Battalion Chief Package 2024 - Exam 4 Flashcards
Question 1:
You, the BC, working the 9x6 tour in B-101 on January 1, 2018, receive a phone call from a newly promoted lieutenant working in L-201 telling you that he cannot find his Metrocard, and needs advice on what to do. Before you provide advice, you make the following statements: 1) Each Metrocard has an expiration date and is identified with a unique number assigned by the MTA NYC Transit…….2) Once a day, the officer on duty shall record an entry in the Company Journal stating that the assigned Metrocard is accounted for and on the apparatus…….3) When a Metrocard is reported lost, stolen or damaged, the officer on duty shall immediately notify the administrative battalion chief……4) The officer on duty shall file a police report and complete a loss property report and forward via the chain of command to the Chief of Department………You were correct in which statements?
A: 1,2,3,4
B: 1,2,3 only
C: 1,4 only
D: 2,4 only
E: 1 only
Question 1:
You, the BC, working the 9x6 tour in B-101 on January 1, 2018, receive a phone call from a newly promoted lieutenant working in L-201 telling you that he cannot find his Metrocard, and needs advice on what to do. Before you provide advice, you make the following statements: 1) Each Metrocard has an expiration date and is identified with a unique number assigned by the MTA NYC Transit…….2) Once a day, the officer on duty shall record an entry in the Company Journal stating that the assigned Metrocard is accounted for and on the apparatus…….3) When a Metrocard is reported lost, stolen or damaged, the officer on duty shall immediately notify the administrative battalion chief……4) The officer on duty shall file a police report and complete a loss property report and forward via the chain of command to the Chief of Department………You were correct in which statements?
A: 1,2,3,4
B:✘1,2,3 only
C: 1,4 only
D: 2,4 only
E:✔1 only
2- After each roll call, the officer on duty shall record an entry in the Company Journal stating that the assigned Metrocard is accounted for and on the apparatus
3- When a Metrocard is reported lost, stolen or damaged, the officer on duty shall immediately notify the FDNY resource center by phone
4- Forward to FDNY resource center requesting that a replacement Metrocard be issued
AUC 207 add 3 sec 3
May or may not be an in-basket.
Question 2:
The abbreviation “MINRESP” is used in the data portion of the eCIDS application when size, construction, layout, or operational requirements of a building warrant an enhanced response. This abbreviation can be found where in the transmitted data portion of the eCIDS application?
A: The abbreviation MINRESP has been revoked from the eCIDS application
B: Beginning of the transmitted data section
C: Middle of the transmitted data section
D: End of the transmitted data section
Question 2:
The abbreviation “MINRESP” is used in the data portion of the eCIDS application when size, construction, layout, or operational requirements of a building warrant an enhanced response. This abbreviation can be found where in the transmitted data portion of the eCIDS application?
A: The abbreviation MINRESP has been revoked from the eCIDS application
B:✘Beginning of the transmitted data section
C: Middle of the transmitted data section
D:✔End of the transmitted data section
Comm ch 4 page 4-8
***MINRESP followed by a space and then a two digit number representing the number of engines and the number of ladders placed last in the “transmitted data” would trigger the predetermined response
Question 3:
Which of the following statements correctly describes administrative actions after an investigation deems an apparatus collision preventable?
A: When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in their first preventable collision, they will be given a Supervisory Conference that shall be performed by the member’s assigned Company Commander only.
B: When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a second preventable collision in an 18-month period they will be given a Supervisory Conference that shall be performed by the administrative Battalion Chief.
C: When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a third preventable collision in an 18-month period, they will be given a Supervisory Conference by the Battalion Commander from the assigned Battalion.
D: When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a second preventable collision in a 18-month period, they will be assigned to attend a one-day Collision Awareness Training (C.A.T.) class at the Bureau of Training.
Question 3:
Which of the following statements correctly describes administrative actions after an investigation deems an apparatus collision preventable?
A: When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in their first preventable collision, they will be given a Supervisory Conference that shall be performed by the member’s assigned Company Commander only.
B:✘When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a second preventable collision in an 18-month period they will be given a Supervisory Conference that shall be performed by the administrative Battalion Chief.
C:✔When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a third preventable collision in an 18-month period, they will be given a Supervisory Conference by the Battalion Commander from the assigned Battalion.
D: When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a second preventable collision in a 18-month period, they will be assigned to attend a one-day Collision Awareness Training (C.A.T.) class at the Bureau of Training.
SB3 Add 3
A- When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in their first preventable collision, they will be given a Supervisory Conference that shall be performed by the member’s assigned Company Commander and a Chief Officer from the Officer/Chauffeur’s assigned Battalion.
B- When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a second preventable collision in a 12-MONTH period they will be given a Supervisory Conference that shall be performed by the Battalion COMMANDER.
D- When an Officer and/or Chauffeur is involved in a second preventable collision in a 12-MONTH period, they will be assigned to attend a one-day Collision Awareness Training (C.A.T.) class at the Bureau of Training.
Question 4:
All members of the Department should be familiar with the FDNY’s EEO policy. All of the following descriptions are correct with the exception of which choice?
A: Discrimination is the disparate treatment of a person or group and can be ether intentional or unintentional.
B: Harassment is unwelcome verbal or physical conduct which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
C: Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly.
D: When it comes to sexual harassment, the intent of the person committing the act is the determining factor in assessing whether sexual harassment has occurred.
Question 4:
All members of the Department should be familiar with the FDNY’s EEO policy. All of the following descriptions are correct with the exception of which choice?
A: Discrimination is the disparate treatment of a person or group and can be ether intentional or unintentional.
B: Harassment is unwelcome verbal or physical conduct which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
C: Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly.
D:✔When it comes to sexual harassment, the intent of the person committing the act is the determining factor in assessing whether sexual harassment has occurred.
The “Recipient” determines whether or not the behavior is unwelcome. The impact, not the intent, is the determining factor in assessing whether sexual harassment has occurred.
TB EEO 1.1-1.3.1
Question 5:
Recently, NYC has seen a few catastrophic gas explosions. You arrive on scene at a major indoor gas leak in the center store of a 9-store taxpayer. Which would be an incorrect action to take?
A: At all major natural gas leaks, notify the dispatcher to have the appropriate Electric Utility Company respond and request an ETA.
B: Check at least 3 exposures on each side of the affected occupancies for the presence of a gas odor or leak.
C: The Gas Utility Company should be contacted by the IC to define the underground infrastructure for subsurface leaks and determine any additional exposures that may be affected.
D: The IC should consider the evacuation of all buildings in proximity to the incident location when necessary.
Question 5:
Recently, NYC has seen a few catastrophic gas explosions. You arrive on scene at a major indoor gas leak in the center store of a 9-store taxpayer. Which would be an incorrect action to take?
