Basics Of Skills Acquisition Flashcards
What is pairing
The process by which a neutral stimulus (person, place, activity or object) becomes a conditioned reinforcer
Pairing should be…
Fun and challenging
Why do we pair with learners?
To establish trust
To be conditioned as a reinforcer
Development of social skills
Establish instructional control
Determine motivators and potential reinforcers
Get a feel for the level of energy or motivation the child has that day
How do we pair with a learner?
Association with preferred things
Engage in learner-directed activities
Limit or restrict access to most valuable items that the learner may refuse to release
Use preference assessments
Voice, tone and energy should be excited and fun. Match the learners energy
Use child’s name Paired with praise statements
Model play
Stay close to the learner
Get to eye level with the learner
Face the learner
What is the rationale of a written skill plan ?
The what/why of the goal
What is the target behavior of a written skill plan?
Individual targets, successive approximations
What is the instruction of the written plan?
S(D) (Discriminative stimulus) what to say/do
What is the data collection of a written plan?
How is it measured? Frequency, rate, whole interval, partial intervals, duration, latency, opportunity vs correct response
What is the environment/setting of a written skill plan?
DTT, Naturalistic, incidental, arrangement, materials
What is the prompt of a written skill plan?
Gestural, physical, verbal, positional, visual modeling, prompt fading
What is reinforcement in a written plan?
Contingency, schedule, reinforcement after Prompting, reinforcement fading w/social behavior
What is the mastery criteria of a written skill plan?
Varies by learner, achieved for each target for learner
How do you prepare for your session?
Arrive on time
Review the schedule and read programs
Organize the materials
Set up the environment
What is the 3 term contingency?
ABC, Antecedent, behavior, consequence
What is a reinforcer?
A consequence that follows a behavior to increase the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future
What are the two types of reinforcement?
Unconditioned and Conditioned
What is an unconditioned reinforcer?
A reinforcer without any prior learning history/requires no specific training. Examples are: food, sleep, Water, Warmth
What is a conditioned reinforcer?
Reinforcers that have a previous learned history establishing the item as a reinforcer
Money, jewelry, devices, praise, objects
Primary reinforcement is…
An Unconditioned reinforcer
What is the DISC of Reinforcer effectiveness?
Deprivation, immediacy, satiation, contingency
The —— decides what the reinforcer is.
—— is reinforcement that is acquired through interaction with another person
Positive Verbal praise
Practice positive reinforcement
Wow! You were so good at ----- I like how you're sitting Nice work! Way to go! Yaya! Hooray!
Schedules of reinforcement
Continuous aka FR1
It is important to pair social positive reinforcement with….
Preferred toys or activities
Continuous schedules of reinforcement are used when the target behavior is ….
After a learner begins working on a new skill, the schedule of reinforcement is —— to an intermittent schedule
Faded out
Define a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement
Reinforcement is delivered at fixed times ex FR1- Every correct trial FR2-every other correct trial
Can be changed/increased
Define a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement
Total number of trials getting reinforcement is the average of target ratio
Ex VR2- on average every 2 trials
Define a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
Refers to frequency of reinforcement- ex every 2 mins of behavior gets reinforcement
Define a variable interval schedule of reinforcement
Reinforcement an average of time across a specified time frame
What are the 4 schedules of reinforcement?
Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval