Bauman "On Glocalization: Or Globalization For Some, Localization For Some Others" Flashcards
What does Globalization mean according to Bauman?
Globalization is happening to all of us.
Within the structure there’re actors with different levels of agency that need to manage it. This means for some people there’s a loss of control. This seems:
- random
- lottery
- lack of order
- lack of clarity
Globalization moves so fast that it seems that there’s no pattern behind it.
What are the consequences of glocalization according to Bauman?
Redistribution of:
- privileges and deprivations
- wealth and poverty
- resources and impotence
- power and powerlessness
- freedom and constraint
What is free choice for some, is cruel fate for others.
Is the world-wide re-stratification unpredictable?
No, because there’re some key characteristics that decide whether you’re able to take control or whether this happens to you.
This is because of your wealth, power and power geometry (Massey)
What are the consequences on micro and macro level?
On micro level: People who used to be in control are now losing it.
On macro level: Along the lines of poverty and inequalities. People who were already there are stratifying even further.
Why is it globalization of some and localization for others?
Globalization for the people who are able to take control (tourists) and localization for the ones left behind (vagabonds).
Tourists because they are able to travel when they want to and vagabonds because they have no other bearable choice.
Why is it important to understand glocalization?
It’s an important undercurrent in society.
Bauman is critical of these developments. He uses Marxist structuralism to make sense of the world. Go beyond class-thinking and see devides.
Why is think global, act local not always the solution?
Bauman thinks this is romantic admiration of Gemeinschaft. It gives you a better feeling, but it doesn’t change anything about the bigger picture.
What is a current example of glocalization?
Brexit: The pro-EU were usually winners of globalization. They were travelling Europe. But after the vote they were losers.
The leave-voters were struggling with understanding what was happening in the world.
What does Liquid modernity mean according to Bauman?
Under pressure things really start to move around a change. People need to make sense of the change.