A:✘At all major natural gas leaks, notify the dispatcher to have the appropriate Electric Utility Company respond and request an ETA.
B:✔Check at least 3 exposures on each side of the affected occupancies for the presence of a gas odor or leak.
C: The Gas Utility Company should be contacted by the IC to define the underground infrastructure for subsurface leaks and determine any additional exposures that may be affected.
D: The IC should consider the evacuation of all buildings in proximity to the incident location when necessary.
Emergency Procedures Gas Page 40
B. That has been deleted from our books… not now reads… Members should access exposures to define the extent of gas migration.
Question 6:
BC Subs is supervising MUD at a subway station in downtown Brooklyn. The topic of safe refuge areas (SRA’s) at underground chemical attacks is brought up by the officers. The chief knew that the SRA’s are positioned in which zone?
A: Exclusion zone
B: Hot zone
C: Contamination reduction zone
D: Support zone
Question 6:
BC Subs is supervising MUD at a subway station in downtown Brooklyn. The topic of safe refuge areas (SRA’s) at underground chemical attacks is brought up by the officers. The chief knew that the SRA’s are positioned in which zone?
A: Exclusion zone
B: Hot zone
C:✔Contamination reduction zone
D:✘Support zone
ERP, Addendum 2, Chemical Attack Underground
C. Safe refuge areas are positioned in the contamination reduction zone outside the hotline to evaluate the need for decontamination of those evacuating the exclusion zone
4.3.2 A
Question 7:
During a weekly Division conference, the DC on duty was discussing the use of a Light Train during subway incidents. The DC made the following statements about Light Train procedures: 1) It is intended that these Light Trains be used to transport FD personnel to small fires readily extinguishable by one or two extinguishers, to investigate the source of minor smoke conditions and other similar type incidents……2) The decision to use a Light Train is to be made only by the Chief in Charge…….3) If a communications link with the Light Train cannot be established , the Light Train is not to be used…….4) The primary means of communication with the light train shall be via the H/T on subway channel 14…….5) Progress reports from the Light Train shall be transmitted as soon as possible, but at least once every 5 minutes…….6) A Light Train cannot travel past the next two stations without the permission of the Chief in Charge…….7) Apparatus of the unit who boarded the train should remain at its original location until. and if, directed to another location by the Chief in Charge…….The DC was correct in which statements?
A: 2,3,4,5,7
B: 1,2,3,4,7
D: 1,2,3,7
E: 1,4,7
Question 7:
During a weekly Division conference, the DC on duty was discussing the use of a Light Train during subway incidents. The DC made the following statements about Light Train procedures: 1) It is intended that these Light Trains be used to transport FD personnel to small fires readily extinguishable by one or two extinguishers, to investigate the source of minor smoke conditions and other similar type incidents……2) The decision to use a Light Train is to be made only by the Chief in Charge…….3) If a communications link with the Light Train cannot be established , the Light Train is not to be used…….4) The primary means of communication with the light train shall be via the H/T on subway channel 14…….5) Progress reports from the Light Train shall be transmitted as soon as possible, but at least once every 5 minutes…….6) A Light Train cannot travel past the next two stations without the permission of the Chief in Charge…….7) Apparatus of the unit who boarded the train should remain at its original location until. and if, directed to another location by the Chief in Charge…….The DC was correct in which statements?
A: 2,3,4,5,7
B: 1,2,3,4,7
E: 1,4,7
4-The primary means of communication with the light train shall be via the Trains Operators radio
5- Progress reports from the Light Train shall be transmitted as soon as possible, but at least once every 15 minutes
6- A Light Train cannot travel past the next station without the permission of the Chief in Charge
AUC 207 add 7 sec 2
Question 8:
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the mutual exchange of scheduled RSOT tours?
A: Both RSOT mutual tours must be “scheduled” RSOT tours.
B: A RSOT tour that has been mutualed or rescheduled may only be mutualed or rescheduled again once more.
C: Mutual exchange of RSOT tours must be submitted to the Battalion on Form RS-6 at least 24 hours before the first RSOT tour for approval.
D: Mutual exchange of scheduled RSOT tours by full duty Firefighters must be completed (worked) by both parties within thirty (30) days of the first scheduled RSOT tour or by the end of the calendar year (whichever is earlier).
Question 8:
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the mutual exchange of scheduled RSOT tours?
A: Both RSOT mutual tours must be “scheduled” RSOT tours.
B:✔A RSOT tour that has been mutualed or rescheduled may only be mutualed or rescheduled again once more.
C: Mutual exchange of RSOT tours must be submitted to the Battalion on Form RS-6 at least 24 hours before the first RSOT tour for approval.
D: Mutual exchange of scheduled RSOT tours by full duty Firefighters must be completed (worked) by both parties within thirty (30) days of the first scheduled RSOT tour or by the end of the calendar year (whichever is earlier).
A RSOT tour that has been mutualed or rescheduled may not be mutualed or rescheduled again.
Choice “D” explained…you normally have to swap RSOT tours within 30 days of each other, however, the exception is the end of the year. A 12/15/2018 tour cannot be swapped for a 1/14/2019 tour even though it is within 30 days; this is because your are going into the next calendar year. In this case, the 12/15/2018 tour can only be swapped within 16 days (12/31/2018).
PAID 3 ch 2 sec 8.1-8.5
Question 9:
In order to enhance FDNY communications in some facilities, auxiliary radio communications systems (ARCS) have been, or are being, installed. Which of the following is the correct procedure regarding the ARCS system?
A: First arriving officer, whether engine or ladder, will activate Building ARCS (1620 Key or ON/OFF switch) at the Fire Command Station, if so equipped
B: First arriving Engine officer will instruct the member designated to staff the Incident Command Post to monitor the tactical and/or repeater channel/relay messages
C: First arriving Engine officer will remain on Channel 1 or switch his/her HT to the Building duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 11 / Channel 12), or acquire an in-house radio for the investigation team, as appropriate
D: First arriving Ladder officer will ensure a functional test is performed of the ARCS prior to leaving the lobby
Question 9:
In order to enhance FDNY communications in some facilities, auxiliary radio communications systems (ARCS) have been, or are being, installed. Which of the following is the correct procedure regarding the ARCS system?
A: First arriving officer, whether engine or ladder, will activate Building ARCS (1620 Key or ON/OFF switch) at the Fire Command Station, if so equipped
B:✘First arriving Engine officer will instruct the member designated to staff the Incident Command Post to monitor the tactical and/or repeater channel/relay messages
C: First arriving Engine officer will remain on Channel 1 or switch his/her HT to the Building duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 11 / Channel 12), or acquire an in-house radio for the investigation team, as appropriate
D:✔First arriving Ladder officer will ensure a functional test is performed of the ARCS prior to leaving the lobby
Comm 13 sec 3.1.1
A First arriving Ladder officer
B First arriving Ladder officer
C First arriving Ladder officer
Also….. First arriving Ladder officer will notify the Dispatcher for re-transmittal to all incoming units if the Building duplex UHF radio repeater system and Channel (11 or 12) have been activated or in-house radios are being used. Officer and members will proceed to the location of the reported incident
Question 10:
Fire extension in a private dwelling is a serious concern for everyone operating at the scene. Members need to be aware of certain construction features and how they affect fire travel. As the IC at this fire, you would know that one statement below is incorrect. Choose the most incorrect answer?
