BD Wood - (Rough & Finish) Flashcards
where do hard and soft woods come from?
Conifer = Soft Woods Deciduous = Hard Woods
when is lumber at its strongest?
When the load is relative to the direction of the wood grain.
where is wood the weakest?
when horizontal shear force is induced. which occurs when bending forces are applied to a beam and the fibers tend to slip apart parallel to the grain.
what is yard lumber?
its used for structural purposes and rough framing.
what are the grades of Lumber?
1 threw 5. 1 is the best quality. Its graded based upon the size and quality of knots.
what is board feet?
its measured by 12” wide 12” long and 1” deep. Based on nominal dimensions. its calculated buy width (inches) x Length (inches) x height (inches) / 144
what direction does wood most likely shrinks in?
the direction perpendicular to the grain.
what are standard thicknesses of ply wood?
1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”
what are the grades of plywood?
A Face and back veneers practically free from all defects.
A/B Face veneers practically free from all defects. Reverse veneers with only a few small knots or discolorations.
A/BB Face as A but reverse side permitting jointed veneers, large knots, plugs, etc.
B Both side veneers with only a few small knots or discolorations.
B/BB Face veneers with only a few small knots or discolorations. Reverse side permitting jointed veneers, large knots, plugs, etc.
BB Both sides permitting jointed veneers, large knots, plugs, etc.
WG Guaranteed well glued only. All broken knots plugged.
X Knots, knotholes, cracks, and all other defects permitted.
what is blocking?
its wood framing installed between main structural members such as studs or joists to provide extra rigidity.
what is firestoping?
installed in concealed spaces of combustible construction to prevent the spread of fire caused by drafts.
what is a SIM (Structural Insulated Panel)
two outer levels of OSB sandwiching EPS foam (expanded Polystyrene)
what are advantages of SIPs?
- decreased construction time
- Improved insulation w/ no thermal bridging
- reduced air infiltration
- stringer than conventional studs/
what are Glue Lam depths in increments of?
1 1/2” - nominal width is reduced by 7/8” for sizes 6” and below, and 1/4” for sizes 8” and above.
how are nails sized?
penny or d
what is included in finish carpentry?
exposed wood construction, exterior wood siding, interior trim, door and window framing, stair framing, shelving and cabinetry & paneling
what is the WWPA?
Western Wood Products Association. they grade species of hard woods. These are classified as: Finish, Paneling, and commons.
B=Better grade, highest quality
C=select grade, appearance only slightly less than B & better
D= Select? Allows more defects than C select grade but is suitable where finish requirments are less exacting
what is Heartwood?
it comes from the center of the tree
what is Sapwood?
it comes from the perimeter of the tree
what is plain sawing?
the most efficient use of the log and least expensive. It cuts the boards/ panels perpendicular to the heart.
what is quarter sawing?
Cut perpendicular to the grain from the center out but in quarter sections. It results in uniform pattern vertical. These boards tend to twist and cup less. Shrink less in width, hold paint better.
what is rift sawing?
cuts are radial from the center. its expensive. But the grain is uniform all the way threw.
what is the AWI?
Architectural Woodwork Institute. They create the standards for architectural woodwork/ trim. Graded I, II, III based upon the percentage of a board that can be used by cutting out defects,
what are the 5 different ways to cut veneers?
1) Rotary
2) Plain slicing (perpendicular)
3) quarter slicing, parallel but centered from the heart
4) Half round, similar to rotary but the log is cut in half & veneer is cut slighly across the annular growth rings.
5) rift-cut: is accomplished by quartering a log & cutting at about 15deg angle to the growth rings. Like quarter slicing, it result in a straight-grain pattern.
study joints
page 40-6
in cabinetry what is a scribe piece?
its an oversized piece of plastic laminate or wood that can be trimmed in the field to follow minor iregularities.
study the panel matching veneer types
on page 40-9.
Book matching: the grain is a mirror from one piece to another
Random widths
Balance Match: Takes pieces of equal width and look and creates a more uniform pattern
Slip Matching: Nearly identical perpendicularw cut veneer.
what is a piece of plinth block molding?
its the rectangular piece at the bottom of a door casing and where the base board meets.
What are the parts of a panelized wood door or wall paneling called?
Stile: the verticle framing member
Rail: the horizontal framing member
Rim: the bevel portion of the panel
what is standing trim in woodwork?
its when woodwork of a fixed length, intended to be installed as a single piece of wood. eg door frame trim, door stops, window casing.
what is running trim in woodwork?
it is woodwork of continuing length that must be installed in several pieces fitted end to end, eg baseboard, cornicesm chair rails and soffits.
what is the optimal moisture content for architectural wood work?
5% to 10%^
what the optimum relative humidity necessary to maintain the optimal moisture content in wood work?
25% to 55%
what are the 3 types of flame spread ratings according to the IBC?
A: 0-25
what is lacquer?
a coating w/ high nitrocellulose content with resins & plasticizers dissolved in a volatile solvent. They contain an extra ingredient that speed up drying time and gives the finish additional hardness. Lacquers are easy to apply and can be repaired easily. They do not provide chemical and wear resistance.
What is a varnish?
contain resins dissolved in one of several types of volatile liquids, and urea formaldehyde resins. Conversion varnish has many of the same advantages as a lacquer but can be applied at a cheeper cost
what is polyurethane?
a synthetic finish that gives a hard and durable finish. difficult to repair or refinish these finishes are superior to water resistance. More expensive than the organic sealants.
what are polyester finishes?
another type of synthetic finish that gives the hardest mst durable finish possible. Opaque polys can be colored . Like Polyurethane they can be hard to repair and refinish. but can be hard like glass. More expensive than the organic sealants.
what is a catalyzed vinyl finish?
a surface that’s most chemical resistance of the standard finishes. Its resistant to scratches and abrasions.
with wood preservation Creosote?
Creosote is a distillate of coal tar and is protection against insects. Its insoluble in water, used in industrial settings
with wood preservation what is Oil borne including pentachlorophenol
This preservative is used to treat utility poles and cross arms, water pilings and bridge timbers
what is Ammoniacal copper quaternary?
its clean and odorless and leaves the wood paintable. They protect against termites and decay. SHould use a stainless steel or galvanized fasteners with this treated wood. No aluminum in contact with treated wood.