Bacteria with gram-positive cell wall structure Flashcards
what is the cell wall structure of gram positive bacteria
MRSA clustered SSS (scalded skin syndrome) causes boils, skin inf, osteomyelitis toxic shock syndrome, impetigo (cause formite) grape cluster (staff)
staphylococcus aureus
wool sorter’s Dx
Bacillus anthracis
flaccid paralysis (PNS)
12-36 hours
have to boil water 120 degree C for 20 min
clostridium BOTULINUM
“rusty nails”
8 days
tetanus (lock jaw)
spastic paralysis (CNS)
Clostridium tetani
wound, brown bubbles under skin
24-72 hours
gas gangrene
clostridium perfringens
Rods tuberculosis TINE mantoux ACID FAST stain: lowenstein-Jensen Medium leprosy (Hansen's dx) Lesions-Fall off (inda-leprosy)
rheumatic fever jones criteria
“SPECS” syndenham’s chorea, Polyarthritis
erythema marginatum, Carditis
subcutaneous nodules, Rebecca Lansfield
Mitis-Salivarius Agar, strep throat
scarlet fever, DICK test, strawberry tongue
streptococcus progenies (groupA)
neonatal meningitis
occurs at birth
strep. agalactiae (group B)
subacute bacterial carditis
Strep-> mouth-> kidneys ->heart
streptococcus viridans
“In our mouth”
dental caries
streptococcus mutans
milk and cheese borne disease
listeria monocytogene
aka babes ernst bodies, SCHICK TEST
metachromatic granules
corynebacterium diphtheria