Baroque Flashcards
What is the genre of Spring
violin concerto
who wrote spring and when
Vivaldi, 1725
what is the subtitle of the collection that Spring from the Four seasons comes from
il cimento dell’armonia e dell’invenzione
The contest between harmony and inspiration
name a programmatic work from the baroque era
Spring from the Four Seasons
what is the inspiration for The Four seasons
a collection of sonnets, written by Vivaldi describing the four seasons.
Text was printed in the original score
Spring--4 Seasons, First movement key: tempo: time sig: form
key: E major
tempo: allegro
time: C
form: Ritornello form
spring, first movement
spring has arrived, birds celebrate, murmuring streams
storm clouds and thunder and lightning
how does the music portray the text in spring first movememnt
spring has arrived- spirited rhythmic igures, bright character and a dance-like quality
birds celebrate: high pitched trills, repeated note figures
murmuring streams: rapid undulating figure in violins
thunder and lightning: tremolando passages and ascending thirty-second note scales
what is the instrumentation for Spring-Vivaldi
solo violin, strings and continuo (ripieno)
spring--4 seasons Second movement key: tempo: time sig: form:
key: C# minor
tempo: largo
time: 3/4
form: 2 part structure
how is the instrumentation different in the second movement of Spring?
no cello or continuo
spring second movement text:
goatherd sleeps in a meadow with his faighful dog
how is the text of the second movement of spring portrayed in the music
violins languorous melody represents the sleeping goatherd
viola ostinato represents the barking dog
spring--4 seasons Third movement key: tempo: time sig: form:
key: E major
tempo: allegro
time: 12/8
form: ritornello form
spring 4 seasons third movment text:
nymphs and shepherds welcome spring and dance to the rustic bagpipe sound
how does the music portray the text in Spring- third music
bass notes create the drone of the bagpipes
the melody has a rustic dance character with dotted eighth note figure.
Bach Dates
where was bach born
Eisenach, Germany
did bach have a musical family
yes, family profession for 5 generations. father was court trumpeter
describe bachs early life
orphaned at age 10
his oldest brother taught him music
sang in choirs, became an accomplished violinist and organist
trained in instrument building and repair
name the 4 cities Bach worked
Arstadt, Mulhausen 1703-1708
Weimar 1708-1717
Cothen 1717-1723
Leipzig 1723-1750
Bach in Arnstadt, Mulhausen
court violinist, chamber musician and organist
met famous organist Buxtehude in Lubeck
married marie Barbara. 2 of their children became successful musicians
name 2 of bachs children who became successful musicians
Carl Philip Emanuel
Wilhelm Friedemann
Who did Bach meet in Lubeck
famous organist Buxtehude
Bach in Weimar dates: patrons duties compositions
patrons: Duke of Weimar
duties: employed at church, composed and taught, and was court organist
compositions: many organ works- ie Fugues.
Sinfonia in F major.
Bach in Cothen dates: patron: duties: compositions: other:
dates: 1717-23
patron: Prince Leopold
duties: Kappelmeister
compositions: solo and chaber works. -The Well-Tempered Clavier book 1
6 Brandenburg concerti
6 French suites
6 English Suites
other: married Anna Magdalena
Bach in Leipzig dates work: compositions other:
dates: 1723-50 (died there)
work: cantor at St.Thomas school- taught, composed, many musical responsibilities
director of collegium musicum
supervised music for 4 main churches in city
compositions: Well Tempered Clavier book 2
The Art of fugue
St Johns Passion
Goldberg Variations
other: son CPE worked for Frederick the great, bach visited and wrote The Musical Offering for the king.
Bachs musical style
perfected existing styles rather than develop new ones
inspire from his personal faith as a devout Lutheran
dedicated all works to the glory of god
master of contrapuntal art
Virtuoso organist
absorbed international styles- german, French, italian
What genres did bach compose for
keyboard works: WTC, 6 French Suites, 6 English suites
organ works; toccatas and fugues
chamber music: cello suites
orchesetral works: 6 Brandenburg Concertos
Vocal works: 200 Cantatas, passions- St. Johns passion
describe what Bach did for work in Arnstadt/Mulhausen
court violinist, chmber musician and organist.
describe what Bach did for work in Leipzig
cantor at st Thomas school-many musical responsibilities
director of collegium musicum
supervised music for 4 main churches in the city
name some compositions Bach wrote in each city
Weimar: sinfonia in F+
Cothen: suites, Brandenburg concertos, WTC 1
Leipzig: WTC 2, art of Fugue, St. John’s Passion
Prelude (Bach) key: time: texture: structure:
key: Bb major
time: C
texture: homophonic and polyphonic
structure: Binary
Prelude (bach)
tempo: not specifically indicated, but the style implies a quick tempo, in the manner of a toccata, a fast keyboard work demonstrating virtuosic, improvisatory style
Prelude (bach)
A section
Broken chord passages played in thirty-second notes, sequentially.
polyphonic texture
prelude (Bach)
B section
Arpeggiated seventh chords
homophonic texture
toccata style continues with use of cadenza like runs
describe the feel of the prelude from the prelude and fugue in Bb major
light, joyful feel.