A: A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate.
B: In Queen Anne balloon frame construction the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and are capped with a top plate.
C: High heat accompanied by a light to medium smoke condition with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in the walls of balloon frame construction.
D: Platform construction effectively acts as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
Question 10:
Fire extension in a private dwelling is a serious concern for everyone operating at the scene. Members need to be aware of certain construction features and how they affect fire travel. As the IC at this fire, you would know that one statement below is incorrect. Choose the most incorrect answer?
A: A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate.
B: In Queen Anne balloon frame construction the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and are capped with a top plate.
C:✔High heat accompanied by a light to medium smoke condition with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in the walls of balloon frame construction.
D: Platform construction effectively acts as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
PD Ch 4-Ladder Company Ops
A. sec 3.1
B. sec 3.1
C. sec 3.1 High heat accompanied by heavy smoke with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in these hidden spaces.
D. sec 3.3
Question 11:
The criteria for using the large padlocks with gravoply tags issued to all battalions can be found in all of the following except?
A: Commercial Occupancy
B: Minor to moderate fire or emergency incident
C: Egress gained through forced entry that was accomplished with minimal damage. (Padlocks removed, removed, through the lock means)
D: There is no other damage to the entire perimeter of the premises
E: There is nothing abnormal or unusual apparent about the premises or its contents
Question 11:
The criteria for using the large padlocks with gravoply tags issued to all battalions can be found in all of the following except?
A: Commercial Occupancy
B:✔Minor to moderate fire or emergency incident
C: Egress gained through forced entry that was accomplished with minimal damage. (Padlocks removed, removed, through the lock means)
D: There is no other damage to the entire perimeter of the premises
E: There is nothing abnormal or unusual apparent about the premises or its contents
Minor fire or emergency incident
AUC 231
Question 12:
Your battalion is 10-84 at a fire in a high-rise office building under construction. The fire is on the 38th floor and 40 floors have had their concrete poured. As the chief considers firefighting options, which characteristic regarding fire conditions on this floor is most correct?
A: Structural failure as a result of heavy fire is a real possibility on this floor.
B: The fire load on this floor would represent a bigger problem because of the storage of wood forms.
C: The shoring studs for this floor would be spaced four feet apart.
D: Shoring studs for this floor should be 8 feet apart and will present a problem if exposed to fire conditions.
Question 12:
Your battalion is 10-84 at a fire in a high-rise office building under construction. The fire is on the 38th floor and 40 floors have had their concrete poured. As the chief considers firefighting options, which characteristic regarding fire conditions on this floor is most correct?
A: Structural failure as a result of heavy fire is a real possibility on this floor.
B:✔The fire load on this floor would represent a bigger problem because of the storage of wood forms.
C: The shoring studs for this floor would be spaced four feet apart.
D: Shoring studs for this floor should be 8 feet apart and will present a problem if exposed to fire conditions.
Safety Bulletin 7 Ch 5
A – 40 is the most recently poured floor. The temporary storage is 2 floors below the most recently poured floor (38), which also happens to be the fire floor. Problems associated with structural failure will usually not occur on this temporary storage floor. 2.4
B – CORRECT – The problem on this floor would be a fast moving fire caused by the heavy fire load and the large horizontal and vertical openings.
C – The shoring for the most recently poured floor (40) would be 4’ apart. The shoring for the fire floor (38) would be spaced 8’ apart. 2.11
D – If units observe studs placed approximately 8’ apart, reshoring is indicated. It can be assumed that these floors are in their advanced curing stage and SHOULD NOT present a problem if exposed during fire conditions. 2.12
Question 13:
Information sharing between agencies and proper use of the “First Responder’s Bridge and Tunnel Manuals” is critical to the safety of all First Responders at bridge and tunnel incidents. An experienced BC would know all of the following to be correct except?
A: Assessment could be made from land units, marine units and helicopters, depending on conditions.
B: The FDNY Incident Commander MUST relay gathered information to the Command Chief and be ready to answer any additional questions.
C: Decisions on strategy and tactics will be based on incident reports from the scene. Maintaining radio and cell phone communication with the Command Chief is critical.
D: NYCDOT and MTA Bridge and Tunnel engineers are to be notified of information gathered from the Incident Assessment Report via OEM liaison once the incident is under control.
Question 13:
Information sharing between agencies and proper use of the “First Responder’s Bridge and Tunnel Manuals” is critical to the safety of all First Responders at bridge and tunnel incidents. An experienced BC would know all of the following to be correct except?
A: Assessment could be made from land units, marine units and helicopters, depending on conditions.
B: The FDNY Incident Commander MUST relay gathered information to the Command Chief and be ready to answer any additional questions.
C:✘Decisions on strategy and tactics will be based on incident reports from the scene. Maintaining radio and cell phone communication with the Command Chief is critical.
D:✔NYCDOT and MTA Bridge and Tunnel engineers are to be notified of information gathered from the Incident Assessment Report via OEM liaison once the incident is under control.
NYCDOT and MTA Bridge and Tunnel engineers are to be notified immediately through FDOC of information gathered from the Incident Assessment Report.
AUC 344 1.3
Question 14:
Tower Ladder 71 is responding to a reported fire in a taxpayer. Upon arrival, heavy smoke is found issuing from the roll down gates. The ladder officer ordered the following. Which should be corrected?
A: The tower ladder was positioned in front of the building.
B: The 2 ½” tip is preferable when deep penetration of the stream is necessary to hydraulically overhaul stock.
C: The basket of the tower ladder can be positioned a foot or two above the street level and the tower ladder stream can be directed into the store or stores.
D: A street level attack using a LCS to penetrate the ceiling and collapse it, thereby exposing fire in the cockloft.
Question 14:
Tower Ladder 71 is responding to a reported fire in a taxpayer. Upon arrival, heavy smoke is found issuing from the roll down gates. The ladder officer ordered the following. Which should be corrected?
A: The tower ladder was positioned in front of the building.
B:✔The 2 ½” tip is preferable when deep penetration of the stream is necessary to hydraulically overhaul stock.
C: The basket of the tower ladder can be positioned a foot or two above the street level and the tower ladder stream can be directed into the store or stores.
