BC Chapter 2 Flashcards
In NFPA 220 each building classification is designated by a three-digit code.
Each digit represents fire resistance in hours of the:
(Name building components for each digit.)
p. 44
- Exterior bearing walls
- Structural frames or collumns and girders that support loads of more than one floor.
- Floor construction
Walls - frame - floor
Type 1 Construction
Examples of fire resistance by application.
Walls, collums & beams. _____ or ____ hours.
Floor construction: _____ or _____ hours.
Roof deck and supports _____ or ____ hours.
Interior stairwells and corridors _____ or ____ hours.
Walls: 2 or 4
Floor: 2 or 3
Roof: 1 or 2
Stairs corridors: 1 or 2
In Type II construction some building codes may omit the fire resistive rating of the roof if it is _____ feet above the floor.
p. 47
20 feet
What type of contruction is Protected Noncobustible?
p. 47
Type II-A
Type II-A (Protected noncombustible) requires that structural components have _______ hour fire resistance.
1 hour
What is type of construction is Noncombustible Unprotected?
p. 49
Type II-B
In ________x________ construction, the major components have no fire resistance. The use of unprotected steel is the most coom charecteristic of _______x_____.
p. 48
Unprotected Noncombustible - Type II-B
The speed at which unprotected members will fail depends on the following:
- Ceiling heigh
- Size of unprotected steel members
- Intensity and duration of fire
Type III construction has two sub classifications.
What are they?
(IBC and NFPA)
p. 48
Structural commponents required to have fire rating:
IBC Type III-A or NFPA Type III 2-1-1
Unprotected steel can support combustible members:
IBC Type III-B or NFPA Type III 2-0-0
Type III construction commonly uses what size floor joists?
p. 48
nominal 2” x 10”
Type _______ construction is the only construction type that does not include A and B classifications. Instead, the designation 2HH is used.
p. 49
Type IV
Structural components so indicated are of heavy timber with minimum dimensions greater than those in type III and V.
Type IV construction requires minimum nominal dimensions of _________ for floor construction.
p. 50
6” x 10”
Many Type V structures are required to have a _____ hour fire resistance for structural components.
p. 50
The fundemental problem with Type ____ construction is the presence of extensive concealed voids. These concealed spaces provide avenues for extension of the fire within a building.
p. 50
Type V
This type of construction was introduced in the 1830s and is considered the common currency of small residential and commercial buildings.
p. 51
Light frame construction
The IBC contains ten major occupancy classifications:
p. 51
- Assembly Group A
- Business Goup B
- Education Group E
- Factories Group F
- High Hazard Group H
- Insitutional Group I
- Mercantile Group M
- Residential Group R
- Storage Group S
- Utility and Misc Group U
____x_____ is the total quantity of combustible materials in a compartment. The ____x_____ contributes to the calcualtion of the fire load.
p. 54
Fire Load
The ______x_____ is the maximum amount of heat that can be released if all fuel is consumed.
The ____x_____ is the product of the weight of the combustibles multiplied by their Heat of Combustion (lbs/sq ft).
The ____x_____ can be used as an estimate of the total potential heat release or thermal energy to which a building may be subjected if all combustible materials become fully involved.
Fire Load
The fire load will vary based on the _____x_____ of the fuel load.
_____x_____ - total amount of thermal energy that could be generated by the combustion if a fuel is completely burned. Measured in BTUs.
p. 54
Heat of Combustion
_______ indicates the ability of a structural assembly or material to maintain it load-bearing ability under fire conditions.
p. 55
Fire resistance
Normally assemblies are not tested for more than _____ hours because this is the maximum time that the building code requires.
p. 57
4- hours
The ________ test is the only standardized test method currently universally accepted by the building codes.
p. 58
E-119 Test