improvisatory style contrast the structured fugue to follow
how is virtuosity highlighted in the prelude (bach)
rapid pace, candezas and thiry-second notes
Fugue key: time: texture: tempo:
key: Bb major
time: 3/4
texture: polyphonic, 3 voice
tempo: fast, but bach does not give tempo directions anywhere in the score
what type of answer and countersubject is used in the fugue in Bb major
tonal answer
two countersubjects simultaneously throughout, accompany the subject and answer
describe the fugal exposition (fugue in Bb major)
subject (unusually long)presente in top voice, in Bb major
Tonal answer in the middle voice, in the dominant key
Countersubject two in top voice, subject in bass
Middle section (fugue in Bb major)
two episodes, many key modulations
no stretti
Describe the ending of the fugue in Bb major
tonal answer reaffirms home key of Bb major
ends with a Coda.
Handel dates
where was handel born
halle, germany
describe handels early life
father was a prosperous barber surgeon, but discouraged son from pursuing music,
Handel studies law at university of halle. pursued music professionally after fathers sdeath
Name 4 placed handel lived and worked
Hamburg 1703-1706
Italy 1706-1710
Hanover 1710-1712
London 1712-1759
Handel in Hamburg
dates, work and compositions
worked in opera orchestra
composed his first operas: Almira, Nero
Handel in Italy
dates, work and musical influence
worked for prince Ferdinand medici, prince ruspoli and more
absorbed Italian msical style and language that would influence his operas, oratrios and concertos
Handel in Hanover
dates and work
kappelmeister to George ludiwg (later became king George 1)
Handel in London
dates, work, compositions, style
salary awarded by queen anne.
had many other royal commissions and patrons including earl of Burlington, and duke of chandos
composed: giulio Cesare, serse
turned to writing oratorios and concertos as popularity of Italian opera faded
who did Handel work with in London
many leading singers of the day: incl Bordoni, cuzzoni
what did Handel co found and why
Royal Acaemy of Music to promote italian opera in london
when and where did Messiah premiere
1742 in Dublind, Ireland
Handels musical style
absorbed international styles of the day: german counterpoint, Italian opera, French overture
used Homorhythmic and contrapuntal textures
the use of basic elements made his style more accessible and appealing to the less-musical audience
pageantry and dramatic style
word painting
how did handel create a sense of pageantry and dramatic style
through grandiose gestures such as use of a full SATB chorus and bold contrast of dynamics
what genres did Handel compose for
operas: Almira, Nero, Serse, Giulio Cesare
oratorios: Messiah, Israel in Egypt
Sacred vocal works: Ta Deum
keyboard works: organ, harpsichord
orchestral works: Water Music
chamber music.
Describe the end of Handels life
he started to go blind in his later years.
He never married but died wealthy.
Messiah genre: premiere date and place: librettist: Source of text: structure:
genre: oratorio
premiere: 1742, Dublin
Librettist: Charles Jennens
source of text: biblical, old and new testament
structure: 3 parts (1. prophecy of jesus coming, 2. christs suffering and death, 3. worlds redemption through faith)
name 5 parts
overture there were shepherds-recitative glory to god-chorus Rejoice Greatly- da capo aria hallelujah- chorus
messiah-overture original title: genre: Form: Key: Time:
original title: Sinfony genre: French overture Form: A(repeated) B Key:E minor Time: C
Messiah- Overture A section tempo: texture: musical features
dotted rhythms, some performances ‘double dot’
dramatic, serious, majestic affection
Messiah overture B section tempo: texture: musical features
tempo: allegro moderato
texture: polyphonic (fugal) 3 voices
subject first introduced in the 1st violins and oboes.
Tonal answer
forward motion, energetic while maintain the majestic affection
name a recitative from the Messiah
there were shepherds….
there were shepherds secco or accompagnato? key tempo time sig
recitativo secco
key: C major
tempo: not indicated
time: C
what is the genre of Glory to god from messiah?
glory to god (messiah) key tempo time texture musical features
D major allegro C alternates Homorhythmic and polyphonic uses many examples of word painting
what are some examples of word painting from the glory to god chorus in Messiah
‘Glory to god in the highest and peace on earth” high is high and forte, while earth is low and piano
What is the genre of Rejoice Greatly from messiah?
da capo aria
rejoice greatly (messiah) key tempo time form
Bb major
rejoice greatly (messiah) describe each section
A section:
extensive use of melisma. ‘rejoice’ continues on running sixteenth notes
B Section:
key changes to G minor
contrasts the a section with a slower tempo, minor key, and calmer vocal line
A section returns with ornamentation
what are some examples of word painting in rejoice greatly (messiah)
rejoice (melisma) -describes the joyfulness of the rejoicing
shout- sung on a high F, strong
Hallelujah (messiah) key tempo time sig texture
key: D minor
tempo: allegro
time: C
texture: alternates homophonic and polyphonic
hallelujah chorus
b) “and he shall reign forever and ever”
homo or poly phonic?
a) homophonic
b) polyphonic (imitative)
Hallelujah (messiah)
how is the climax created?
a rest- moment of silence before the final hallelujah and the timpani and trumpets add more intensity