Battalion Chief Package 2024 - Exam 2 Flashcards


Question 1:
While responding to a High Energy Line Break (HELB) at a Con Edison Steam Generating Plant, your ladder company would be correct to be aware of all of the following except?
A: Only enter a Con Edison Steam Generating Plant without Con Ed personnel when there is a life hazard.
B: A high pressure steam leak will make verbal communications difficult.
C: Plant personnel will mitigate the emergency. FDNY should only enter the plant to perform search and rescue for missing plant personnel.
D: Contact the Con Edison White Hat who can provide critical information and an escort if entry is necessary, as well as provide a personnel accountability report to see if anyone is missing.


Question 1:
While responding to a High Energy Line Break (HELB) at a Con Edison Steam Generating Plant, your ladder company would be correct to be aware of all of the following except?
A:✔Only enter a Con Edison Steam Generating Plant without Con Ed personnel when there is a life hazard.

B: A high pressure steam leak will make verbal communications difficult.

C:✘Plant personnel will mitigate the emergency. FDNY should only enter the plant to perform search and rescue for missing plant personnel.

D: Contact the Con Edison White Hat who can provide critical information and an escort if entry is necessary, as well as provide a personnel accountability report to see if anyone is missing.

Never enter a Con Edison generating plant without Con Ed personnel. Instead, respond to the designated mustering site outside the plant.
EP Steam 4.1

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Question 2:
It’s Wednesday December 6th, 2023 9x6 tour when you receive a response ticket for a possible leak in the Buckeye Pipeline at approximately 1000 hrs. You, the first arriving BC, shall ascertain all this info from the dispatcher except?
A: Whether a full response according to the designated alarm box assignment been provided. If not, ensure a full response.
B: If the leak is confirmed, ensure a second alarm and a 10-87 was transmitted.
C: Whether regularly assigned or alternate units are responding.
D: When other than the regularly assigned units are responding, request the dispatcher to contact them to ascertain if they have the shut-off wrench and the Buckeye Pipeline Response Manual.


Question 2:
It’s Wednesday December 6th, 2023 9x6 tour when you receive a response ticket for a possible leak in the Buckeye Pipeline at approximately 1000 hrs. You, the first arriving BC, shall ascertain all this info from the dispatcher except?
A: Whether a full response according to the designated alarm box assignment been provided. If not, ensure a full response.

B:✔If the leak is confirmed, ensure a second alarm and a 10-87 was transmitted.

C: Whether regularly assigned or alternate units are responding.

D: When other than the regularly assigned units are responding, request the dispatcher to contact them to ascertain if they have the shut-off wrench and the Buckeye Pipeline Response Manual.

AUC 149 sec 8.1, 8.6
B. This isn’t mentioned as being ascertained from the dispatcher and its a 10-86.
Upon confirmation of a leak, transmit a second alarm and a 10-86 for the leak location.

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Question 3:
Light, Medium, & Heavy Clutter are fire scene characteristics we frequently deal with. Of the following, which choicescorrectlydescribe medium clutter conditions? 1-Entrances & interior pathways will be partially blocked hampering movement. **2-Smoke/CO detectors will not likely be present or operating correctly. **3-Primary searches possible but delayed. Secondary searches will be delayed. **4-Fire load may exceed the capability of landlines. ***5-Minimal concern for entrapment, structural issues or unusual fire spread.

A: 2,4,5 are Correct

B: 1,3,4 are Correct

C: 3,4,5 are Correct

D: 2,3,4 are Correct


Question 3:
Light, Medium, & Heavy Clutter are fire scene characteristics we frequently deal with. Of the following, which choices correctly describe medium clutter conditions? 1-Entrances & interior pathways will be partially blocked hampering movement. **2-Smoke/CO detectors will not likely be present or operating correctly. **3-Primary searches possible but delayed. Secondary searches will be delayed. **4-Fire load may exceed the capability of landlines. ***5-Minimal concern for entrapment, structural issues or unusual fire spread.
A: 2,4,5 are Correct

B:✔1,3,4 are Correct

C: 3,4,5 are Correct

D: 2,3,4 are Correct

Safety Bulletin 7 ch 4 pg 4.
All of these choices are from the chart on Page 3.
Option 1 is listed under the access/egress section of medium clutter characteristics.
Option 3 is listed under the search section of medium clutter characteristics.
Option 4 is listed under the suppression section of medium clutter characteristics.
Option 2 is listed under the heavy clutter characteristics.
Option 5 is listed under the light clutter characteristics.

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Question 4:
Members drilling on the Pak-Tracker know that it is a valuable tool and highly testable. Which of the following pieces of information is correct in reference to the Pak-Tracker?

A: When the signal strength rises above the 50 percent level, the row of LEDs will begin to light starting with red at the top, yellow in the middle and green at the bottom

B: Always move toward the highest relative signal strength displayed

C: Always pause 5 to 6 seconds for a reading

D: Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very quickly, in a horizontal direction first


Question 4:
Members drilling on the Pak-Tracker know that it is a valuable tool and highly testable. Which of the following pieces of information is correct in reference to the Pak-Tracker?
A: When the signal strength rises above the 50 percent level, the row of LEDs will begin to light starting with red at the top, yellow in the middle and green at the bottom

B:✔Always move toward the highest relative signal strength displayed

C: Always pause 5 to 6 seconds for a reading

D: Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very quickly, in a horizontal direction first

Training Bulletin SCBA, Addendum 8
A.When the signal strength rises above the 50 percent level, the row of LEDs will begin to light starting with red at the bottom, yellow in the middle, and green at the top (sec 7.6)
***Opposite of a traffic light signal
B. sec 7.9
C. Always pause 3 to 4 seconds for a reading (sec 7.9)
D. Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very slowly, in a horizontal direction first. Sweep vertically if the signal may be coming from a higher or lower floor in the building (sec 7.8)

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Question 5:
You, the BC, receive a response ticket for a severe flooding condition during a severe storm at the intersection of Queens blvd and 63 drive. You have three engines and two ladder companies on scene and decide to implement dewatering operations because you can immediately alleviate dangerous traffic conditions. Shortly into the operation, you realize that more companies are needed above the first alarm. Your next coarse of action is to?