D:✘A street level attack using a LCS to penetrate the ceiling and collapse it, thereby exposing fire in the cockloft.
A. Taxpayer sect 8.1.19
B. Ladder 6 ch 4 sec 4.2 The 1 ½” tip is preferable when deep penetration of the stream is necessary to hydraulically overhaul stock. Increasing
C. Taxpayer sect 8.1.20
D. Ladder 6 ch 4 page 3 A street level attack at Taxpayer fires using a LCS to penetrate the ceiling and collapse it, thereby exposing fire in the cockloft, enables extinguishment of fire therein.
Question 15:
Steam frequently seen rising from the ground and from steam manholes is usually the result of water from a heavy rain or a leaking sewer or water main, contacting the steam pipe and turning to steam. Con Edison may place vent stacks over minor steam leaks, to direct the steam up over the roadway. If a vent pipe has a blue stripe on it, this indicates?
A: The steam is the result of a water leak or a leaking steam main.
B: The steam is the result of a water leak, not a leaking steam main.
C: The steam is the result of a leaking steam main, not a water leak.
D: The steam pipe contains asbestos.
Question 15:
Steam frequently seen rising from the ground and from steam manholes is usually the result of water from a heavy rain or a leaking sewer or water main, contacting the steam pipe and turning to steam. Con Edison may place vent stacks over minor steam leaks, to direct the steam up over the roadway. If a vent pipe has a blue stripe on it, this indicates?
A: The steam is the result of a water leak or a leaking steam main.
B:✔The steam is the result of a water leak, not a leaking steam main.
C: The steam is the result of a leaking steam main, not a water leak.
D: The steam pipe contains asbestos.
EP Steam 4.3
Question 16:
You’re the IC at an ammonia leak from an ice skating rink. You’re deciding whether to evacuate downwind or shelter- in-place. Sheltering-in-place is the preferred alternative when the hazardous material displays all of the following characteristics except?
A: Partially released and dissipating
B: Low to moderate toxicity
C: Small quantity solid or liquid leak
D: A migrating vapor of low toxicity and quantity and people are safer indoors than outside
Question 16:
You’re the IC at an ammonia leak from an ice skating rink. You’re deciding whether to evacuate downwind or shelter- in-place. Sheltering-in-place is the preferred alternative when the hazardous material displays all of the following characteristics except?
A:✔Partially released and dissipating
B: Low to moderate toxicity
C:✘Small quantity solid or liquid leak
D: A migrating vapor of low toxicity and quantity and people are safer indoors than outside
ERP, Hazardous Materials
B. Totally released and dissipating
9.5.5 C 2
* Sheltering-in-place is also the preferred alternative when the release of hazardous materials can be rapidly controlled at the source
9.5.5 C 5
Question 17:
The identification of buildings and subdivisions within buildings continues to be a problem for firefighting forces. The FDNY uses a series of numbers and letters to develop an identification code which is directly related to the building or occupancy the communicator is talking about. The BC will often designate these exposures as a fire expands. Buildings separated by ____feet should not be identified as exposures unless the volume of fire or complexity of the incident causes an exposure problem.
A: 30 feet or more
B: more than 30 feet
C: less than 30 feet
D: 20 feet
Question 17:
The identification of buildings and subdivisions within buildings continues to be a problem for firefighting forces. The FDNY uses a series of numbers and letters to develop an identification code which is directly related to the building or occupancy the communicator is talking about. The BC will often designate these exposures as a fire expands. Buildings separated by ____feet should not be identified as exposures unless the volume of fire or complexity of the incident causes an exposure problem.
A:✘30 feet or more
B:✔more than 30 feet
C: less than 30 feet
D: 20 feet
Comm Chapter 10 Add 2 sec 2.1
Question 18:
Division 1 is responding to a 10-60 transmitted for a ruptured steam main. A ruptured steam main could be the result of a terrorist attack. The chief would be correct to consider all of the following except?
A: The probable presence of asbestos makes this a haz-mat incident until proven otherwise by sampling and testing.
B: All responding units must report to the Staging Area, regardless of alarm level or assignment.
C: Responding units shall monitor radiation detection devices upon receipt of an alarm for a ruptured steam main.
D: Implement a command channel early and consider utilization of the Interoperability and FDNY/NYPD TAC U, Post Radios and/or the 800Mz radios.
Question 18:
Division 1 is responding to a 10-60 transmitted for a ruptured steam main. A ruptured steam main could be the result of a terrorist attack. The chief would be correct to consider all of the following except?
A: The probable presence of asbestos makes this a haz-mat incident until proven otherwise by sampling and testing.
B:✔All responding units must report to the Staging Area, regardless of alarm level or assignment.
C: Responding units shall monitor radiation detection devices upon receipt of an alarm for a ruptured steam main.
D: Implement a command channel early and consider utilization of the Interoperability and FDNY/NYPD TAC U, Post Radios and/or the 800Mz radios.
EP Steam System Emergencies sect 5
B. All responding units must report to the ICP in an area that is safe from flying debris and is far enough away from the noise of the burst main to allow voice communications.
Personnel accountability is essential and all responding units and Chief Officers must report into the ICP.
Question 19:
Power backup for the NYC Transit Subway Repeater System provides a minimum of ___ hour/s of protection in the event of a power outage.
A: 4
B: 8
C: 10
D: 12
Question 19:
Power backup for the NYC Transit Subway Repeater System provides a minimum of ___ hour/s of protection in the event of a power outage.
B: 8
C: 10
D: 12
The 4 hours is at continuous repeater operation, therefore, the actual protection can be greater than 4 hours.
AUC 207 Add 16 3.2
Question 20:
Fresh off vacation, BC Breezes begins her first tour back by reviewing documents that landed on her desk. It was a busy week of fire duty and four multiple member injury reports are first on deck. Which of the following documents was she correct to sign and forward?
A: Engine 1 submitted a multiple injury report that listed one member who received minor injuries not requiring medical leave and two others that were granted medical leave. The member with minor injuries takes medical leave the next day from these injuries.
B: Engine 2 submitted a multiple injury report that had the officer and one member suffering burn injuries requiring medical leave and a third firefighter suffering a minor injury not requiring medical leave. The member with the minor injury gets hurt at another incident and goes on medical leave the same tour.
C: Engine 3 submitted a multiple injury report that had two firefighters receiving strains that required medical leave, the officer with burns requiring medical leave, and a minor injury to another member not requiring medical leave.
D: Sign and forward both A and C
E: Sign and forward all of the above
Question 20:
Fresh off vacation, BC Breezes begins her first tour back by reviewing documents that landed on her desk. It was a busy week of fire duty and four multiple member injury reports are first on deck. Which of the following documents was she correct to sign and forward?
A:✘Engine 1 submitted a multiple injury report that listed one member who received minor injuries not requiring medical leave and two others that were granted medical leave. The member with minor injuries takes medical leave the next day from these injuries.
