Barracks Johnnie Flashcards
What are the steps in Barracks Johnnie?
- Balance and travel
- Pointing and backstopping
- Assemble
- Diagonal extension
- Circling
- Reverse shedding
- Turning
Describe the time, tempo and music for Barracks Johnnie
Time - 2/4, count 2 in the bar
Tempo - 50 or 52 bars to the minute
Music - Braes O’ Mar or The Barren Rocks of Aden
Describe step 1 of BJ
Balance and travel
B1 Execute a balance movement springing RF LF (1 2
Arms 2nd or 3rd
B2 hopping LF execute a HC in front and travel movement (3 2 4 and (and) a 2)
Arms 2nd
B3-4 repeat bars 1-2
B5-8 break RF
B9-16 repeat bars 1-8 with the opposite foot
Variations: arms in the break may differ from arms in B1-4
Bars 1-4 step to fwd 2nd, break is to fwd 2nd or 4th int
Describe step 2 of BJ
Pas de Basque
B1 PDB RF (May finish with extension to fwd 2nd A (1 & 2)
Arms 1st
B2 Spring LF taking RF to 3rd RA then extend to fwd 2nd A (2 &)
Spring RF taking LF to 3rd RA then extend to fwd 2nd A (4 &)
Arms 3rd
B3-4 rest bars 1-2 with opp foot finishing the last ext in 4th int A (3 & 2 4 & 2 &)
B5-8 break RF
Arms 2nd for B5&6. 1st or 2nd B7&8
B9-16 repeat bars 1-8 contra
Variations: May finish PDB in bar 1 with ext to fwd 2nd or no extension
May omit ex in bar 2
May dance imperfect half beat rhythm (method a) for spring and extend
Break arms may differ - UKA/BTDZ methods may be 2nd or 3rd bar 1.
May step to fwd 2nd or 4th int for break
Describe step 3 of BJ
Pointing and backstep
B1-2 hop LF pointing RF in 4th (1) spring RF displacing LF which is taken sharply to 3rd RA (2) execute 2 backsteps finishing LF in 3rd A (2 2)
Arms 2nd or 3rd count 1, 3rd counts 2 2 or B1&2 3rd throughout
B3-4 repeat b1-2 with opp foot
B5-8 break RF
Arms 2nd bars 5-6
1st or 2nd bars 7-8
B9-16 repeat bars 1-8 contra
May dance 2 backsteps in bar 2 or one spring taking RF to 3rd A and 1 backstep
Describe step 4 of BJ
Assemble and change
B1-2 assemble without extension lowing RF to 3rd (1) execute 2 changes (2 2)
Disassemble onto LF taking RF to 3rd A (2)
Arms 1st counts 1 2 2, then 3rd bar 2 count 2
B3-4 execute 4 backsteps springing RF LF RF LF (3 2 4 2)
Arms 3rd
B5-8 break RF
B9-16 repeat bars 1-8 contra
Variations - break…
Describe step 5 of BJ
Diagonal extension/high cut actio
B1-2 spring RF (1) Hop RF taking LF to 3rd RA simultaneously on landing then re-extend to 4th int A (2 &) hop RF taking LF inwards to 3rd A simultaneously on landing then re-extend to 4th int A (2 &)
Arms 2nd
B3-4 repeat b1-2 with the opp foot (3 2 & 4 & 2 &)
B5-8 break RF
Arms 2nd or 3rd (for perfect 1/2 beat rhythm in b5. 2nd bar 6. 1st or 2nd bars 7-8)
2nd (if using imperfect 1/2 beat rhythm)
B9-16 repeat bars 1-8 contra
Variations: counting for diagonal ext may be imperfect 1/2 beat rhythm method a, or perfect 1/2 beat rhythm
The WF is extended to 4th int A pos on the & count. There are 3 extensions of the food during b1-2. The foot is out in 4th IA on the & count and end of bar 2.
Describe step 6 of BJ
Circling balance and travel/circling
Bar 1-8 execute the 1st step baking a complete circle clockwise by the R during b1-6. This includes the break up to the shed turn to finish the front. Then execute a Highland Fling turn.
The travel only occurs on the step fwd to 2nd
B9-16 repeat b1-8 contra making a complete circle anti-clockwise by the L during bars 9-14
Arms 2nd or 3rd bar 1. 2nd bar 2.
Variation: break to fwd 2nd or 4th int
Describe step 7 in BJ
Reverse shedding
B1-2 hop LF pointing RF in 2nd (1) Hop LF taking RF to 3rd A (2) hop LF executing round-the-leg movement with RF to 3rd RA (2) Hop LF executing around-the-leg movement with are to 3rd A (2)
Arms 2nd
B3-4 repeat b1-2 (3 2 4 2)
B5-8 break RF
B9-16 repeat bars 1-8 contra
Variation: break
Describe step 8 in BJ
Turning/last step
B1-2 commencing with a spring RF execute a HF turn to R at (1 2 2 2)
Arms 1st or 2nd
B3-4 commencing with a spring LF execute a HF turn to the L (3 2 4 2)
Arms 1st or 2nd
B5-8 break RF
B9-12 repeat b1-4 with opp foot (9 2 10 2 11 2 12 2)
B13 execute the fist 2 bars of the break LF
Assemble LF in 3rd (15) execute two changes (2 16) leap landing RF 3rd (2)
Arms 1st
Note the assemble can be executed with a release of foot or extension to 4th IA or 2nd A low
Variation arms in 1st or 2nd turns
Finish: step to R with RF close LF to RF in 1st pos flat and bow.
Describe the HC in front and travel movement
Hop LF and execute HC in front with RF, place REF on 1/2 point slightly forward from 2nd and close LF to 3rd rear with weight, extending RF to 4th int A (1 and (and) a 2)
Describe the HC in front movement
As for HC but the raised foot is taken through 4th int A pos to 3rd A and then the re-extension is towards 4th int A. A HC in front movement is not performed in a series.
Describe a balance
Prepare with are in 4th int A with hips facing front, right shoulder slightly advanced. Arms in 3rd, head in 2nd, spring onto RF displacing LF and extending it to 4th int RA pos. repeat contra to finish in starting pos. This movement occupies 2 beats of music
Describe a PDB movement
Prepare with an extension of the awf
Describe a backstep
Starting with one foot in 3rd A pos execute a round-the-leg movement to 3rd RA and with a spring slide it down the back of the supporting leg bringing the other foot quickly to 3rd A pos. Repeat as required. This may be executed starting or finishing in 3rd RA pos and requires two beats of music.