A: Transmit a 2nd alarm

B: Notify the DC

C: Notify the Command Chief after business hours

D: Notify the Borough Commander during business hours



Question 5:
You, the BC, receive a response ticket for a severe flooding condition during a severe storm at the intersection of Queens blvd and 63 drive. You have three engines and two ladder companies on scene and decide to implement dewatering operations because you can immediately alleviate dangerous traffic conditions. Shortly into the operation, you realize that more companies are needed above the first alarm. Your next coarse of action is to?

A:Transmit a 2nd alarm

B:Notify the DC

C:Notify the Command Chief after business hours

D:Notify the Borough Commander during business hours

AUC 159 add 9 sec 2.4
2.4 Assignment of units above a first alarm assignment for dewatering operations must be approved by a DC
There is only 4 times that we can dewater during a severe storm….look at sec 2.3
1-Where major safety and dangerous traffic problems can be alleviated by immediately beginning the dewatering of major streets and highways that have been flooded by the storm
2-Where lives are endangered, such as, but not limited to; hospitals, nursing homes, and similar type occupancies
3-Where failure to dewater creates a serious fire hazard, such as; flood or rising water in close proximity to live electrical equipment or service, which cannot be disconnected safely
4- Where extensive property damage can be averted with a reasonable commitment of resources

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Question 6: TheMotorola APX8000XE radiois equipped with an orange Emergency Alert Button on the base unit and the remote mic. The orange button is used when a member needs to transmit an emergency message boosting the wattage from 2 watts to 5 watts. In regard to the orange Emergency Alert Button, it can be activated by depressing and holding until the audible beacon toneis heard (approximately ____ second(s)) and reset by depressing and holding until the reset tone is heard (approximately ____ second(s))

A: 1, 1/2

B: 1, 3

C: 2, 3

D: 1, 2


Question 6:
TheMotorola APX8000XE radiois equipped with an orange Emergency Alert Button on the base unit and the remote mic. The orange button is used when a member needs to transmit an emergency message boosting the wattage from 2 watts to 5 watts. In regard to the orange Emergency Alert Button, it can be activated by depressing and holding until the audible beacon toneis heard (approximately ____ second(s)) and reset by depressing and holding until the reset tone is heard (approximately ____ second(s))

A:1, 1/2

B:1, 3

C:2, 3

D:1, 2

Comm ch 11 sec 3.5 and pg 14

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Question 7:
The recorder in the battalion vehicle becomes operational shortly after the vehicle is started. It is necessary to observe the LCD display located in the center console to ensure the unit is operational. All of the following messages that would appear on the LCD screen that would prompt the BC to notify AAT Communications can be found below except?
A: Memory empty

B: Low buffer

C: Overwriting

D: Start up failure


Question 7:
The recorder in the battalion vehicle becomes operational shortly after the vehicle is started. It is necessary to observe the LCD display located in the center console to ensure the unit is operational. All of the following messages that would appear on the LCD screen that would prompt the BC to notify AAT Communications can be found below except?

A:Memory empty

B:Low buffer


D: Start up failure

Communications Ch 9 add 1 sec 3.1
Memory FULL

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Question 8:
You are a newly promoted BC working in Battalion 3, quartered with Engine 100. At 1314 hours Engine 100 responds to a Class “E” alarm at a local high-rise office building and you decide to monitor the alarm. In accordance with the FDNY’s policy on “Reduced Response E & J Alarms,” you would be correct in all of the following actions except?
A: If the preliminary report is not received in a reasonable time frame (5-10 minutes), contact the dispatcher and request a preliminary report.
B: If a subsequent alarm is received while the BC is monitoring a Class “E” or “J” alarm, the Battalion shall respond.
C: You may respond, based on your discretion. If you respond, the dispatcher shall be notified.
D: If the report from Engine 100 indicates that the alarm is for a 10-35 or 10-92 and such signal is transmitted, you will return to service.


Question 8:
You are a newly promoted BC working in Battalion 3, quartered with Engine 100. At 1314 hours Engine 100 responds to a Class “E” alarm at a local high-rise office building and you decide to monitor the alarm. In accordance with the FDNY’s policy on “Reduced Response E & J Alarms,” you would be correct in all of the following actions except?
A:✘If the preliminary report is not received in a reasonable time frame (5-10 minutes), contact the dispatcher and request a preliminary report.

B:✔If a subsequent alarm is received while the BC is monitoring a Class “E” or “J” alarm, the Battalion shall respond.

C: You may respond, based on your discretion. If you respond, the dispatcher shall be notified.

D: If the report from Engine 100 indicates that the alarm is for a 10-35 or 10-92 and such signal is transmitted, you will return to service.

If a subsequent alarm is received while the Battalion Chief is monitoring a Class “E” or “J” alarm, the Battalion shall NOT be directed to respond unless the dispatcher receives information of a serious fire and the assigned Battalion is the nearest available Battalion Chief (i.e. 10-75 or 10-76).
Comm Ch 6 add 2 sec 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

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Question 9:
When the EFAS program starts, it is programmed to automatically download the latest version of the Spare Radio Database. This will be indicated in the bottom center of the task bar in what color letters?
A: Yellow

B: Green

C: Blue

D: Red


Question 9:
When the EFAS program starts, it is programmed to automatically download the latest version of the Spare Radio Database. This will be indicated in the bottom center of the task bar in what color letters?
A: Yellow


C: Blue

D: Red

Comm ch 9 add 3 sec 4.2
The date, time, and the most current list will show in green letters

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Question 10:
A BC should know that the most common type of peaked roof found in lightweight PD construction is the _____.
A: Open-web lightweight steel truss
B: Open-web lightweight composite truss
C: Open-web lightweight wood truss
D: Laminated wooden I-beams


Question 10:
A BC should know that the most common type of peaked roof found in lightweight PD construction is the _____.
A: Open-web lightweight steel truss

B: Open-web lightweight composite truss

C:✔Open-web lightweight wood truss

D: Laminated wooden I-beams

PD Ch 6 sec 2.2.5 A

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Question 11:
You arrive as the Incident Commander at a fire in a private dwelling just as the 1st due truck transmits three 10-45’s for fire victims. There is an urgent need for EMS yet you don’t see them anywhere near your command post and they are not answering on HT channel 1. Which of the following represents the CORRECT procedure when contacting EMS regarding your 10-45’s?
A: If unable to contact EMS via HT, contact the FD dispatcher with full particulars for relay.
B: You have the aide contact EMS Citywide on the UHF Radio advising that we have three 10-45’s in need of urgent care.
C: You switch to channel 10 in an attempt to raise them on the HT.
D: Use the DARS radio for direct communication on the EMS Borough frequency for relay to EMS units.


