Basic Derm Flashcards
atopic dermatitis
inflammation, includes eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis, either epidermis or immune disorder with L and T cells, itch that rashes, tx inflammation, hydration, avoid exacerbation
yellow/brown crust or bullae with clear to yellow fluid, honey-colored, tx with antimicrobial
tinea capitis
african-american, fungus, alopecia, inflammation, breaking hairs, KOH or wood’s lamp, oral antifungal
erythema infectiosum
benign self-limited infection, slapped cheek, mildly febrile, sunburn, self-limited
roseola infantum
herpesvirus, around 1 year, high fever with faint pink, non-pruritic, blanching macular papular
pityriasis rosea
papulosquamous disease in older children, herald patch - 1 pink lesions followed by christmas tree distrubutions, self-limited
molluscum contagiosum
poxvirus, auto-incoluation, fleshy dome shaped papules with central umbilication (kertotic plug), cyrotherapy, curettage, cantharidin tx
HPV of skin of mucosa - plantar palmar, genital
mites, direct contact, very itchy and worse at night, burrows and papules, permethrin tx, tx entire household
pediculosis capitis
head lice, person-to-person, nits on 1 hair, adults, pruritic, permethrin
pediculosis corporis
larger louse lives in clothing, wheals from fresh bits, bathe pat, heat wash clothes and permethrin if in body hairs
pediculosis pubic
crab louse infection due to sexual contact, extreme pruritis and maybe pale blue macules, live louse of nits in pubic hair, tx with topic pediculocides, tx sexual contacts
contact dermatitis
eczematous dermatitis due to exposure - irritant or allergic (delayed hypersensitivity rx - borders correspond with contact)
seborrheic dermatitis
inflammatory disease in sebaceous glands, yellowish red, greasy, selenium sulfide shampoo
early onset, genetic, plaques with silvery-white scales on extensor surfaces
hives, pink/red wheals
erythema multiforme
target lesions