Battle Of The Biosphere Flashcards
What are indigenous people?
People who have lived there for many generations and depend on the rainforest
What is a biome?
world scale ecosystem
What in the rainforest do indigenous people depend on?
Herbs - for medicines
What threats are there to biomes?
Pollution in the air and water Overhunting/Overfishing Deforestation Mining Quarrying
What is a ecosystem?
Grouping of plants and animals that interact with each other and their local environment
Describe a coniferous biome
- higher altitudes where there are weak sun rays
- tree adapted to the cold with need like leaves
Describe a deciduous biome
- high rainfall
- seasonal variations in the sun rays
- tree lose their leaves in cold winters
Describe a tundra biome
Within the Arctic circle
The sun gives little heat and only little rainfall
Only tough and short grasses survive
Describe a tropical biome
Mostly found around the equator
Hot temperatures with heavy rainfall
Describe a desert biome
Close to the tropics of cancer
What good does the biosphere provide?
Food (fish meat fruits nuts berries)
Medicines (vitamins)
Raw materials (timber bamboo rubber water)
What does the biosphere do for us?
Keeps the soil healthy for plants to grow - new nutrients provided by rotting pant material
Regulates the water cycle - plants slow the flow of water to rivers and filter water to make it clean
How do humans indirectly destroy the biosphere?
Sea temperature rise
Changes in amount of rainfall
Treeline changes
Melting of polar ice caps
What are some reasons for the rainforest destruction?
- timber used for buildings furniture and fuel
- creation of agricultural land for growing crops or grazing animals
- Mining and quarrying for minerals
- Transport routes
Describe a national management used to conserve the biosphere
Nationals parks conserves areas of natural beauty in the UK. It’s important for peoples leisure enjoyment and culture. Each park has it’s own authority controlling any new development