Question 11:
You arrive as the Incident Commander at a fire in a private dwelling just as the 1st due truck transmits three 10-45’s for fire victims. There is an urgent need for EMS yet you don’t see them anywhere near your command post and they are not answering on HT channel 1. Which of the following represents the CORRECT procedure when contacting EMS regarding your 10-45’s?
A:✔If unable to contact EMS via HT, contact the FD dispatcher with full particulars for relay.

B: You have the aide contact EMS Citywide on the UHF Radio advising that we have three 10-45’s in need of urgent care.

C: You switch to channel 10 in an attempt to raise them on the HT.

D: Use the DARS radio for direct communication on the EMS Borough frequency for relay to EMS units.

Communications Chapter 14 – Addendum 1
A. 3.6.2
B. No 10 codes during relay on EMS Citywide (only plain speak. 3.6.3
C. HT Channel 1 is used for fire, non fire and CFR related incidents 2
D. DARS radios can be used for direct communication with EMS CITYWIDE dispatch for relay to EMS units by switching to the EMS Zone, Channel 1 (EMS-CW-1). Transmissions on this frequency will NOT be heard by Fire units.3.6 Note

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Question 12:
The FAST Group plays a crucial role in rescuing members in distress. If a Chief Officer is not available initially, which member below may temporarily be designated the FAST Group Supervisor?
A: Fast Truck Officer
B: SOC Unit Officer
C: Engine Officer
D: Senior Truck Chauffeur


Question 12:
The FAST Group plays a crucial role in rescuing members in distress. If a Chief Officer is not available initially, which member below may temporarily be designated the FAST Group Supervisor?
A: Fast Truck Officer

B:✔SOC Unit Officer

C: Engine Officer

D: Senior Truck Chauffeur

MMID ch 5 2.2.3
If a Chief Officer is not available initially, a SOC Unit Officer may temporarily be designated the FAST Group Supervisor.
If sectors have been established, the immediate Sector Supervisor of the member(s) reported missing is a logical choice for this assignment. Another Chief Officer should replace the Sector Supervisor. If a Sector Supervisor is not used, one of the additional chiefs assigned on the transmission of signal 10-66 shall be used as the FAST Group Supervisor.

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Question 13:
When responding to a bridge or tunnel incident, the first arriving chief officer must access the risk and possibility of localized or progressive collapse, before committing FFs to an extensive and time consuming rescue plan. To assist the decision making process, all units have received the MTA Bridge/Tunnel guidebook. When it comes to the MTA Bridge/Tunnel guide book, choose the incorrect choice.
A: The First Responder’s Bridge/Tunnel manual is red in color
B: Assessment of a bridge/tunnel incident, must be relayed to the Command Chief by the first arriving chief officer (IC), if DC not on scene
C: If DC not on scene, the first arriving BC shall maintain information sharing with the Command Chief via radio or cell phone
D: The Risk Management manual can be obtained on scene by the highest-ranking MTA Police Official on duty at each bridge


Question 13:
When responding to a bridge or tunnel incident, the first arriving chief officer must access the risk and possibility of localized or progressive collapse, before committing FFs to an extensive and time consuming rescue plan. To assist the decision making process, all units have received the MTA Bridge/Tunnel guidebook. When it comes to the MTA Bridge/Tunnel guide book, choose the incorrect choice.
A:✔The First Responder’s Bridge/Tunnel manual is red in color

B: Assessment of a bridge/tunnel incident, must be relayed to the Command Chief by the first arriving chief officer (IC), if DC not on scene

C: If DC not on scene, the first arriving BC shall maintain information sharing with the Command Chief via radio or cell phone

D: The Risk Management manual can be obtained on scene by the highest-ranking MTA Police Official on duty at each bridge

First Responder’s Bridge/Tunnel manual is GREEN carried on all units with the ERG guidebook colored ORANGE
Risk Management/Executive manual is RED
AUC 344 pages 1-5

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Question 14:
When it comes to the Air Rescue Plan for hi-rise structures, under normal conditions it can be anticipated that a time span of approximately ____ minutes can be expected between the orders to “Assemble” and “Airlift.”
A: 30
B: 60
C: 15
D: 45


Question 14:
When it comes to the Air Rescue Plan for hi-rise structures, under normal conditions it can be anticipated that a time span of approximately ____ minutes can be expected between the orders to “Assemble” and “Airlift.”


C: 15

D: 45

AUC 269 Add 1 3.4.1

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Question 15:
While on duty in Battalion 30, a detailed firefighter working in the unit you a quartered with asks you for advice regarding some offensive material he found posted in the men’s bathroom. You would be correct to advise the member of all of the following except?
A: Do not attempt to remove the offensive material but ask an Officer or the EEO Officer to have the item(s) removed.
B: The evidence should be dated by the Officer and forwarded to the EEO Officer; telephone notification to the EEO Officer is not required.
C: Upon receipt of offensive material, the EEO Officer will send acknowledgment to the Officer and/or complainant
D: It is essential to seek support to help alleviate the frustration and helplessness that often result from harassment/discrimination and/or sexual harassment/discrimination.


Question 15:
While on duty in Battalion 30, a detailed firefighter working in the unit you a quartered with asks you for advice regarding some offensive material he found posted in the men’s bathroom. You would be correct to advise the member of all of the following except?
A:✘Do not attempt to remove the offensive material but ask an Officer or the EEO Officer to have the item(s) removed.

B:✔The evidence should be dated by the Officer and forwarded to the EEO Officer; telephone notification to the EEO Officer is not required.

C: Upon receipt of offensive material, the EEO Officer will send acknowledgment to the Officer and/or complainant

D: It is essential to seek support to help alleviate the frustration and helplessness that often result from harassment/discrimination and/or sexual harassment/discrimination.

