Bacterial Zoonoses II part II Flashcards
What sort of microbe is borrelia burgdorferi?
A non staining spirochete which causes lymes disease.
What type of fever does borrelia burgdorferi display?
A relapsing fever
Which species of borrelia is endemic and which is epidemic?
Borrelia hermsii is endemic
Borrelia reccurentis is epidemic.
What species of borrelia causes lymes disease in the US?
Borrelia burgdorferi.
What is the major vector for Borrelia burgdorferi?
Ixodes tick (hard tick) found typically in the north east.
What are the two resevoirs for borrellia?
White footed mouse for larvae
White tailed deer for adult form.
Stage 1 of lymes disease intails what?
Erythramatous bullsey rash (erythema migrans)
Stage 2 of lymes disease entails what?
Disseminated infection deeling with cardiac block and bells palsey.
Stage 3 of lymes disease entails what?
Joints such as the knees that are affected, and neurological difficulties.
How is stage 1 lymes disease diagnosed?
PResence fo rash.
How is stage 2 and 3 lymes disease diagnosed?
Elisa, EIA, IFA
What is the treatment for borrelia burgdorferi?
Doxycycline, amoxicillin or cefuroxime.
Epidemic relapsing fever is born by what vector?
Borrelia recurrentis most common in Africa borne by louse.
This is not a zoonotic disease.
Endemic relapsing fever is born by what?
Most common in the US, borrelia hermsii is tick borne.
How does Borrelia evade the immune system?
Antigenic variation leading to relapsing fever.