Baker: Muscle Contraction and Regulation Flashcards
Levels of organization within a skeletal muscle
myofilaments myosin thick filaments and actin thin filaments myofibril muscle fiber muscle fibers muscle
There are many myosin (blank) and all have similar (blank) domains. They have differences in the (blank) that correspond to differences in cargo and regulation.
types; motor; tail
Which type of myosin is involved in cell division?
Myosin IIa
Which type of myosin is involved in melanosome transport and certain neurological functions?
Myosin V
What is the disease caused by a point mutation in myosin Va which leads to hypopigmentations and neurological defects?
Griscelli’s Syndrome
Which type of myosin is involved in maintaining organization of actin-filled stereocilia?
Myosin VI and Myosin VII
What are mutations in myosin VI and VII associated with? What are certain myosin VII mutations associated with?
hearing loss; Usher syndrome
Muscle myosin II is a (blank). Each heavy chain has what two components?
dimer; motor domain and a tail
All myosins are (blank)-based motors, and all but myosin VI are (blank)-end directed.
actin; plus
Sources for ATP in the muscle?
- creatine phosphate
- anaerobic glycolysis
- aerobic glycolysis
- lipolysis
Under anaerobic conditions, what builds up from pyruvic acid? Does the Krebs cycle and ox phos occur?
lactic acid; no
When oxygen is present, the (blank) pathway will proceed. What are the end products?
aerobic; CO2, water, 36 ATP
At the start of muscle contraction, a myosin head lacking a bound nucleotide is locked tightly onto an actin filament in a (blank) confirmation. In an actively contracting muscle, this state is short-lived, because it is terminated when ATP binds. This is the (blank) state.
rigor; attached
In the (blank) state, a molecule of ATP binds to the back of the myosin head, this causes a change in conformation of the domains that make up the actin binding site. This reduces the affinity of the head for (blank) and allows it to move along the filament.
released; actin
In the (blank) state, the cleft closes like a clam shell around the ATP and causes the head to be displaced from the actin filament. ATP is hydrolyzed, but ADP and Pi remain tightly bound to the protein.
In the (blank) state, a weak binding of the myosin head to a new site on the actin filament causes release of Pi. This occurs with a tight binding of the head to actin.
What is this: the force-generating change in shape during which the head regains its original confirmation. During this time, the head loses its bound ADP, and returns to the start of a new cycle.
At the end of a cycle of muscle contraction, the myosin head is again locked tightly to (blank) in a rigor configuration. *Note that the head has moved to a new position on the actin filament.
the actin filament
Myosin V has a much (blank) lever arm than Myosin II, so it can move across the actin filament in less cycles.
Myosin V is a (blank) dute ratio motor. What is Myosin V’s duty ratio? What does Myosin V do?
high; >50% (one head of the myosin molecule must be bound to the actin filament for about 50% of the ATPase cycle); myosin V transports vesicles in cells
Myosin II is a (blank) duty ratio motor. What is Myosin II’s duty ratio?
low; 10% (one head of the myosin molecule is only bound for about 10% of the ATPase cycle)
How many heads does myosin II have? How many heads does myosin V have?
20 heads; 2 heads
myosin V is an (blank) motor, while myosin II drives (blank)
organelle; muscle contraction
It takes (blank) myosin II molecules to propel an actin filament
In muscle, how are myosin II molecules assembled? The filaments form by association of (blank) regions of the tail. What is the area called where the tails overlap?
In muscle, myosin II molecules are assembled into a thick filament; hydrophobic; bare zone
What is the fundamental contractile unit in muscle?
muscle sarcomere
When does the sarcomere contract?
when myosin thick filaments and actin thin filaments slide past each other
What accessory proteins of actin keep the actin filament a constant length?
Cap Z and tropomodulin
What accessory proteins does the Z disc contain to stably join sarcomeres?
alpha-actinin and other proteins
What accessory protein maintains thick filament position in the sarcomere?
What accessory protein sets the length of the thin filaments?
What types of muscles are regulated via the thin filament? What types of muscles are regulated via the thick filament?
skeletal and cardiac; smooth
How is smooth muscle regulated?