The evidence should be dated by the Officer and forwarded to the EEO Officer, after telephone notification.
TB EEO 3.1

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Question 16:
A severe storm is about to hit the the five Boroughs. You call each of your units under your command and remind them that the depth of the water to be crossed for first line units should not exceed _______ inches?
A: 10 inches
B: 15 inches
C: 18 inches
D: 24 inches
E: 50 inches


Question 16:
A severe storm is about to hit the the five Boroughs. You call each of your units under your command and remind them that the depth of the water to be crossed for first line units should not exceed _______ inches?
A:✘10 inches

B: 15 inches

C:✔18 inches

D: 24 inches

E: 50 inches

AUC 159 sec 5.4.3
50 inches is for FDNY Hi-Axle vehicles

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Question 17:
At a recent division conference, the following statements regarding Incident Command System Vests were made by the BC’s in attendance. Upon return to quarters you opened up the bulletin to fact-check the remarks. Which of the statements made was incorrect about when we would use these vests?
A: Large scale Fire/EMS drills and drills involving other agencies.
B: Extended complex operations
C: Any fire operation or drill where 4 or more ICS positions are activated
D: Mass Casualty Incidents


Question 17:
At a recent division conference, the following statements regarding Incident Command System Vests were made by the BC’s in attendance. Upon return to quarters you opened up the bulletin to fact-check the remarks. Which of the statements made was incorrect about when we would use these vests?
A: Large scale Fire/EMS drills and drills involving other agencies.

B: Extended complex operations

C:✔Any fire operation or drill where 4 or more ICS positions are activated

D: Mass Casualty Incidents

Choices A, B, D are correct as written – ICS Chapter 2 Addendum 1 Section 4.2 pg 2
Choice C was incorrect for two reasons. Non-fire operations or drill where 5 or more ICS positions are activated


Question 18:
The fire sector chief B-6 is overseeing the second arriving ladder at a top floor fire in a brownstone building in midtown Manhattan. Which action taken by this company was performed incorrectly?
A: The OV checked the rear, then reported to the roof to assist in ventilation and opening up the roof
B: The LCC reported to the turntable of the 1st arriving ladder, an aerial ladder
C: The inside team assisted the 1st ladder company with searches on the top floor
D: The Roof firefighter goes to the roof with the saw and Halligan hook to assist in ventilation and opening up.


Question 18:
The fire sector chief B-6 is overseeing the second arriving ladder at a top floor fire in a brownstone building in midtown Manhattan. Which action taken by this company was performed incorrectly?
A:✘The OV checked the rear, then reported to the roof to assist in ventilation and opening up the roof

B: The LCC reported to the turntable of the 1st arriving ladder, an aerial ladder

C:✔The inside team assisted the 1st ladder company with searches on the top floor

D: The Roof firefighter goes to the roof with the saw and Halligan hook to assist in ventilation and opening up.

C. For a top floor fire, the 2nd arriving inside team will go into the fire building and check the floors below to insure the fire did not start on a lower floor. THE UNIT SHOULD REMAIN ON FLOOR BELOW UNTIL NEEDED. THEY SHALL NOT BLOCK THE STAIR OR HALLWAY LEADING TO UPPER FLOORS.
Brownstones (2.7)


Question 19:
Battalion issued padlocks with attached tags may be used to secure premises at which no owner or authorized representative is present. From the choices listed below, choose the only one where the BC on scene used the padlock correctly.
A: The BC on scene used the padlock on a restaurant in a taxpayer where the owner left a small candle lit after closing, causing minor damage to business and while gaining entry
B: The BC on scene used the padlock on an apartment door in a MD when minimal damaged occurred when forcing entry
C: The BC on scene used the padlock on a commercial occupancy where a 2nd alarm had just occurred
D: The BC on scene used the padlock on a Cell phone store in a taxpayer where forcible entry was required by cutting the rear door with a power saw


Question 19:
Battalion issued padlocks with attached tags may be used to secure premises at which no owner or authorized representative is present. From the choices listed below, choose the only one where the BC on scene used the padlock correctly.
A:✔The BC on scene used the padlock on a restaurant in a taxpayer where the owner left a small candle lit after closing, causing minor damage to business and while gaining entry

B: The BC on scene used the padlock on an apartment door in a MD when minimal damaged occurred when forcing entry

C: The BC on scene used the padlock on a commercial occupancy where a 2nd alarm had just occurred

D:✘The BC on scene used the padlock on a Cell phone store in a taxpayer where forcible entry was required by cutting the rear door with a power saw

AUC 231 sec 2
* Commercial occupancy
* very minor fire or emergency incident had occurred
* Egress gained through forced entry that was accomplished with minimal damage (padlocks removed, through the lock means, etc


Question 20:
Phase B has just been implemented due to Hurricane Jeff that has descended upon the NYC area. All BCs shall evaluate conditions by personal survey and unit advisement in their administrative area and report findings to the Division at what hour intervals?
A: 4
B: 3
C: 2
D: 1


Question 20:
Phase B has just been implemented due to Hurricane Jeff that has descended upon the NYC area. All BCs shall evaluate conditions by personal survey and unit advisement in their administrative area and report findings to the Division at what hour intervals?
A: 4



D: 1

AUC 159 sec 5.3.9
Information to be relayed to the Division:
1-Main arteries impassable (by name)
2-Response areas flooded
3-Large areas or special hazards which are inaccessible
4-Action taken to alleviate conditions
5-Possible relocation of units to Host Companies


Question 21:
The Resource Unit Leader can become one of the most important positions during chaotic and expanding operations. Which of the following statements regarding the assignment of the RUL is Correct?
A: At an All-Hands fire with multiple 1045’s, the IC may special call a BC to serve as RUL if necessary.
B: An Acting Battalion Chief cannot be assigned as the RUL.
C: Upon the transmission of a 3rd Alarm, the dispatcher will notify the Incident Commander of the identity of the RUL.
D: Upgrading a 10-60 to a 10-60 Code 1 will cause the dispatcher to assign a BC as RUL.


Question 21:
The Resource Unit Leader can become one of the most important positions during chaotic and expanding operations. Which of the following statements regarding the assignment of the RUL is Correct?
A:✔At an All-Hands fire with multiple 1045’s, the IC may special call a BC to serve as RUL if necessary.

B:✘An Acting Battalion Chief cannot be assigned as the RUL.

C: Upon the transmission of a 3rd Alarm, the dispatcher will notify the Incident Commander of the identity of the RUL.

D: Upgrading a 10-60 to a 10-60 Code 1 will cause the dispatcher to assign a BC as RUL.

ICS Chapter 2 Addendum 2 Section 3
A is correct… The IC may special call a BC as RUL if necessary.
B - An Acting Battalion Chief MAY be assigned as the RUL.
C - the RUL is assigned upon the transmission of a 2nd alarm.
D - A RUL is assigned to all 1060 incidents.


