also used below grade waterproofing, foundation walls.