BDC - Metals Flashcards
whats the difference between hit rolled and cold rolled steel?
Hot: Tends to eliminate flaws
Cold: increases strength & elastic limits but decreases ductility.
what is ductility?
ductility is a solid material’s ability to deform under tensile stress; this is often characterized by the material’s ability to be stretched into a wire
what is annealing?
a process in which metal is reheated & slowly cooled to obtain a more ductile metal.
what is quenching?
this involves heating the metal to certain temperatures and then rapidly cooling it. this strengthens the steel.
what is Tempering (metals)?
similar to quenching but doesnt involve a rapid cooling . it also is used to improve the stength and workability of steel.
What is galvanic action
It’s the corrosion resulting when dissimilar metals come in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte like water.
what is the order of Galvanic series?
Zinc Galvanized Steel Alum Steel & Iron Stainless Steel lead tin copper alloys copper
what is ferrous metal?
they contain a substantial amount of iron
what is non ferrous metal?
are those that do not contain iron, Aluminum, copper brass and bronze are an prime example.
what is wrought iron?
used in ornamental metalwork. has low carbon, its soft, ductile and resistant to corrosion.
what is cast iron?
has carbon content over 2%, with a high content of carbon its very hard but brittle.
what is ductility?
its a property of metals that allows steel to withstand excessive deformations due to high tensile stresses without failure.
what are the carbon content for: Low Carbon Steel: Medium Carbon Steel: High Carbon Steel: Standard Structural Steel:
Low Carbon Steel: .06-.30%
Medium Carbon Steel: .30-.50%
High Carbon Steel: .50-.80%
Standard Structural Steel: .20% to .50%
what would a steel designation of ASTM A36 mean?
the yield point is ~36ksi
what is stainless steel?
its an alloy containing a minimum of 11% chromium. Sometimes nickel is added.
what does AISI stand for in steel?
American Iron & Steel Institute.
What are 5 different types of polished finishes?
No. 3: an intermediate, dull finish
No. 4: a general purpose polished finish that is dull and prevents mirror reflections. Its the most frequently used.
No. 6: A dull satin finish
No. 7: a highly reflective finish
No. 8: the most reflective finished surface, used for mirrors and reflectors.
whats does ASTM stand for?
American Society of Testing Materials.
what is bronze?
its copper & tin
what is Monel copper?
its a proprietary metal of copper and nickle. its resistant to corrosion and used on roofing applications.
how are wide flanges sized/ designated?
W Depth (inchs) x weight in per feet (lb/ ft)
What are steel shape designations?
W = Wide Flange C = Channel WT = Structural T S = Standard I beam L = Angles PL = Plate TS - Tube steel
what the difference between steel bars and plates
Bar = under 6" plate = over 8"
what are the 3 types of open web joists?
K = Standard, span 8-60' LH = Long Span-25-96' DLH = Deep Long Span 89'-144'
in spiral stairs how many treads = 360 deg? in 30 deg segments?