Question 22:
An experienced BC would know which description of the following special units to be correct?
A: The IMT Planning Vehicle will only respond when requested by a BC or higher.
B: Hi-Rise Unit 1 and 2 are also designated as Ventilation Support Units.
C: A HMTU may operate alone, but must stay within the limits of its equipment and training. An additional FAST Truck shall be special called for support if an entry into a contaminated area is involved.
D: Collapse PODS (Portable-On Demand Storage) Transport Unit response can be requested by a BC.


Question 22:
An experienced BC would know which description of the following special units to be correct?
A: The IMT Planning Vehicle will only respond when requested by a BC or higher.

B:✔Hi-Rise Unit 1 and 2 are also designated as Ventilation Support Units.

C: A HMTU may operate alone, but must stay within the limits of its equipment and training. An additional FAST Truck shall be special called for support if an entry into a contaminated area is involved.

D:✘Collapse PODS (Portable-On Demand Storage) Transport Unit response can be requested by a BC.

A) The IMT Planning Vehicle will only respond when requested by a Staff Chief.
C) A HMTU may operate alone, but must stay within the limits of its equipment and training. A second HMTU shall be special called for support if an entry into a contaminated area is involved.
D) Collapse PODS (Portable-On Demand Storage) Transport Unit response can be requested by a Command Chief only.
Comm 7.5


Question 23:
Any request for an exemption from the yearly limit for discretionary overtime/comp time must be pre-approved in writing by the?
A: Chief of Operations
B: Chief of Department
C: Fire Commissioner
D: Overtime Control Officer in the Mayors Office


Question 23:
Any request for an exemption from the yearly limit for discretionary overtime/comp time must be pre-approved in writing by the?
A:✔Chief of Operations

B: Chief of Department

C: Fire Commissioner

D: Overtime Control Officer in the Mayors Office

PAID 3 ch 4 sec 2.5


Question 24:
One of the hot topics brought up this year at Chief’s Annual Education day was Brush Fires. Brush fires can occur in most parts of the city and can range from small nuisance fires to major multiple alarms. During education day, the following statements were made when staffing the Brush Fire Units (BFU):……1-BFUs can be operated by any FF……..2- FFs and/or officers of units quartered with BFUs may be detailed to the BFUs if, in the opinion of the BC having jurisdiction, it will maximize the operating efficiency of the concerned units…….3-Any schooled trained chauffeur can operate the BFU…….4-Battalions wherein the BFUs are quartered shall provide for assignment of FFs, and Divisions shall provide for Officers assignments……..Choose the correct statements
A: 1,2, 4
B: 1,3,4
C: 2,4
D: 1,2,3,4


Question 24:
One of the hot topics brought up this year at Chief’s Annual Education day was Brush Fires. Brush fires can occur in most parts of the city and can range from small nuisance fires to major multiple alarms. During education day, the following statements were made when staffing the Brush Fire Units (BFU):……1-BFUs can be operated by any FF……..2- FFs and/or officers of units quartered with BFUs may be detailed to the BFUs if, in the opinion of the BC having jurisdiction, it will maximize the operating efficiency of the concerned units…….3-Any schooled trained chauffeur can operate the BFU…….4-Battalions wherein the BFUs are quartered shall provide for assignment of FFs, and Divisions shall provide for Officers assignments……..Choose the correct statements
A: 1,2, 4

B: 1,3,4


D: 1,2,3,4

AUC 151 page 6
1-BFUs should be operated by trained members from their associated engine company for efficiency, knowledge of limitations and accountability purposes
3-The BFU chauffeur is to be a member trained in operating the vehicle, including off-road driving. If necessary, a trained member from the associated engine company shall be detailed to the BFU and the OT member utilized to back-fill the associated engine company
Remember, the BC is in charge of staffing FFs
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Question 25:
Two BC’s are communicating with the DC via post radios at a train derailment in an under river tube between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Due to the possibility of electrical interference, you should ensure Post Radios are not used in the immediate vicinity of all of the following except?
A: signals
B: communications equipment
C: token booths
D: train operator cabs


Question 25:
Two BC’s are communicating with the DC via post radios at a train derailment in an under river tube between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Due to the possibility of electrical interference, you should ensure Post Radios are not used in the immediate vicinity of all of the following except?
A: signals

B: communications equipment

C:✔token booths

D: train operator cabs

Notify NYCT when Post Radios are in use within the subway system.
URR 2.9.6


Question 26:
Several Chief Officers were having a discussion following a 5th Alarm fire that extended from a 4-Story frame into exposures 2, 2A, 4, & 4A. Which of the following actions taken at the rapidly expanding fire regarding the positioning of Chief Officers was correct?
A: Upon the arrival of the dedicated Communications Unit Leader, the IC reassigned the RUL as the roof sector to get ahead of the extension.
B: Prior to the arrival of the Safety Operating Battalion, the IC assigned the Safety Officer to the Exposure 4 sector.
C: The RUL continued to monitor the HT for emergency transmissions after the arrival of the dedicated Communications Unit Leader.
D: Upon arrival of Field Comm, the Communications Unit Leader was reassigned to the Exposure 2A sector


Question 26:
Several Chief Officers were having a discussion following a 5th Alarm fire that extended from a 4-Story frame into exposures 2, 2A, 4, & 4A. Which of the following actions taken at the rapidly expanding fire regarding the positioning of Chief Officers was correct?
A:✘Upon the arrival of the dedicated Communications Unit Leader, the IC reassigned the RUL as the roof sector to get ahead of the extension.

B: Prior to the arrival of the Safety Operating Battalion, the IC assigned the Safety Officer to the Exposure 4 sector.

C:✔The RUL continued to monitor the HT for emergency transmissions after the arrival of the dedicated Communications Unit Leader.

D: Upon arrival of Field Comm, the Communications Unit Leader was reassigned to the Exposure 2A sector

A. ICS ch 2 Add 2 sec 5.1 - The Resource Unit Leader shall not be used for firefighting purposes.
B. ICS ch 2 Add 5 pg 4 - When the Safety Battalion arrives, the Safety Officer will be designated Assistant Safety Officer, released, or reassigned as determined by the IC
C. ICS ch 2 Add 2 sec 4.3
D. ICS ch 2 Add 3 sec 5.6 - The Communications Unit Leader shall not be used for firefighting purposes.


