BD - The Social Brain Flashcards
What network of brain regions has been discovered in research?
Identified a network of brain regions involved in theory of mind or mentalising, the process that enables us to understand our own and other peoples actions, intentions and motivations
In previous fMRI studies during performance of theory of mind taks, what area of the brain is found to have greater activation during adolescence?
dMPFC - however there is an opposite pattern in adults, with higher activation in anterior temporal cortex
What are the key elements of prosocial behaviour?
Trust and reciprocity
How is depression correlated with adolescence?
Before puberty, depression occurs around the same, relatively low in girls and boys but after puberty there is a sharp increase with adolescent girls around twice as likely to experience it as boys
What is a risk factors for depression and anxiety?
Starting puberty earlier than one’s peers
What are adolescent boys more likely to develop?
Substance use disorders and to die by suicide
How is social media correlated with adolescents and mental health?
96% of adolescents use social media daily - heightened sensitivity to peer feedback leads to parents worrying about social media use. Use can be related to an increase in depressive symptoms and suicide related outcomes.
What did adolescents that used social media more often show?
Cortical thickness in LPFC and mPFC and stronger decreases in the lateral PFC and TPJ
What did Belcher find that strengthened brain regions and neural networks to improve emotional and behavioural regulation?
Physical activity, exercise and aerobic fitness promotes resilience
What do adolescents who sleep less exhibit to be poorer on?
Cognitive processes such as processing speed, memory and executive functions and associated with decreased brain connectivity
What can mediate the relationship between childhood adversity and late adolescent depressive symptoms?
Friendship and family support in adolescence