Myosin (thick filament) becomes phosphorylated by myosin light chain kinase and becomes activated. MLCK is activated by calcium binding to calmodulin
How are skeletal and cardiac muscle regulated?
Tropomyosin wraps around the actin filament and blocks the myosin binding sites. When Ca+ binds to Troponin C, it moves tropomyosin out of the way of the myosin binding sites.
What wraps around actin filaments blocking myosin binding sites on actin?
What does Calcium bind to in order for tropomyosin movement away from myosin binding sites.
tropomyosin; troponin C
With an increase in myoplasmic Ca+, what happens to the force of ATPase activity?
more Ca+ leads to more binding to troponin C, which moves the tropomyosin and allows for binding of myosin and more contraction
Five factors that affect muscles ability to generate force and contract
Myosin isoforms
Frequency of stimulation
Number of motor units stimulated.
Degree of stretch (Frank-Starling relationship).
Whether muscle is allowed to shorten (Force-velocity relationship)
What are the three phases of a muscle twitch?
latent period; contraction; relaxation
How does decreasing the interval between stimuli affect the height of the second contraction? Why?
second peak will be higher than the first; additional influx of Ca+
What are three things that will occur if you increase the frequency of stimulation of a muscle.
temporal summation –> complete tetanus –> fatigue
What is this: When more stimuli are applied, more calcium is released
temporal summation
What is this: When muscle is generating maximal force, and all sites on troponin C are occupied.
complete tetanus
Asynchronous motor-unit activity (motor unit A, motor unit B, motor unit C) maintains a nearly constant tension in the total muscle. What does this mean?
Different motor units are firing at different times, but when you add them up, they result in a fairly constant muscle tension.
What is this: a motor neuron and all of the muscle cells it stimulates
motor unit
When a stronger contraction is needed, the nervous system stimulates more (blank)
motor units
What is this: the stimulation of additional motor units for increased strength of contraction
The number of motor units that are recruited is determined by the number of (blank) that are stimulated by the central nervous system
motor neurons
By varying the number and size of recruited (blank), the nervous system can control the degree of contraction of a particular muscle
motor units
In addition to the frequency of stimulation and the number of motor units recruited, the strength of a muscle contraction can also be altered by changing the starting length of a muscle. What is this called?
length-tension relationship
There is an “optimal” stretching length in a sarcomere that provides the greatest tension and thus the greatest force of contraction. What is this mechanism?
There is a change in the isotonic twitch response of a muscle fiber with different loads. Does the muscle shorten a greater distance with a light load or a heavy load? Does it shorten quicker with a light load or a heavy load?
light load; light load
How are shortening velocity and load related?
With a lighter load, greater shortening velocity
What percentage of proteins in the body are myosins? What to myosin mutations lead to?
10-15%; muscle disorders
What does a mutation in myosin heavy chain IIa cause?
muscle myopathy
What’s this?
Clinical Features: Muscle Weakness. Atrophy near shoulders, back, hand and thigh muscles
Pathogenesis: Mutations primarily to SH1 Helix in myosin. Thought to alter actin-myosin ATPase activity
muscle myopathy
What is this caused by?
Disease: Distal arthrogryposis. Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome, Sheldon-Hall Syndrome.
Clinical Features: Joint contractures with predominant distal involvement.
Pathogenesis: Mutations in troponin I, troponin T, tropomyosin, perinatal myosin and embryonic myosin. Thought to disrupt sarcomere development.
mutations to embryonic MyHC
What is this caused by?
Disease: Laing myopathy.
Clinical Features: Weakness of ankle dorsiflexion and “hanging big toe”.
Pathogenesis: Mutations are in the LMM region of
Myosin. Thought to disrupt myosin filament formation or disrupt interactions with myosin binding proteins like titin.
mutations to B-Cardiac myosin
What are point mutations to B-cardiac myosin, actin, troponin, and tropomyosin linked to?
familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
Mutations in myosin can cause (blank) and sudden death
familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
(blank) mutations enhance myosin force generation
(blank) mutations decrease myosin force generation