B: Engine 2 submitted a multiple injury report that had the officer and one member suffering burn injuries requiring medical leave and a third firefighter suffering a minor injury not requiring medical leave. The member with the minor injury gets hurt at another incident and goes on medical leave the same tour.
C:✔Engine 3 submitted a multiple injury report that had two firefighters receiving strains that required medical leave, the officer with burns requiring medical leave, and a minor injury to another member not requiring medical leave.
D: Sign and forward both A and C
E: Sign and forward all of the above
Safety Bulletin 1 ch 2
1.3 – The Chief of Operations requires the supervisor of a unit to submit a multiple member injury report when Three or more members suffer injuries at the SAME incident resulting in medical leave THAT TOUR.
Question 21:
Members of a Rockaway Beach firehouse were discussing there latest water rescue with the B-47. They rescued 3 teenagers who were swept out by a rip tide. The members explained how they escaped from the rip tide during their water (surf) rescue. Which is the correct choice?
A: Swim parallel to the shoreline
B: Swim Perpendicular to the shoreline
C: Swim diagonal to the shoreline
D: Swim zigzag to the shoreline
Question 21:
Members of a Rockaway Beach firehouse were discussing there latest water rescue with the B-47. They rescued 3 teenagers who were swept out by a rip tide. The members explained how they escaped from the rip tide during their water (surf) rescue. Which is the correct choice?
A:✔Swim parallel to the shoreline
B: Swim Perpendicular to the shoreline
C: Swim diagonal to the shoreline
D: Swim zigzag to the shoreline
Emergency Procedures Water Rescue 1 sec 6.2.1
Question 22:
Hoseline placement at private dwelling fires can be tricky. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A: When operating a hoseline to extinguish fire on the exterior of a building, units should sweep the stream across the face of the building, starting at the bottom to extinguish the main body of fire.
B: The decision to reposition the first hoseline from the 1st floor into the cellar through an exterior entrance can only be made by an Acting Chief Officer/Chief officer.
C: Whenever two hoselines are stretched and operating, a 3rd hoseline will be positioned and charged at the front of the fire building and operated as ordered by the IC.
D: For a cellar fire, if the 1st line will be repositioned, ladder company members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before line is repositioned.
Question 22:
Hoseline placement at private dwelling fires can be tricky. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A:✔When operating a hoseline to extinguish fire on the exterior of a building, units should sweep the stream across the face of the building, starting at the bottom to extinguish the main body of fire.
B: The decision to reposition the first hoseline from the 1st floor into the cellar through an exterior entrance can only be made by an Acting Chief Officer/Chief officer.
C: Whenever two hoselines are stretched and operating, a 3rd hoseline will be positioned and charged at the front of the fire building and operated as ordered by the IC.
D:✘For a cellar fire, if the 1st line will be repositioned, ladder company members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before line is repositioned.
A. Sweep the stream across the face of the building, starting at the top, so the water cascades down the exterior. Chapter 3 (6.3)
B. Private dwellings Chapter 3 (2.7.4)
C. Private Dwellings (2.9, 3.3, 4.3)
D. Private Dwellings (2.7.4)
Question 23:
Post-Detonation at an IED incident, a BC would know all of the following to be correct except?
A: The need for a command channel should be anticipated and established early in the operation.
B: Chief Officers must be mindful that Post Radios and Marine Radios should not be operated within 300 ft of a suspected device.
C: The FDNY IC shall always assign a company officer to the position of Street Management Coordinator.
D: Only deceased victims should be tagged in the Point of Impact (black-tag).
Question 23:
Post-Detonation at an IED incident, a BC would know all of the following to be correct except?
A: The need for a command channel should be anticipated and established early in the operation.
B: Chief Officers must be mindful that Post Radios and Marine Radios should not be operated within 300 ft of a suspected device.
C:✔The FDNY IC shall always assign a company officer to the position of Street Management Coordinator.
D: Only deceased victims should be tagged in the Point of Impact (black-tag).
C) The FDNY IC should consider assigning a Battalion Chief to the position of Street Management Coordinator.
ERP Add 3 5.7.4, 5.8.1, 5.3.1
Question 24:
Fire in row frame structures can expand rapidly if not quickly contained. These buildings can be considered large rectangular boxes of dry lumber, capable of generating large amounts of heat when burning. Which statement regarding their construction is incorrect?
A: All exterior is wood, or a veneer over outer wood sheathing.
B: These buildings can be either platform, balloon or braced frame construction.
C: The cockloft may vary in height from one foot to a height tall enough for a man to stand in.
D: The division walls between buildings are quite frequently no more than the equivalent of a partition wall with nogging present, which presents limited hindrance to fire.
Question 24:
Fire in row frame structures can expand rapidly if not quickly contained. These buildings can be considered large rectangular boxes of dry lumber, capable of generating large amounts of heat when burning. Which statement regarding their construction is incorrect?
A:✘All exterior is wood, or a veneer over outer wood sheathing.
B:✔These buildings can be either platform, balloon or braced frame construction.
C: The cockloft may vary in height from one foot to a height tall enough for a man to stand in.
D: The division walls between buildings are quite frequently no more than the equivalent of a partition wall with nogging present, which presents limited hindrance to fire.
Row Frames
A. sect 5.2.1.B
B. sect 5.1.3 These buildings can be either balloon frame or braced frame construction.
C. sect 5.2.2
D, sect 5.2.3
Question 25:
You just received a response ticket for a major aircraft incident at the airport. En-route you glance at the ticket and notice you are the second due battalion chief for this run. You would be correct to believe that your designation would be the ___________?
A: All-Hands Chief
B: Resource Unit Leader
C: Safety Officer
D: Staging Area Manager
Question 25:
You just received a response ticket for a major aircraft incident at the airport. En-route you glance at the ticket and notice you are the second due battalion chief for this run. You would be correct to believe that your designation would be the ___________?
A:✘All-Hands Chief
B: Resource Unit Leader
C: Safety Officer
D:✔Staging Area Manager
AUC 325 3.3.1
Know this bulletin cold, it was rewritten since last BC exam.
Question 26:
Regulations discusses the responsibilities of Battalion Chiefs. Which of the statements below incorrectly describes Battalion Chief duties?
A: Battalion Chiefs shall not leave their administrative districts, except in response to an alarm for fire or other emergency, without the approval of the Borough Commander.
B: When a Battalion Chief arrives on the scene of an operation where an ABC is the Incident Commander, the BC shall assume command of the operation and assign the ABC as needed.
C: Each assigned Battalion Chief must visit, at least once each week, every department building over which the battalion has supervision & inspect members, uniforms, apparatus, equipment, records, and all areas of quarters.