Question 27:
A recently promoted BC was incorrect in which action taken at a radiological emergency in Penn Station?
A: Dry decontamination measures were ordered to expedite the transfer of patients to EMS for treatment.
B: Since the dose inside of a nursing home was projected to be a maximum of 6 REMs, the BC did not evacuate the nursing home residents.
C: The Operations Chief designated a Rescue Company Officer to oversee Extraction Task Forces to achieve proper lifesaving emergency medical care in high-rise buildings and subway tunnels.
D: Extraction Task Forces included firefighters and EMS personnel in proper PPE to rapidly triage, treat and move patients with life-threatening injuries as quickly as possible out of the area to ambulances outside.


Question 27:
A recently promoted BC was incorrect in which action taken at a radiological emergency in Penn Station?
A: Dry decontamination measures were ordered to expedite the transfer of patients to EMS for treatment.

B: Since the dose inside of a nursing home was projected to be a maximum of 6 REMs, the BC did not evacuate the nursing home residents.

C:✔The Operations Chief designated a Rescue Company Officer to oversee Extraction Task Forces to achieve proper lifesaving emergency medical care in high-rise buildings and subway tunnels.

D:✘Extraction Task Forces included firefighters and EMS personnel in proper PPE to rapidly triage, treat and move patients with life-threatening injuries as quickly as possible out of the area to ambulances outside.

A) ERP 4 Sec 6.2.4 Wet Decon may be needed for LARGE scale radiological emergencies because it is a quick way to deal with extensive external contamination
B) Evacuate if the projected dose inside a building will reach 5 Rem for the general population or 10 Rem for special groups such as non-ambulatory hospital patients, prison residents, or nursing home residents.
C) The Operations Chief may need to designate a Battalion Chief to oversee Extraction Task Forces to achieve this goal in high-rise buildings or subway tunnels.
ERP Add 4 3.2.1 C, D, E
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Question 28:
As the IC at a manhole fire in midtown Manhattan, you receive reports of high CO in multiple office buildings. 4 manholes have blown and conditions are getting worse. Con Ed’s ETA is 30 minutes. You call for the FireIce unit to respond. The suffix designation for a “FireIce Unit” can be found in which choice?
A: L144F
B: E144I
C: E144F
D: L144C


Question 28:
As the IC at a manhole fire in midtown Manhattan, you receive reports of high CO in multiple office buildings. 4 manholes have blown and conditions are getting worse. Con Ed’s ETA is 30 minutes. You call for the FireIce unit to respond. The suffix designation for a “FireIce Unit” can be found in which choice?
A: L144F


C: E144F

D: L144C

Comm ch 2 page 18
A- FAST unit
C- FAST unit
Ladder companies are not designated as a FireIce units


Question 29:
The BC in B-53 heads out to visit 4 companies on routine outdoor activities. The chief is surprised to see the apparatus parking locations of these units. Select the company that followed the correct parking policy.
A: L-162 is double parked, because there is no parking spot in close proximity to the building being inspected
B: L-160 is triple parked, because there is no parking spot in close proximity to the building being inspected
C: E-306 is parked in a bus stop, because there is no parking spot in close proximity to the building being inspected
D: L-164 is parked alongside building materials that are not located beyond the sidewalk at a demolition site


Question 29:
The BC in B-53 heads out to visit 4 companies on routine outdoor activities. The chief is surprised to see the apparatus parking locations of these units. Select the company that followed the correct parking policy.
A: L-162 is double parked, because there is no parking spot in close proximity to the building being inspected

B: L-160 is triple parked, because there is no parking spot in close proximity to the building being inspected

C: E-306 is parked in a bus stop, because there is no parking spot in close proximity to the building being inspected

D:✔L-164 is parked alongside building materials that are not located beyond the sidewalk at a demolition site

SB 2 Ch 4 sec 3
A. The most important rule is that the fire apparatus should, whenever possible, not be double parked.
B. Always park the apparatus as close to the curb as possible. Never permit the apparatus to protrude into the flow of traffic.
C. Do not park in bus stops
D. You should NOT park alongside building materials located BEYOND the sidewalk at construction or demolition sites


Question 30:
Venting the store windows at a taxpayer fire can relieve conditions or make conditions worse. When fighting a cellar fire in a taxpayer, who must firefighters communicate and coordinate with before venting the store front windows?
A: 1st ladder officer
B: 2nd ladder officer
C: Battalion chief (IC)
D: Permission is not needed, because it is a cellar fire and the windows are at store level


Question 30:
Venting the store windows at a taxpayer fire can relieve conditions or make conditions worse. When fighting a cellar fire in a taxpayer, who must firefighters communicate and coordinate with before venting the store front windows?
A:✔1st ladder officer

B:✘2nd ladder officer

C: Battalion chief (IC)

D: Permission is not needed, because it is a cellar fire and the windows are at store level

Taxpayers sec 8.2.2 (cellar fires)
Also look under Store/cockloft Fire, sec 8.3….Store/cockloft fire “Ventilation of the store at the front by the removal of show window shall be done if ordered by the Incident Commander.”
Make sure you know cellar fire vs store/cockloft fire


Question 31:
Two BCs discussing outside operations at a recent 5th alarm warehouse fire pointed out one incorrect action taken. Indicate the incorrect action.
A: Since distance was short and sufficient slack was in the line, TL1 was moved without disconnecting lines as adequate manpower was available.
B: Since distance was great and hose lines had to be disconnected, lines were stretched and made ready at the new location before shutting down TL2’s stream at the TL Siamese and repositioning.
C: When special called for use of their master stream, members of TL3 will generally operate as a unit and focus on getting the apparatus properly positioned and supplied. Chief officers should assign an Engine Company to pre-stretch 3 1/2” supply lines, and inform the TL officer of the identity of the supply Engine
D: Being notified that TL1 bucket is wedged on the parapet the IC immediately notified all units on scene that the TL is unavailable for use, had members remain low in bucket, formulated a rescue plan, ordered the apparatus to be shut down with the PTO still engaged, and requested a Rescue or Squad to evaluate the structure and assist in formulating a rescue plan


Question 31:
Two BCs discussing outside operations at a recent 5th alarm warehouse fire pointed out one incorrect action taken. Indicate the incorrect action.
A: Since distance was short and sufficient slack was in the line, TL1 was moved without disconnecting lines as adequate manpower was available.

B:✔Since distance was great and hose lines had to be disconnected, lines were stretched and made ready at the new location before shutting down TL2’s stream at the TL Siamese and repositioning.

