Basic Info (700W unless otherwise noted) Flashcards
Max altitude takeoff/landing
8400 MSL
Max operating altitude
Normal cruise speed
Max cruise speed
No 1 or 2 fuel tank quantity (lbs)
Center fuel tank quantity (lbs)
Total fuel quantity (lbs)
[7W/8W] 117’ 5”
[7S/8S] 117’ 9”
Horizontal Stab span
47’ 2”
Width of Main Gear (center of strut)
18’ 8”
Winglet tip height above ground
[7W] 21’ 4”
[8W] 21’ 1”
[7S] 20’ 11”
[8S] 21’10”
Length of fuselage
- 700 106’ 7”
- 800 124’ 9”
Length overall
- 700 110’ 4”
- 800 129’ 6”
Nose to mains distance
- 700 41’ 3”
- 800 51’ 1”
Winglet height
8’ 2”
Winglets lower fuel consumption by __%?
width of base of winglet
width of top of winglet
Effective steering angle
Tiller angle
Rudder peddle angle
75 degrees
78 degrees
7 degrees
Minimum pavement for 180 turn?
-700 66.9’
8W 79.7’
8S 79.1’
weight of winglet
264 lbs.
Do not attempt to turn away from an obstacle within
___’ of the nose, or within
___’ of the wingtip.
Do not attempt to turn away from an obstacle within
- 0’ (24.3’ [8W]) of the nose, or within
- 8’ of the wingtip [7W]
- 8’ of the wingtip [7S]
- 8’ of the wingtip [8W]
- 8’ of the wingtip [8S]
What part of the aircraft makes the largest radius when turning?
The wingtip makes the largest radius when turning.
What is the turning radius of the nose?
-700 55.9’
8W 66.0’
8S 65.9’
What is the turning radius of the tail?
-700 65.5’
8W 74.8
8S 74.9’
What is the turning radius of the wingtip:
7W 72.8’
7S 73.2’
8W 75.3’
8S 77.9’
Which main gear wheel well also has a light switch (for both)?
Emergency Exit lights illuminate when:
Switch is ARMED and loss of airplane electrical power to DC Bus 1 or AC power is turned off
Which flightdeck lights illuminate on Standby Power?
Standby magnetic compass and emergency instrument flood light
Where are the batteries located for the emergency lighting system located?
Installed near the exits. They are charged by the aircraft’s normal electrical system.
How long do the emergency lighting batteries power the lights when fully charged?
At least 10 minutes.
How can the FAs activate the Emergency Lights?
Guarded Switch on the Aft Attendant Panel near the Aft Entry Door.
When do the SEATBELTS signs illuminate if the switch is in Auto?
When Flaps or Gear are extended.
Scimitar winglet lower point height above ground
- 700 9’ 3”
- 800 9’ 1”