D: Battalion Chiefs shall be responsible for investigating all injuries occurring in quarters with particular attention given to injuries at or immediately after the change of tours.
Question 26:
Regulations discusses the responsibilities of Battalion Chiefs. Which of the statements below incorrectly describes Battalion Chief duties?
A:✔Battalion Chiefs shall not leave their administrative districts, except in response to an alarm for fire or other emergency, without the approval of the Borough Commander.
B: When a Battalion Chief arrives on the scene of an operation where an ABC is the Incident Commander, the BC shall assume command of the operation and assign the ABC as needed.
C: Each assigned Battalion Chief must visit, at least once each week, every department building over which the battalion has supervision & inspect members, uniforms, apparatus, equipment, records, and all areas of quarters.
D: Battalion Chiefs shall be responsible for investigating all injuries occurring in quarters with particular attention given to injuries at or immediately after the change of tours.
Regulations Chapter 7
A - Incorrect – the Deputy Chief on duty in the Battalion’s Administrative Division 7.2.1
B - Correct 7.2.2 A
C - Correct 7.4.1
D - Correct 7.5.1
Question 27:
Upon notification of an alleged incident of discrimination by a member, the Officer/Supervisor is required to notify the Fire Department’s EEO Officer. Select the incorrect method of doing so.
A: Telephone between 0800 to 1800 hours, Monday to Friday
B: Email directly to EEO
C: For incidents that effect operations during non-office hours, the EEO Officer can be reached through the Fire Department Operations Center
D: Memo with endorsements to the EEO officer via the chain of command
Question 27:
Upon notification of an alleged incident of discrimination by a member, the Officer/Supervisor is required to notify the Fire Department’s EEO Officer. Select the incorrect method of doing so.
A: Telephone between 0800 to 1800 hours, Monday to Friday
B: Email directly to EEO
C: For incidents that effect operations during non-office hours, the EEO Officer can be reached through the Fire Department Operations Center
D:✔Memo with endorsements to the EEO officer via the chain of command
PA/ID 8 Ch 2 6.2, 6.3, 6.4
Confidential EEO Incident Report shall be submitted DIRECTLY to the EEO Officer in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” without intermediate endorsement.
Question 28:
Firefighting operational tactics can be quite complex for most buildings, especially when cell sites are involved. Choose the incorrect operational tactic for a building with a cell site.
A: Special call an additional engine and ladder company, if the cell site installation is involved
B: Insure TL response on the initial alarm for a fire reported in these buildings
C: Consider stretching a handline to the roof at upper floor fires
D: Special call an additional Safety Officer above the 10-75 to supervise roof operations
Question 28:
Firefighting operational tactics can be quite complex for most buildings, especially when cell sites are involved. Choose the incorrect operational tactic for a building with a cell site.
A: Special call an additional engine and ladder company, if the cell site installation is involved
B: Insure TL response on the initial alarm for a fire reported in these buildings
C: Consider stretching a handline to the roof at upper floor fires
D:✔Special call an additional Safety Officer above the 10-75 to supervise roof operations
D- Special call an additional BATTALION CHIEF above the 10-75 to supervise roof operations
AUC 331 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7
NOTE: in AUC 351 Photo-voltaic Electrical Systems (last bullet on bottom of page 6) it states: A Safety Officer should be assigned to the roof to oversee operations when FFs are working in close proximity to a PV system
Question 29:
Under the Department’s Modified Response program, all of the following responses would require a 10-20 response except?
A: Water leaks
B: Trees down (no wires, buildings or vehicles affected)
C: Salvage Truck
D: Lock-ins with food on the stove
Question 29:
Under the Department’s Modified Response program, all of the following responses would require a 10-20 response except?
A: Water leaks
B: Trees down (no wires, buildings or vehicles affected)
C: Salvage Truck
D:✔Lock-ins with food on the stove
Lock-ins (no reported food on the stove or other associated emergency)
Communications Ch 6 Add 1 2.1
Question 30:
A newly promoted Battalion Chief was wrapping up his first fire, a torch job (10-41-1) on the top floor of a MD. Moments before leaving the occupant of the adjoining apartment approaches and says that $1500 has gone missing from a dresser in a room where members operated. Which action taken next by the Chief officer is incorrect?
A: The BC ordered a thorough search of the premises from which the money went missing.
B: The BC interviewed witnesses and notified the IG that the owner suspects the money was taken by a member on scene.
C: The BC notified the Fire Marshals to respond.
D: The BC obtained all of the information required to complete the BF-26 form.
Question 30:
A newly promoted Battalion Chief was wrapping up his first fire, a torch job (10-41-1) on the top floor of a MD. Moments before leaving the occupant of the adjoining apartment approaches and says that $1500 has gone missing from a dresser in a room where members operated. Which action taken next by the Chief officer is incorrect?
A: The BC ordered a thorough search of the premises from which the money went missing.
B:✔The BC interviewed witnesses and notified the IG that the owner suspects the money was taken by a member on scene.
C: The BC notified the Fire Marshals to respond.
D: The BC obtained all of the information required to complete the BF-26 form.
1 - Correct
2 - Incorrect - We do not interview witnesses
3 - Correct - Marshals are notified to respond in the case of a 10-41 all codes (Stated in the question)
4 - Correct
All answers from Regs Ch 11 sec 11.3.10
Question 31:
The Natural Gas Detector is one of many gas detectors the FDNY uses. Which is an incorrect statement regarding this meter?
A: It is used to determine the location of a natural gas leak.
B: It is used to determine the amount of gas present in an area.
C: It uses an audible tick that increases in frequency as it approaches the source of escaping gas.
D: This meter detects natural gas at low levels and it is the superior tool for locating leaks in appliances.
Question 31:
The Natural Gas Detector is one of many gas detectors the FDNY uses. Which is an incorrect statement regarding this meter?
A: It is used to determine the location of a natural gas leak.
B:✔It is used to determine the amount of gas present in an area.
C: It uses an audible tick that increases in frequency as it approaches the source of escaping gas.
D: This meter detects natural gas at low levels and it is the superior tool for locating leaks in appliances.
Emergency Procedures Gas 6.4
The Natural Gas Detector is used to determine the location of a natural gas leak. This device does not have an LCD nor can it quantify gas levels. It uses an audible tick that increases in frequency as it approaches the source of escaping gas. The Natural Gas Detector detects natural gas at low levels. For this reason, it is the superior tool for locating leaks in appliances (stoves), supply piping (joints) and points of entry into a building (cracks). In a hallway with multiple locked doors, it is an excellent tool for identifying which apartment is involved. Simply pass the detector’s probe around a doorframe’s upper area while listening for an increase in the detector’s audile tick.
Question 32:
NYC subways are always a terrorist target. The job of our units is life safety. Members discussing the Nolan ATS-1 Emergency Rail Cart were incorrect in which comment made?
