Bates: Chapter 3 & 4 Flashcards
Types of health histories (4)
focused on problem-oriented
follow up
When documenting make every attempt to quote the patients _____.
own words
To get a clear picture of the history of present illness use _____ or ______.
When documenting allergies make sure to ask about (4)
food insects medication environmental factors\ **** include reactions
When documenting ________ get the prescription information and if use is daily or as needed, it it is OTC or ______.
Documentation should also include childhood illness and _____.
substance abuse
Documenting _______ is mandatory for all patients over 13 years of age that have used tobacco within 1 year prior to their arrival at hospital/clinic.
tobacco use
During the interview when asking about tobacco use make sure to get the length of use, how often, and the ______.
type of tobacco product
During the interview assess what patient’s consider alcohol. Then use the _____ tool.
Have you ever felt the need to CUT DOWN on drinking?
Have you ever felt ANNOYED by criticism of your drinking?
Have you ever felt GUILTY about drinking?
Have you ever taken a drink first thing in the morning (EYE OPENER) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
During the interview process review all _____.
During the review of the systems during the interview address _____ body system, from head to toe.
During the review of the systems during the interview you may uncover problems patient has ______.
During the review of the systems during the interview do not use ______.
medical terms, use plain English
During the interview portion on sexual history make sure that you do not make _______.
assumptions about the patients
During the interview portion on sexual history make sure that you do not make _______.
assumptions about the patients
When getting the sexual history make sure to use _____ language and be matter of fact in questioning.
During the sexual history phase of the interviewing determine the risk for pregnancy and determine risk for _____.
sexually transmitted diseases
During the interview when getting the ______ you use a depression screening tool (PHQ-2) and ask about any thoughts of _____.
mental health history
suicide or homicide
When using the screening tool PHQ-2 it asks 2 questions.
Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
During the interview when inquiring about _____ there are screening questions to ask, but don’t force the situation. Be alert for ____ communication.
domestic violence
Abuse should be considered in the following situations:
Delayed treatment for trauma
Past history of repeated injuries or accidents
Injuries are unexplained, inconsistent with story, concealed, or cause embarrassment
Partner tries to dominate the interview, will not leave the room, or seems unusually anxious or solicitous
If patient or person close to patient has history of drug or alcohol abuse
Phase 1: Pre-Interview
Prepare the environment Review the medical record (if possible) Take time for self-reflection Review clinical behavior and appearance Set goals for the interview
Phase 2: Introduction
Wash your hands
Greet patient by name and introduce yourself
Acknowledge any visitors in the room
Establish an agenda
Phase 3: Working Phase
Allow the patient to tell their story
Move from open-ended to focused questions
Identify and respond to the patient’s emotional cues
Phase 4: Termination
Summarize important points
Allow time for questions
Review plan of care
Therapeutic communication techniques include active listening and _____.
Active listening includes guided questioning, nonverbal communication, ______, and validation.
empathic response
Reassurance includes summarization, transitions, and ______.
empowering the patient