Banich Chapter 11 Attention Flashcards
spatial and verbal processes appear to rely on different resources, as do auditory and visual processes
multiple-resource theory
Reticular Activating System
brain system responsible for overall arousal; relies on NT glutamate
some intrinsic aspect of the stimulus itself causes it to be attended or to receive priority in processing
bottom-up processing
a person determines how to direct their attention
top-down processing
early-selection viewpoint
attentional selection occurs at an early stage of processing before items are identifies
late-selection viewpoint
selection occurs only after sensory processing is complete and items have been identified and catagorized
hemispheric specialization in parietal cortices
right - visual attention
left - orienting attention to specific moments in time
basic visual features, such as color and form are detected relatively automatically - attention binds these features together to form the percept of an item
Feature integration theory
when identical stimuli are presented at the same time in both visual fields
double simultaneous stimulation
information on the neglected side of space is extinguished from consciousness
despite having intact sensory and motor functioning, a person ignores or does not pay attention to one side of space
Treatment: Top-down
teaching patients to guide their attention: visual scanning training
“Imagine you are a lighthouse”
Treatment: Bottom-up
sensory input or stimulation brings attention to neglected side
-driving a car simulation with obstacles to keep the person aroused and alert
Caloric Stimulation
introduces water at least 7 degrees C colder than body temp into the ear canal, which induces motion in the semicircular canals of the vestibular system.
Object-based neglect
individuals neglect the left half of the stimulus regardless of the position of the stimulus in space.
p330 11.17 (B)
Object-centered neglect
The individual ignores the left half of the object regardless of how that object is displayed
ex: reading “feet” as “meet” and when mirrored “feel” p331
Optokinetic stimulation
randomly distributed colored squares, follow items from right to left with eyes without moving head; increases activity in frontal and parietal brain regions
Prism Adaptation
prism glasses that move the visual world 10 degrees to the right