A: When transporting patients, stretchers and stokes baskets should extend over the sides of the cart for equal weight distribution.
B: When there is a heavy load or when used on a steep grade, the cart should be pushed by or pulled by two (2) or more members. Utility ropes and/or straps may be used to increase control.
C: When ordered to deploy the rail cart, the officer shall determine the best access point and order the members to transport the rail cart to the scene using the hand truck.
D: A connector plate is supplied to join two carts together. Joining carts together with the connector plate might be useful at large incidents.
Question 32:
NYC subways are always a terrorist target. The job of our units is life safety. Members discussing the Nolan ATS-1 Emergency Rail Cart were incorrect in which comment made?
A:✔When transporting patients, stretchers and stokes baskets should extend over the sides of the cart for equal weight distribution.
B: When there is a heavy load or when used on a steep grade, the cart should be pushed by or pulled by two (2) or more members. Utility ropes and/or straps may be used to increase control.
C: When ordered to deploy the rail cart, the officer shall determine the best access point and order the members to transport the rail cart to the scene using the hand truck.
D: A connector plate is supplied to join two carts together. Joining carts together with the connector plate might be useful at large incidents.
A. Avoid allowing equipment to extend beyond the sides of the cart to prevent contact with tunnel walls or the third rail. Likewise, stretchers and stokes baskets should extend over the front and rear of the cart, instead of the sides.
Nolan Rail Cart responds on a 7-5 (All-Hands) Doubtful or greater alarm for a Railroad Incident…..NYC Transit, Amtrak, LIRR, SI Rapid Transit, Metro North, and Path
Training Bulletins Tools 40 sec 4
Question 33:
In preparation for the Battalion Chief rank, Battalion Chief Houser assembled all the captains for the annual captains meeting to discuss District Service Cabinet (DSC) and Community Board (CB) Public Meetings. Chief Houser made the following statements about DSC and CB meetings: 1) DSC meetings are generally conducted in the morning or early afternoon……2) CB meetings are generally are conducted in the evening…….3) If the CB Battalion Coordinator (or alternate) is unable to attend on compensatory time, the Battalion Commander shall have the BC on duty (assigned or not) attend such meetings while on duty…….4) Off duty BCs will attend these meetings in Class “A” uniform…….5) On duty BCs will attend these meetings in work duty uniform, and will remain in service unless the administrative DC gives permission to be OOS for the duration of meeting…….6) On duty BCs scheduled for a DSC or a CB meeting shall notify their respective Divisions and Dispatchers at the start and conclusion of the meetings……..Battalion Chief Houser was correct in which statements?
A: 1,2,3,4,5,6
B: 1,2,4,5,6
C: 2,3,4,6
D: 1,2,4,6
Question 33:
In preparation for the Battalion Chief rank, Battalion Chief Houser assembled all the captains for the annual captains meeting to discuss District Service Cabinet (DSC) and Community Board (CB) Public Meetings. Chief Houser made the following statements about DSC and CB meetings: 1) DSC meetings are generally conducted in the morning or early afternoon……2) CB meetings are generally are conducted in the evening…….3) If the CB Battalion Coordinator (or alternate) is unable to attend on compensatory time, the Battalion Commander shall have the BC on duty (assigned or not) attend such meetings while on duty…….4) Off duty BCs will attend these meetings in Class “A” uniform…….5) On duty BCs will attend these meetings in work duty uniform, and will remain in service unless the administrative DC gives permission to be OOS for the duration of meeting…….6) On duty BCs scheduled for a DSC or a CB meeting shall notify their respective Divisions and Dispatchers at the start and conclusion of the meetings……..Battalion Chief Houser was correct in which statements?
B: 1,2,4,5,6
C: 2,3,4,6
3) If the CB Battalion Coordinator (or alternate) is unable to attend on compensatory time, the Battalion Commander shall have a regularly assigned BC on duty attend such meetings while on duty ( a regularly assigned BC is a chief officer working in the Battalion for more than a vacation period)
5) On duty BCs will attend these meetings in work duty uniform, and will remain OOS for the duration of such meetings unless the Supervising Dispatcher determines that circumstances necessitate their response
NOTE: If no BC is available to attend a DSC or CB meeting, a regularly assigned BC should notify the District Manager by phone prior to the meeting.
AUC 285 sec 3
Question 34:
You are IC responding to a reported fire on the 2nd floor of a 4-story brownstone. CIDS indicates there is a 2-story extension in the rear. Which would be an incorrect action for one of the companies under your command to take at this fire?
A: The chauffeur of an aerial ladder raised the aerial to roof of the fire building.
B: The OV firefighter used the 10-foot scissor ladder to access to roof of the setback.
C: The first Roof firefighter used the aerial as the primary means of accessing the roof.
D: Ventilation of the top floor windows from the roof level by the Roof firefighter will be directed by the Ladder Company Officer operating on the top floor.
Question 34:
You are IC responding to a reported fire on the 2nd floor of a 4-story brownstone. CIDS indicates there is a 2-story extension in the rear. Which would be an incorrect action for one of the companies under your command to take at this fire?
A: The chauffeur of an aerial ladder raised the aerial to roof of the fire building.
B:✔The OV firefighter used the 10-foot scissor ladder to access to roof of the setback.
C: The first Roof firefighter used the aerial as the primary means of accessing the roof.
D: Ventilation of the top floor windows from the roof level by the Roof firefighter will be directed by the Ladder Company Officer operating on the top floor.
A. sect 2.6.D
B. sect 2.6.E - The 10-foot scissor ladder is also a useful tool for the OV. It can be used to accomplish the following: Access to roof of 1 story setback.
C. sect 2.6.F
D. sect 2.6.F p17 top
Question 35:
The High-Rise Roof Chief (HRRC) duties can be found in all of the following except?
A: While responding to the mobilization point, obtain a progress report, ID of attack and evacuation stairs, and ID of stairs that lead to the roof
B: Notify the IC of the fire through the Borough dispatcher wherein the mobilization point is located when the High Rise Roof Teams (HRRT), NYPD aviation, and ESU are assembled
C: Ensure that the HRRC, HRRTs and PD ESU are on the HT channel 1 prior to lift off
D: If available, ensure the Post Radio is taken for use on/within the structure
E: Once on the building, the HHRC shall use the Primary Command channel for contacting the Incident Command Post
Question 35:
The High-Rise Roof Chief (HRRC) duties can be found in all of the following except?