C: When special called for use of their master stream, members of TL3 will generally operate as a unit and focus on getting the apparatus properly positioned and supplied. Chief officers should assign an Engine Company to pre-stretch 3 1/2” supply lines, and inform the TL officer of the identity of the supply Engine

D:✘Being notified that TL1 bucket is wedged on the parapet the IC immediately notified all units on scene that the TL is unavailable for use, had members remain low in bucket, formulated a rescue plan, ordered the apparatus to be shut down with the PTO still engaged, and requested a Rescue or Squad to evaluate the structure and assist in formulating a rescue plan

Tower Ladders (L-6)
A) Ch 4 sec 4.1
B) Ch 4 sec 4.1- Water is not shut down at the TL siamese, but at the supply pumper.
C) Ch 6
D) Ch 3 p-7….remember, this is an Urgent transmission (after depressing the EAP) from the member in the bucket to the IC stating the bucket is wedged


Question 32:
The incorrect procedure for a HT radio discovered stolen can be found in which choice?
A: If HT is stolen at the scene of a fire/emergency, the IC (Chief Officer) must conduct an investigation. The police shall be notified if the suspect is a civilian , the IG notified if the suspect is a department member
B: If HT is stolen at quarters in connection with an illegal entry, the police shall be immediately notified, an illegal entry or quarters report shall be forwarded by officer on duty to the Chief of Operations, and if false alarm is involved, the fire marshals notified
C: Under no circumstances shall a unit go back in service after a HT has been stolen until all notifications have been made, and a spare HT has been received
D: When a department employee is suspected of stealing a radio from quarters, BITS must be notified


Question 32:
The incorrect procedure for a HT radio discovered stolen can be found in which choice?
A: If HT is stolen at the scene of a fire/emergency, the IC (Chief Officer) must conduct an investigation. The police shall be notified if the suspect is a civilian , the IG notified if the suspect is a department member

B: If HT is stolen at quarters in connection with an illegal entry, the police shall be immediately notified, an illegal entry or quarters report shall be forwarded by officer on duty to the Chief of Operations, and if false alarm is involved, the fire marshals notified

C:✘Under no circumstances shall a unit go back in service after a HT has been stolen until all notifications have been made, and a spare HT has been received

D:✔When a department employee is suspected of stealing a radio from quarters, BITS must be notified

Inspector General (IG)
Comm ch 11 add 8 sec 4
This is new (June 2022).


Question 33:
Which choice below contains incorrect information in regard to the Building Information Card (BIC) and Emergency Action Plan (EAP) found in Class E high-rise buildings?
A: The Building Information Card (BIC) is maintained at the Fire Command Station.
B: A list of special needs occupants and their location in the building, who have requested assistance in the event the EAP is implemented, is maintained at the Fire Command Station.
C: First arriving units should request a briefing on any and all actions taken prior to their arrival. Units should be aware that the FS/EAPD shall never implement the EAP prior to FD arrival.
D: The BIC can provide valuable information to the IC in the event of a fire as well as non-fire emergencies. It can be used in developing strategies and making tactical decisions.


Question 33:
Which choice below contains incorrect information in regard to the Building Information Card (BIC) and Emergency Action Plan (EAP) found in Class E high-rise buildings?
A: The Building Information Card (BIC) is maintained at the Fire Command Station.

B: A list of special needs occupants and their location in the building, who have requested assistance in the event the EAP is implemented, is maintained at the Fire Command Station.

C:✔First arriving units should request a briefing on any and all actions taken prior to their arrival. Units should be aware that the FS/EAPD shall never implement the EAP prior to FD arrival.

D: The BIC can provide valuable information to the IC in the event of a fire as well as non-fire emergencies. It can be used in developing strategies and making tactical decisions.

C. First arriving units should request a briefing on any and all actions taken prior to their arrival. Units should be aware that the FS/EAPD is authorized to implement the EAP and take actions to ensure occupant safety. These actions may include: elevator recall, public announcements and evacuations.
HROB Add 1


Question 34:
Members were drilling with the BC about safe atmospheric conditions according to the confined space bulletin. They have just returned from a man down in a tunnel under construction. Which of the following is least accurate in reference to safe atmospheric conditions?
A: Oxygen concentration between 19.0% and 23.0%
B: Flammable range not over 10% of LEL
C: Toxicity not over 35 PPM of carbon monoxide
D: Toxicity not over 10 PPM of hydrogen sulfide


Question 34:
Members were drilling with the BC about safe atmospheric conditions according to the confined space bulletin. They have just returned from a man down in a tunnel under construction. Which of the following is least accurate in reference to safe atmospheric conditions?
A:✔Oxygen concentration between 19.0% and 23.0%

B:✘Flammable range not over 10% of LEL

C: Toxicity not over 35 PPM of carbon monoxide

D: Toxicity not over 10 PPM of hydrogen sulfide

Training Bulletin Confined Space Operations sec 4.1 and AUC 337 p-5
A. Oxygen concentration between 19.5% and 23.5%
Note: Make sure you look through the Chief Officer Operational Checklists found in AUC 337


Question 35:
You are designated the Resources Unit Chief. Upon arrival to the Command Board you have several responsibilities . Choose the incorrect responsibility.
A: You shall inform the IC of the need for a Communications Unit if one is not assigned to respond
B: You continued to monitor the HT frequency for emergency transmissions after the arrival of a dedicated Communication Unit Leader
C: After permission from the IC you implemented relief of units especially when operations approach 0800 or 1700 hours
D: You operate on the Command channel and your aide will monitor the tactical channel


Question 35:
You are designated the Resources Unit Chief. Upon arrival to the Command Board you have several responsibilities . Choose the incorrect responsibility.
A: You shall inform the IC of the need for a Communications Unit if one is not assigned to respond

B: You continued to monitor the HT frequency for emergency transmissions after the arrival of a dedicated Communication Unit Leader

C: After permission from the IC you implemented relief of units especially when operations approach 0800 or 1700 hours

D:✔You operate on the Command channel and your aide will monitor the tactical channel

ICS ch 2 add 2 sec 4.3
Resources Unit Chief will monitor the Tactical channel, and battalion FF (aide) will monitor the Command channel


Question 36:
Please download the following AUC 337 PAID 8 Ch 10-Command Discipline Procedures PAID 9 Ch 11-Policy On Use Of Mobile Electronic Devices…During the last hour of your tour of duty in Battalion 59, you realize, after an extensive investigation, that the Battalion cell phone was stolen while operating at a gas leak. You would be correct to take all of the following actions except?
A: Send an e-mail notification and include details of user/unit assigned, device make and model, date stolen, and any other relevant information.
B: Send the e-mail notification as soon as possible but no later than within 24 hours, except on weekends or holidays where a phone notification shall be made to BTDS.
C: File a Police Report from the police precinct of occurrence.
D: Provide your manager/supervisor with a copy of such reports upon returning to work.


