Bacterial Infection Of The Skin Flashcards
Staphylococcus or streptococcus bacterial in infection.
Commonly found on the face and mouth. Can occur any area with broken skin.
Signs include red raised area of skin which form into small blisters with honey coloured crust.
Contra-indicated, can be transmitted by direct and indirect contact.
Staphylococcus bacterial infection.
Occasionally a virus.
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining and covering the eye.
Signs are red, swollen eyes with discharge that may contain pus, causing the eyelids to stick together, particularly in the morning.
Symptoms include itching or gritty feeling with sensitivity to light.
Contra- indicated
Hordeolum ( style)
Staphylococcus bacterial infection of one or more follicles of the eyelashes.
Starts as a small red area on the edge of the eyelid.
Cause irritation and becomes a small red lump which might contain pus.
Contra- indicated
Furuncles ( boils) and carbuncles
A deep bacterial infection of the hair follicle.
Starts as an inflamed, tender are which develops into a large painful pustule.
Cause by staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
Linked with poor hygiene and stress.
A carbuncle is a collection of boil with several pustule heads.
Often a scar is left once healed.
Persistent inflammation of the eyelids.
Edges of the eyelids become red, swollen, itchy and sore. The eyelashes may be crusty or greasy, causing the eyelids to. Stick together.
Contra- indicated