A: While responding to the mobilization point, obtain a progress report, ID of attack and evacuation stairs, and ID of stairs that lead to the roof
B: Notify the IC of the fire through the Borough dispatcher wherein the mobilization point is located when the High Rise Roof Teams (HRRT), NYPD aviation, and ESU are assembled
C:✔Ensure that the HRRC, HRRTs and PD ESU are on the HT channel 1 prior to lift off
D: If available, ensure the Post Radio is taken for use on/within the structure
E: Once on the building, the HHRC shall use the Primary Command channel for contacting the Incident Command Post
AUC 269 add 1 pages 2,3
Ensure that the HRRC, HRRTs and PD ESU are on the HT channel 1 prior to lift off. The TAC U Channel would be a suitable choice during air operations and necessary for coordination and communication between FDNY/NYPD personnel
NOTE: The HRRC’s Battalion FF will remain at the mobilization point to provide security for the Battalion vehicle and HRRT apparatus
NOTE: The HRRC’s Battalion firefighter must obtain keys to both HRRT apparatus. If additional equipment is needed, a helicopter will return to the mobilization point to transport it. The Battalion firefighter will monitor the department radio for instructions
Question 36:
You are 10-84 for a manhole fire. You operated incorrectly in which choice?
A: When operating water into a manhole, maintain a distance of at least 10’ from the nozzle to the manhole
B: A safety area shall be cordoned off to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. This area shall include 1 non- affected manhole in each direction beyond those with activity
C: When inspecting exposures a CO meter and an Altair shall be used
D: Members should avoid de-energizing any electric components by opening switches (shutting power at the main) during an underground electrical fire
Question 36:
You are 10-84 for a manhole fire. You operated incorrectly in which choice?
A:✔When operating water into a manhole, maintain a distance of at least 10’ from the nozzle to the manhole
B:✘A safety area shall be cordoned off to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. This area shall include 1 non- affected manhole in each direction beyond those with activity
C: When inspecting exposures a CO meter and an Altair shall be used
D: Members should avoid de-energizing any electric components by opening switches (shutting power at the main) during an underground electrical fire
When operating water into a manhole, maintain a distance of at least 25’ from the nozzle to the manhole
AUC 180 sec 4
This is a must read. A Battalion Chief bulletin…new as of November 2021
Question 37:
Members studying for the upcoming chiefs exam were reviewing air pressurized standpipe systems, which are required in buildings under construction greater than 75 feet and buildings undergoing demolition with an existing standpipe. They were correct in all statements made except?
A: The number of air release valves is required to be such that air pressure shall be released in no more than 5 minutes
B: To use an air pressurized system at a fire operation the air pressure must be released from the system prior to uncapping the siamese and supplying it with water
C: A 2 1/2” manual air release/drain valve (usually a standard outlet) is required to be installed immediately adjacent to the siamese connection
D: Remove the manual air release valve cap and open the valve fully
Question 37:
Members studying for the upcoming chiefs exam were reviewing air pressurized standpipe systems, which are required in buildings under construction greater than 75 feet and buildings undergoing demolition with an existing standpipe. They were correct in all statements made except?
A:✔The number of air release valves is required to be such that air pressure shall be released in no more than 5 minutes
B: To use an air pressurized system at a fire operation the air pressure must be released from the system prior to uncapping the siamese and supplying it with water
C: A 2 1/2” manual air release/drain valve (usually a standard outlet) is required to be installed immediately adjacent to the siamese connection
D:✘Remove the manual air release valve cap and open the valve fully
A- The number of air release valves is required to be such that air pressure shall be released in no more than 3 minutes (2.2)
B- 2.1
C- 2.2
D- 2.2
Engine Ops ch 8 add 4
Question 38:
Probationary Firefighters evaluations #1 (9th month) and #2 (13th month) shall be endorsed by the Division Commander who will forward these reports directly to the Evaluation Coordinator, Bureau of Personnel. Report #1 and #2 must be time to arrive within how many days of the end of the rating period at the Bureau of Personnel?
A: Within 2 days
B: Within 5 days
C: Within 15 days
D: Within 30 days
Question 38:
Probationary Firefighters evaluations #1 (9th month) and #2 (13th month) shall be endorsed by the Division Commander who will forward these reports directly to the Evaluation Coordinator, Bureau of Personnel. Report #1 and #2 must be time to arrive within how many days of the end of the rating period at the Bureau of Personnel?
A:✘Within 2 days
B:✔Within 5 days
C: Within 15 days
D: Within 30 days
Within 5 days…..
Evaluation #3 (17th month) to arrive at the Bureau of Personnel at least 30 days before the date of tenure
This is a Battalion Chief bulletin. Another must read PA/ID 2 ch 1 sec 2
Question 40:
The incorrect operational consideration for a structural fire involving Exterior Insulation Finish System (EFIS) can be found in which choice?
A: Initial handlines should be positioned for both an interior and exterior attack on the fire
B: After size-up and when conditions dictate, a handline should be dedicated to exterior extinguishment.
C: Thermal imaging cameras should be used on both the interior and exterior to determine the extent of fire spread. A more thorough examination is required during the overhaul phase to ensure that the EFIS fire does not continue to smolder undetected. A watch line should be kept in place as necessary
D: A building more than 2 stories may require a 2 1/2” hose on the exterior
Question 40:
The incorrect operational consideration for a structural fire involving Exterior Insulation Finish System (EFIS) can be found in which choice?
A: Initial handlines should be positioned for both an interior and exterior attack on the fire
B:✘After size-up and when conditions dictate, a handline should be dedicated to exterior extinguishment.
C: Thermal imaging cameras should be used on both the interior and exterior to determine the extent of fire spread. A more thorough examination is required during the overhaul phase to ensure that the EFIS fire does not continue to smolder undetected. A watch line should be kept in place as necessary
D:✔A building more than 2 stories may require a 2 1/2” hose on the exterior
A building more than 3 stories or higher or a large area building, may require a 2 1/2” hose. A 1 3/4” handline may be sufficient for a smaller private dwelling
AUC 362 sec 2
Question 39:
You stopped by L-100 to supervise Company Drill. The topic for today’s drill is Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR). The incorrect procedure for reporting Suspicious Activity can be found in which choice?
A: Companies will not keep the original or copies of the SAR form at quarters
B: All submitted SAR forms shall be forwarded to the BFI
C: Companies shall take detail (full particulars) journal entries to preserve the integrity of any investigation
D: The reporting of suspicious activity must be based on a describable observation, behavior, or action
Question 39:
You stopped by L-100 to supervise Company Drill. The topic for today’s drill is Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR). The incorrect procedure for reporting Suspicious Activity can be found in which choice?
A: Companies will not keep the original or copies of the SAR form at quarters
B:✘All submitted SAR forms shall be forwarded to the BFI
C:✔Companies shall take detail (full particulars) journal entries to preserve the integrity of any investigation
D: The reporting of suspicious activity must be based on a describable observation, behavior, or action
Companies must make journal entries of the incident, but give no particulars in order to preserve the integrity of any subsequent investigation
AUC 363 sec 9
This AUC is new as of September 2019