Basic Parameters Flashcards
It is the ratio of the total gain in weight to the number of days the animal has been fed
ADG (average daily weight)
What is the ADG for native cattle?
How about in crossbreed?
How about in purebreed?
Native - 0.50
crossbreed - 0.60
Purebreed - 0.75 and above
What is the Average Market Weight of cattle?
For cattle heifers when is the right time of their breeding age?
2yrs- 3yrs or 18-20months to 28-30
What is the breeding age of caraheifer at first mating?
2-2.4 years old
What is the breeding age for carabulls?
3 1/2 - 4 years
A 21/2 year old bull (buffalo) may serve ___________
20 caraheifers
In hand mating, a murrah buffalo bull can serve _____________
15-20 females
A young bull (buffalo) 1 1/2-3 1/2 years old may serve?
20-30 caraheifers
For cattle bulls when is the right time of their breeding age?
2yrs or 280kg
4 1/2 year old bull (buffalo) serve _________
40 caraheifers
4 1/2 year old bull serve _________
40 caraheifers
What is the dressing percentage of carabao (buffalo) based on chilled weight?
What is the dressing percentage of carabao (buffalo) based on unchilled carcass?
What is the mortality rate of Carabao (buffalo) during transportation?
What is the weaning age of Carabao (buffalo)?
8-12 months
True or false. In goat (Capra hircus), the best results in breeding could be attained when does are bred on her second cycle after 8 months.
In cattle bull to cow ratio
In 2-3 years old bull how many cows he may serve and how many months of pasture?
10-15 cows
In cattle bull to cow ratio
In OLDER bull under 9 years how many cows he may serve?
20-25 cows
In cattle bull to cow ratio
In single site set up MATURE bull how many cows he may serve and how many months of pasture?
35 cows
2-3months pasture
In cattle bull to cow ratio
In hand mating, a bull in GOOD condition, how many days of services in a week they’re allowed to work?
3-4 service per week or every other day
In cattle bull-cow ratio
Depending on the age of bull what are the ratio of bull-cow in hand mating
18 months old - 1:12-15
2 years old - 1:20-25
(parang sa isang cattle pwede niya ma buntis ung 12-15 cows)
this is the number of calves WEANED over the number of breeders exposed to bull X 100%.
> First five years: 65%
Fifth year: 75%
Tenth year: 85%
The number of calves born (alive, still born, and dead) over the number of breeders exposed to bull
Calf drop
what is the average of calf drop?
In cattle what is their dressing percentage head off for chilled and unchilled carcass?
48% for chilled carcass
50% for unchilled carcass
number of cows/heifers pregnant over the number of cow/heifers bred X 100%
Conception Rate
What is the average of conception rate?
This is the number of animals that died during the total number of animals during the reference period
Mortality rate
While in TRANSIT what is the average mortality rate of calves and adult cow
calves is 5%
adult cow is 2%
How many years is the productive life of beef cows
13-15yrs old
Culling rate in cattle
Breeders. 15%
Junior Bulls. 10%
Heifers. 10%
Cropping days (months) in cattle
6 months
____________Are capable of light service at age of 8 months and should not be made to serve more than 20 does before they reach one year.
True or false. In controlled or hand mating, it is also not advisable to use a mature buck for more than four services weekly.
True or false. In unrestricted breeding or pasture mating, the breeding load should be one buck for every 20 does on average or less depending on terrain and or size pasture.
False. The breeding load should not be one buck for every 20 does.
What is the dressing percentage based on chilled weight of goat (Capra hircus)?
What is the dressing percentage of goat based on unchilled carcass?
What is the Estrus period of goat (Capra hircus)?
1-3 days
What is the Estrus cycle of goat (Capra hircus)?
18-24 days
21 days average
What is the gestation period of goat (Capra hircus)?
147-155 days
150 days average or 5 months
What is the kidding interval of doe?
• the doe may kid every 8 months
• 1.5 times a year
True or false. The doe usually delivers 3 kids at a time, rare cases four.
False. 2 kids at a time, triplets rare cases
What is the postpartum breeding of goat (Capra hircus)?
Third month after parturition
What is the sexual maturity of goat (Capra hircus)?
Attained in 5-6 months
What is the slaughter age of goat (Capra hircus)?
•Meet is of beef quality at about 12 months.
•At this stage goats yield an average of 44% dressing percentage.
In goat (Capra hircus), the lean meat recovery is _______ while boneless recovery is higher at __________.
What is the weaning age of kids?
• For dairy purposes is about 3 days
• if milk is secondary, weaned at least 3 months
What is the average daily gain of male (day old to 12 months) sheep (Ovis Aries)?
56.1 grams
What is the average daily gain of female (day old to 12 months) sheep (Ovis Aries)?
43.5 grams
What is the breeding age of sheep (Ovis aries)?
8-12 months
What is the breeding age of ram?
12 months or 25 kg
What is the dressing percentage for rams?
What is the dressing percentage for ewes?
What is the Estrus period of sheep that is almost similar to goat?
18-24 hours
What is the Estrus cycle of sheep?
15-19 days
What is the litter size of ewe?
Major of ewes deliver single birth.
What is the lambing interval of sheep?
May lamb every 7 months
What is the market weight of sheep?
30 kg
What is ratio of ram to ewe?
What is the sexual maturity of sheep?
Attained in 6-10 months
What is the slaughter age of sheep?
• to get high quality meat, about 12 months
• this stage it yield an average of 44% dressing percentage.
The lean meat recovery of sheep is _______ while boneless recovery is higher at _______.
27% liveweight
Number of matings per year in horses (Equus caballus):
•Limit the 2 year old to __________
•Limit the 3 year old to ___________
•Limit the 4 year old to ____________
• 2-3 services per week
• 1 service per week
• 2 sevices per week
Stallion that remain vigorous can breed up to _________
20-25 years of age
True or false. Preferably no pasture mating should be done unless the stallion is prepared and certain precautions have been taken.
What is average daily gain of swine (Sus scrofa domestica)?
0.39-0.56kg/day from birth to market
What is the average dressing percentage of swine based on chilled weight?
What is the average dressing percentage of swine based on unchilled carcass?
What is the recommended backfat thickness in swine?
90 kg is 2.2 cm
What is the average of boar-sow ratio?
True or false. Boar-sow ratio depends on the number of boars needed in a herd.
What is the culling rate of swine?
Can be low as 8% per year or as high as 33% per year.
What is the farrowing index of swine?
4-5 times in two years
What is the daily feed allowance sufficient for young boars (110-180kg live weight)?
Also for adult boars (180-250 kg live weight)?
2.5 kg
True or false. Remember to decrease the feed allowance by 30% to 50% during the period of heavy breeding work.
False. Increase
What is the market age of swine?
5-6 months old (150-180 days)
What is the market age of swine?
5-6 months old (150-180 days)
What is the market weight of swine?
What is the slaughter age of swine?
70-92 kg
5-6 months
What is the number of pigs weaned per sow per year?
An acceptable goal is 20 pigs weaned per sow per year
What is the weaning age of swine?
•23-35 days
•Under usual practice, pigs weaned about 35 days
Production Parameters for swine:
Breeding Percentage
Farrowing rate
Farrowing index
Litter size
Mortality rate
Replacement/culling rate
• 24%
• 80%
• 2
• 10
• 5%
• 20%
Measure the quantity of feed in kg used to produce a kg live weight broiler.
Feed Conversation Ratio (FCR)
Formula for FCR
Total weight of broiler produced (kg)/
Feed cost per kilo broiler produced