Question 36:
Please download the following AUC 337 PAID 8 Ch 10-Command Discipline Procedures PAID 9 Ch 11-Policy On Use Of Mobile Electronic Devices…During the last hour of your tour of duty in Battalion 59, you realize, after an extensive investigation, that the Battalion cell phone was stolen while operating at a gas leak. You would be correct to take all of the following actions except?
A: Send an e-mail notification and include details of user/unit assigned, device make and model, date stolen, and any other relevant information.

B:✔Send the e-mail notification as soon as possible but no later than within 24 hours, except on weekends or holidays where a phone notification shall be made to BTDS.

C: File a Police Report from the police precinct of occurrence.

D:✘Provide your manager/supervisor with a copy of such reports upon returning to work.

B. send the e-mail notification as soon as possible, but no later than within 24 hours regardless of weekends or holidays after the occurrence.
PAID 9 ch 11 sec 15


Question 37:
Battalion 99 is 1084 at a fire in the cellar of a private dwelling where the first line does not advance down the main interior cellar entrance due to fire conditions and a second line is entering the secondary entrance. As you get an accounting of the location of your companies, a mayday transmission is received from the second due ladder company’s Irons firefighter. After receiving no response to your immediate request for additional information, you activate the fast truck which just arrived. As a chief officer, you should be able to tell the fast truck that the location they would most likely make contact with him would be…
A: Augmenting searches on the first floor.
B: Operating in the cellar conducting searches.
C: Conducting primary searches on the upper floors.
D: Making portable ladder removals in the rear.


Question 37:
Battalion 99 is 1084 at a fire in the cellar of a private dwelling where the first line does not advance down the main interior cellar entrance due to fire conditions and a second line is entering the secondary entrance. As you get an accounting of the location of your companies, a mayday transmission is received from the second due ladder company’s Irons firefighter. After receiving no response to your immediate request for additional information, you activate the fast truck which just arrived. As a chief officer, you should be able to tell the fast truck that the location they would most likely make contact with him would be…
A: Augmenting searches on the first floor.

B:✔Operating in the cellar conducting searches.

C:✘Conducting primary searches on the upper floors.

D: Making portable ladder removals in the rear.

Private Dwellings Chapter 4 pg 23
C. 10.4.2 – 2nd Due truck assumes responsibility for searches of the cellar. 1st due conducts primary of the first floor and upper floors.


Question 38:
During winter operations, there are several operating techniques and tactics that can be used to assist the first arriving BC in mitigating fires and emergencies during this time. Choose the correct tactic used during winter operations.
A: Have only the first arriving Engine and Ladder Companies enter a block where poor street conditions exists, except where proper placement is assured and the extent of the fire dictates
B: Never assign members on foot to investigate
C: Have all units respond to reported location even though the exact building location of emergency or fire has not been determined
D: Where building is 3 stories or higher, preference shall be given to Ladder Company apparatus entering block first with the engine company personnel hand stretching from the nearest hydrant, if necessary


Question 38:
During winter operations, there are several operating techniques and tactics that can be used to assist the first arriving BC in mitigating fires and emergencies during this time. Choose the correct tactic used during winter operations.
A:✔Have only the first arriving Engine and Ladder Companies enter a block where poor street conditions exists, except where proper placement is assured and the extent of the fire dictates

B: Never assign members on foot to investigate

C: Have all units respond to reported location even though the exact building location of emergency or fire has not been determined

D:✘Where building is 3 stories or higher, preference shall be given to Ladder Company apparatus entering block first with the engine company personnel hand stretching from the nearest hydrant, if necessary

B- Assign members on foot to investigate
C- Apparatus remain on maneuverable avenues or streets until exact building location of emergency or fire determined
D- Where building involved is HIGHER than 3 stories, preference shall be given to ladder company apparatus entering block first with the engine company personnel hand stretching from the nearest hydrant, if necessary
Where building is 3 stories or less, preference shall be given to the engine company apparatus entering block first with ladder company personnel carrying portable ladders
AUC 200 page 17


Question 39:
While advising an officer in issuing Command Discipline, you correctly inform her that the Loss of Vacation Leave?
A: consists of one (1) day for each “point” with a maximum of seven (7) days, to be deducted from the current year’s leave balance.
B: is not appropriate for a Command Discipline.
C: consists of one (1) day for each “point” with a maximum of five (5) days, to be deducted from the next year’s leave balance.
D: consists of one (1) day for each “point” with a maximum of thirty (30) days, to be deducted from the next year’s leave balance.


Question 39:
While advising an officer in issuing Command Discipline, you correctly inform her that the Loss of Vacation Leave?
A:✔consists of one (1) day for each “point” with a maximum of seven (7) days, to be deducted from the current year’s leave balance.

B: is not appropriate for a Command Discipline.

C: consists of one (1) day for each “point” with a maximum of five (5) days, to be deducted from the next year’s leave balance.

D:✘consists of one (1) day for each “point” with a maximum of thirty (30) days, to be deducted from the next year’s leave balance.

When this penalty is imposed, the commanding officer must complete Form FS-211 (6-91). It must be endorsed by the Borough Commander and forwarded to the director, Bureau of Fiscal Services.
PAID 8 ch 10 sec 2.3


Question 40:
As the Incident Commander of an operation where Rescue has deployed Scuba Divers off shore to search for a drowning adult, you would be correct to ensure such divers do not dive deeper than?
A: 100 feet
B: 60 meters
C: 90 feet
D: 60 feet


Question 40:
As the Incident Commander of an operation where Rescue has deployed Scuba Divers off shore to search for a drowning adult, you would be correct to ensure such divers do not dive deeper than?
A: 100 feet

B: 60 meters

C: 90 feet

D:✔60 feet

AUC 337 p14
water current 2 knot max
up to 60 feet deep
diver must surface with 500 psi
90 minute max operational time